User:Donald Trung/Template:Documents of Joseon and the Korean Empire by period

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This is a draft page for the creation of the Wikimedia Commons navigational template "Template:Documents of Joseon and the Korean Empire by period". It is preserved for transparency, attribution, and the historical record (that is also to view alternative drafts for posterity).

Template model


Note to editors on how to manage collapsibility:

  • Use {{Donald Trung|state=collapsed}} to show this template in its collapsed (hidden) state.
  • Use {{Donald Trung|state=expanded}} to show this template in its expanded (fully visible) state.
  • Use {{Donald Trung|state=autocollapse}} to show this template in its collapsed (hidden) state only if there is another template of the same type on the page. (This is usually the default.)

Category:Category navigational templates for documents

== See also ==

Linked list

Latin script

Traditional Chinese script (漢文)

Korean script (훈민정음)

  • ¹ = Adopted the era name of the Ming dynasty of China.
  • ² = Adopted the era name of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty of China.
  • ³ = The 1st year of Gaeguk (開國, 개국) was officially taken to be 1392 CE; 1894 CE was therefore the 503rd year of Gaeguk (大朝鮮開國五百三年).

Numbered list

Latin script
  1. Hongmu (1392–1398)¹
  2. Geonmun (1399–1402)¹
  3. Hongmu (1402)¹
  4. Yeongnak (1403–1424)¹
  5. Honghui (1425–1425)¹
  6. Seondeok (1426–1435)¹
  7. Jeongtong (1436–1449)¹
  8. Gyeongtae (1450–1457)¹
  9. Cheonsun (1457–1464)¹
  10. Seonghwa (1465–1487)¹
  11. Hongchi (1488–1505)¹
  12. Jeongdeok (1506–1521)¹
  13. Gajeong (1522–1566)¹
  14. Yunggyeong (1567–1572)¹
  15. Mallyeok (1573–1620)¹
  16. Taechang (1620–1621)¹
  17. Cheongye (1621–1627)¹
  18. Sungjeong (1628–1637)¹
  19. Sungdeok (1637–1644)²
  20. Sunchi (1644–1661)²
  21. Ganghui (1662–1722)²
  22. Ongjeong (1723–1735)²
  23. Geollyung (1736–1796)²
  24. Gagyeong (1796–1820)²
  25. Dogwang (1821–1850)²
  26. Hampung (1851–1861)²
  27. Dongchi (1862–1875)²
  28. Gwangseo (1875–1894)²
  29. Gaeguk (1894–1895)³
  30. Geonyang (1896–1897)

  • Korean Empire:
  1. Gwangmu (1897–1907)
  2. Yunghui (1907–1910)
  • ¹ = Adopted the era name of the Ming dynasty of China.
  • ² = Adopted the era name of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty of China.
  • ³ = The 1st year of Gaeguk (開國, 개국) was officially taken to be 1392 CE; 1894 CE was therefore the 503rd year of Gaeguk (大朝鮮開國五百三年).

Bare list

Latin script
  • Hongmu (1392–1398)¹
  • Geonmun (1399–1402)¹
  • Hongmu (1402)¹
  • Yeongnak (1403–1424)¹
  • Honghui (1425–1425)¹
  • Seondeok (1426–1435)¹
  • Jeongtong (1436–1449)¹
  • Gyeongtae (1450–1457)¹
  • Cheonsun (1457–1464)¹
  • Seonghwa (1465–1487)¹
  • Hongchi (1488–1505)¹
  • Jeongdeok (1506–1521)¹
  • Gajeong (1522–1566)¹
  • Yunggyeong (1567–1572)¹
  • Mallyeok (1573–1620)¹
  • Taechang (1620–1621)¹
  • Cheongye (1621–1627)¹
  • Sungjeong (1628–1637)¹
  • Sungdeok (1637–1644)²
  • Sunchi (1644–1661)²
  • Ganghui (1662–1722)²
  • Ongjeong (1723–1735)²
  • Geollyung (1736–1796)²
  • Gagyeong (1796–1820)²
  • Dogwang (1821–1850)²
  • Hampung (1851–1861)²
  • Dongchi (1862–1875)²
  • Gwangseo (1875–1894)²
  • Gaeguk (1894–1895)³
  • Geonyang (1896–1897)

  • Korean Empire:
  • Gwangmu (1897–1907)
  • Yunghui (1907–1910)
Traditional Chinese script (漢文)
  • 洪武 (1368–1398)¹
  • 建文 (1399–1402)¹
  • 洪武 (1402)¹
  • 永樂 (1403–1424)¹
  • 洪熙 (1425–1425)¹
  • 宣德 (1426–1435)¹
  • 正統 (1436–1449)¹
  • 景泰 (1450–1457)¹
  • 天順 (1457–1464)¹
  • 成化 (1465–1487)¹
  • 弘治 (1488–1505)¹
  • 正德 (1506–1521)¹
  • 嘉靖 (1522–1566)¹
  • 隆慶 (1567–1572)¹
  • 萬曆 (1573–1620)¹
  • 泰昌 (1620–1620)¹
  • 天啟 (1621–1627)¹
  • 崇禎 (1628–1637)¹
  • 崇德 (1637–1644)²
  • 順治 (1644–1661)²
  • 康熙 (1662–1722)²
  • 雍正 (1723–1735)²
  • 乾隆 (1736–1796)²
  • 嘉慶 (1796–1820)²
  • 道光 (1821–1850)²
  • 咸豐 (1851–1861)²
  • 同治 (1862–1875)²
  • 光緒 (1875–1908)²
  • 開國 (1894–1895)³
  • 建陽 (1896–1897)

  • 大韓帝國:
  • 光武 (1897–1907)
  • 隆熙 (1907–1910)
Korean script (훈민정음)
  • 홍무 (1368–1398)¹
  • 건문 (1399–1402)¹
  • 홍무 (1402)¹
  • 영락 (1403–1424)¹
  • 홍희 (1425–1425)¹
  • 선덕 (1426–1435)¹
  • 정통 (1436–1449)¹
  • 경태 (1450–1457)¹
  • 천순 (1457–1464)¹
  • 성화 (1465–1487)¹
  • 홍치 (1488–1505)¹
  • 정덕 (1506–1521)¹
  • 가정 (1522–1566)¹
  • 융경 (1567–1572)¹
  • 만력 (1573–1620)¹
  • 태창 (1620–1621)¹
  • 천계 (1621–1627)¹
  • 숭정 (1628–1637)¹
  • 숭덕 (1637–1644)²
  • 순치 (1644–1661)²
  • 강희 (1662–1722)²
  • 옹정 (1723–1735)²
  • 건륭 (1736–1796)²
  • 가경 (1796–1820)²
  • 도광 (1821–1850)²
  • 함풍 (1851–1861)²
  • 동치 (1862–1875)²
  • 광서 (1875–1894)²
  • 개국 (1894–1895)³
  • 건양 (1896–1897)

  • 대한제국:
  • 광무 (1897–1907)
  • 융희 (1907–1910)
  • ¹ = Adopted the era name of the Ming dynasty of China.
  • ² = Adopted the era name of the Manchu-led Qing dynasty of China.
  • ³ = The 1st year of Gaeguk (開國, 개국) was officially taken to be 1392 CE; 1894 CE was therefore the 503rd year of Gaeguk (大朝鮮開國五百三年).



When adding a new category then please count the number of (distinct) era names and then add "|*XX" to the category so it liste chronologically rather than alphabetically. For example the Seondeok period being "|*05" because it's the fifth (5th) distinct period (note that the Homgmu period was restored by the Yeongnak Emperor for a single year). This will also make it easier to find documents chronologically rather than arbitrarily.