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This user has been on Wikimedia Commons for
12 years and 2 days

About Me


I am a self-taught amateur photographer from India. I effectively started photography around 2010 and since then been photographing on and off. Most of my images are taken with a Nikon D90 camera and a few lenses. I currently use a Nikon D750 full frame camera.

I used to be a regular contributor to National Geographic YourShot platform and a number of my images were published in the YourShot Daily selections, as part of stories, as National Geographic Photo-of-the-Day and even as part of News items. Other than that, many of my images got published in numerous Travel and Photography magazines viz. National Geographic Traveller India, Lonely Planet Magazine India, Outlook Traveller, Lonely Planet Travel Magazine UK, Better Photography etc.

My photography is primarily centered around creating simple frames that have elements of emotions or story-telling.

In Wikimedia Commons, I have been active since the year 2012.

Images in Commons

Total: 80
QI: 59
FP: 15
VI: 8

A Dozen
