User:Charles Matthews/DrawShield

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Examples of the use of the DrawShield tool (see Category:Valid SVG created with DrawShield).

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Debrett is Peerage & Baronetage (2000). Rietstap ''Armorial Général'' vol.I p.

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Blazon name Wikidata ref Sourcing for code Original code Code attempt Comment Image
Abberbury d:Q19899758 Papworth's Ordinary, p. 707[2] or a fess doubled embattled at the top, sa. or a fess doubled embattled at the top sable
Abbott of Tenterden Rietstap p.2 De pourpre, à la pile ondée, vairée d'or et de gu., accostée en p. de deux bouses du sec.; au canton d'arg., ch. d'une crosse abbatiale de sa.

Purpure, to the wavy, vairy pile Or and Gules, accosted in base of two water bougets of the second, a canton Argent, charged of an abbey crozier Sable[3]

Purpure, a pile wavy, vairy or and gules higher and smaller, a water bouget or in dexter base smaller higher somewhat to dexter, a water bouget or in sinister base smaller higher somewhat to sinister, a canton argent, charged of an abbot's crozier sable created
Abelyn n/a Foster, Dictionary of Heraldry, p. 1 gules, on a cross patonce argent, five escallops azure gules, a cross patonce argent rather larger slightly lower; overall five escallops azure smaller smaller one and three and one created, positioning could be improved
Abercromby of Birkenbog Argent, a chevron gules, between three boar's heads erased azure created
Alfred Dyke Acland d:Q4722571 Armorial Families 1905 p.3 Chequey argent and sable, a fesse gules, impaling the arms of Smith [see below] chequey argent and sable, a fess gules, impaling argent a chevron azure charged with three leopard heads palewise jessant-de-lys of the field larger larger slightly higher; three oak leaves vert higher each charged with an acorn or much smaller created
Edward de Acton Dictionary of Heraldry p.1 Gules, crusily or, two lyons passant in pale argent Gules crusily or charged with two lions passant argent one and one created
Adair Baronets of Flixton Hall (1838) created
Adam of Blair-Adam [4], Rietstap I p.8 Argent, a mullet pierced, Azure, between three crosses crosslet fitchée, Gules Argent, a mullet pierced azure, between three crosses crosslet fitchy gules created
Adams Baronets (1660) d:Q4680467 Extinct Peerage[5] Erm. three cats passant in pale az. ermine three cats passant azure one and one and one created
Henry Arden Adderley d:Q45353137 Armorial Families 1905 p.8 See below for Sackville-Stopford (sinister) Argent on a bend Azure three mascles argent impaled with quarterly, 1st and 4th quarterly or and gules, a bend vair, 2nd and 3rd azure semy of cross crosslets or three lozenges or created (see note above)
Agbrowe per fess undée azure and gules three saltorelles argent per fess undy azure and gules three small saltires argent created - check? Saltorelle charge not in DrawShield
Aiken element of Chetwood-Aiken or a chevron sable in dexter chief a cock gules reversed in sinister chief a cock gules, in base a hunting horn vert stringed gules larger higher created
Richard Henry Ainsworth [6] Gules, three battle-axes argent gules, three battleaxes argent created
Havelock-Allan Baronets of Lucknow (1858) d:Q17139428 Rietstap I p.905 vert a castle argent shown smaller somewhat higher, between in chief two fleurs-de-lis or shown further apart lower lower, in base a cross crosslet fitchy or shown lower created - Debrett has quartered version
Andrews Baronets of Doddington (1641) d:Q4759112 Rietstap I p.48 De gu. au saut de sin., bordé d'or. gules a saltire vert, fimbriated or created
Andrews Baronets of Lathbury (1661) d:Q4759112 Rietstap I p.49 D'arg. à la bande coticée de sa., ch. de trois etoiles du champ. Argent, a bend sable cotised sable, charged with three mullets of the field created
Andrews Baronets of Shaw Place (1766) Q4759112]] Rietstap I p.49 De gu. au saut d'azur, bordé d'arg., ch. d'un bes. d'or. gules, a saltire azure fimbriated argent, charged with a bezant larger created
Astley Rietstap p. 77 D'azur à une quintefeuille d'herm. Azure a cinquefoil pierced ermine created
Aubrey Baronets of Llantrithyd (1660) d:Q4819206 Reitstap I p.80 D'azur au chev. d'or, acc. de trois têtes d'aigle du même. azure a chevron or, three eagles heads or much smaller somewhat higher created - eagle's head defaults to erased
Richard D'Autry Papworth's Ordinary, p. 707[7] also mentioning Arnold Percy or a fess engra. sa. of five or a fess engrailed sable of five created


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Baker Baronets of Ranston (1802) d:Q4849232 Rietstap I p.102 Ec., aux 1 et 4 d'arg. à la tour de sa., acc. en chef de deux croix pattées du même et en p. d'une clé aussi de sa., posée en pal; au chef d'azur, ch. de deux clés d'or en pals (Baker); aux 2 at 3 d'arg., à la bande coticée de sa., ch. de trois quintefeuilles d'or; au chef de gu., ch. de trois flèches au nat., posées en pal, les pointes en bas (Littlehales). quarterly, 1st and 4th quarters argent a tower sable smaller smaller smaller higher, two crosses paty smaller smaller smaller smaller sable higher higher higher and a key sable palewise much smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller lower lower lower; a chief azure charged with two keys or palewise, 2nd and 3rd quarters argent a bend sable cotised sable charged with three cinquefoils or, a chief gules charged with three arrows reversed proper created
Barclay of Ury House Azure, a chevron ermine, and in chief three crosses patee smaller smaller higher, argent created
Barclay of Urie Az., a chev., and in chief, three crosses-patee, arg. Azure, a chevron, and in chief three crosses patee smaller higher, argent created
David Barclay MP d:Q5231112 reconstruction from small escutcheon here as Barclay of Urie impaled with Williamson Azure, a chevron, and in chief three crosses patee smaller smaller centred higher, argent impaled with Or, a chevron gules, accompanied with three trefoils sable higher higher Azure, a chevron, and in chief five crosses patee smaller smaller centred higher, argent impaled with Or, a chevron gules, accompanied with three trefoils sable higher higher created with workaround - five crosses patee instead of three for the sake of the impaling
Barker Baronets of Grimston Hall (1622) d:Q4860970 Rietstap I p.117 Coupé-nébulé d'sin. sur sa., à trois martinets d'or, 2 sur l'azur et 1 sur le sable; au canton d'herm. Party per fess nebuly, vert and sable, a canton ermine; three martlets or two and one smaller lower created
Barker Baronets of Hambleton (1665) d:Q4860970 Rietstap I p.117 Coupé-nébulé d'or sur azur, à trois martinets de l'un à l'autre. Party per fess nebuly, or and azure, three martlets smaller lower two and one countercharged created
Barker Baronets of Bocking Hall (1676) d:Q4860970 Rietstap I p.117 Coupé-nébulé d'azur sur sa., à trois martinets d'or, 2 sur l'azur et 1 sur le sable; au canton d'herm. Party per fess nebuly, azure and sable, a canton ermine; three martlets or two and one smaller lower created
Barker Baronets of Bushbridge (1781) d:Q4860970 Rietstap I p.117 Divisé en chev. d'or sur sa.; au lion de l'un en l'autre; au canton d'azur, ch. d'une fleur-de-lis or. Party per chevron or and sable, a lion countercharged; a canton azure charged with a fleur de lys or created
Barton of Barton Hall General Armory [8] Ar. three boar's heads couped gu. argent, three boar's heads couped gules larger created
Charles Cutts Barton (1802-1894) d:Q104036791 Bookplate of Charles C. Barton [9]; Solanus, Issue 17 (1982), Page 2 blazon description relating to the Barton Collection of Charles Barton of Roose Hill argent, a chevron gules between three boar's heads couped of the second created
Francis Bassett d:Q26753887 Barry wavy of six or and gules Barry wavy of six or and gules created
Barnewall, Baron Trimelstown et al. d:Q4862875 Rietstap I p. 118 D'herm., à la bord engr. de gu. Ermine, a bordure engrailed gules created
De Beauvoir (Jersey) [10] quarter 2 Azure, a chevron, or, between three cinquefoils, argent. Azure a chevron or, three cinquefoils argent smaller higher created
Beauvoir of Guernsey Rietstap I p.144 D'arg. au chev. de gules, acc. de trois quintefeuilles du même. Argent a chevron gules, three cinquefoils of the same smaller somewhat higher created
à Beckett Armorial Families 1905, p.1 Or, on a chevron gules, between three lions heads erased of the last, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets of the first, all within a bordure wavy of the second Or, on a chevron gules, between three lions heads erased gules, a fleur-de-lis between two annulets or, bordure wavy gules created
Bedingfeld Baronets of Oxburgh d:Q7143020 Rietstap I p.149 D'herm. à l'aigle de gu. ermine an eagle gules created
Beevor Baronets of Hethel (1784) d:Q4880229 Rietstap I p.151 Parti d'or et d'arg, au chef denché de sa., ch. de trois lions ramp. du premier per pale party or and argent, a chief sable indented charged with three lions rampant of the first created
Grattan-Bellew Baronets (1838) d:Q5597712 Debrett p. B86 Quarterly, 1st and 4th sable, fretty or, a crescent argent [f]or difference, Bellew; 2nd and 3rd, per saltire sable and ermine over all a lion rampant or, Grattan. quarterly, 1st and 4th quarters sable fretty or a crescent argent smaller smaller smaller in chief; 2nd and 3rd quarters per saltire sable and ermine a lion rampant or created - not same saltire quarters as Debrett
Bennet, Baron Arlington (1663) d:Q4862113 Rietstap I p. 163 De gu. au besant d'or, acc. de trois lions naiss. d'arg. Gules a bezant or smaller lower between three demi-lions argent created
Bennett Baronets (1929) d:Q4889761 Debrett p. B90 Gules, a cross between three demi-lions or. gules, a cross moline or smaller smaller a little lower; in chief two demi-lions or smaller, and in base a demi-lion or charged
Robert Benson, Baron Bingley d:Q111640 Rietstap I p.164 D'arg. à trois trèfles de sa., posés en bandes, rangés entre deux cotices de gu. Argent, a bend argent cotised gules, charged with three trefoils sable palewise larger larger created
Bethune (Sharp) Baronets of Scotscraig (1683) d:Q4898121 Armorial Families 1929 p.146 Azure, a fesse chequy or and gules, between three lozenges of the second. azure, a fess chequy or and gules, between three lozenges or created
James Jenkinson Bibby d:Q75437887 [11] Azure, on a saltier argent, between two escallops in pale or, and as many mullets in fesse of the second, a lion rampant gules azure, a fess azure charged with two mullets azure smaller smaller smaller between two mullets argent; a pale azure charged with three escallops or higher higher; overall a saltire argent charged with a lion rampant gules larger larger larger much larger created - corrected metal. Workaround used for placements
Bibby baronets d:Q4902983 w:Bibby baronets, Debrett p. B94 Azure a saltire parted and fretty Argent surmounted in fess point by a lion rampant Pean between two escallops in pale and as many mullets of six points in fess of the second azure, a fess azure charged with two mullets azure smaller smaller smaller between two mullets argent; a pale azure charged with three escallops argent higher higher; overall a saltire parted and fretty argent charged with a lion rampant pean larger larger larger much larger created, workaround from JJ Bibby used
Bird Baronets (1922) D:Q4915924 Debrett p. B96 Vert, on a pale or two popinjays of the field, on a chief ermine three garbs of the second Vert on a pale or two popinjays of the field, on a chief ermine three garbs of the second ✓[OK]
Birkin Baronets (1905) d:Q4916491 Debrett p. B97 Argent a cross raguly couped vert between in the 1st and 4th quarters, a bee volant, and in the 2nd and 3rd a birch tree eradicated proper Argent a cross raguly couped vert a bee volant smaller in dexter chief a birch tree eradicated proper in sinister chief a birch tree eradicated proper in dexter base higher higher smaller smaller much to the dexter a bee volant smaller smaller higher higher in sinister base much to the sinister Created - bee volant?
Birkmyre Baronets (1921) d:Q16965090 Debrett p. B98 Per chevron argent and sable, in chief two eagles heads erased and in base a thistle leaved and slipped all proper Per chevron argent and sable in chief two eagles heads erased proper and in base a thistle leaved and slipped proper Created - charges
Blackett Baronets d:Q4922817 Debrett p. B99 Argent, on a chevron between three mullets pierced sable three escallops of the field. Argent a chevron sable charged with three escallops of the field palewise larger larger, in chief argent two mullets pierced sable; and in base a mullet pierced sable higher created
Blake Baronets of Twizell (1772) d:Q4924518 Rietstap I p. 211 D'arg au chev. de sa., acc. de trois gerbes du même; au canton d'azur, ch. d'une frette d'or. Argent a chevron sable, between three garbs sable; a canton azure charged with a fret or created
Blaker Baronets (1919) d:Q16938042 Debrett p. B104 Ermine three chevronelles, in chief two towers sable Ermine three chevronels sable, in dexter chief a tower sable a little smaller, in sinister chief a tower sable a little smaller created
Blakeway Papworth p. 255[12] arg. on a bend sa. eng. three bezants argent a bend engrailed sable charged with three bezants a little larger created
Bland of Kippax Reitstap p.213 D'arg., à la bande de sa., ch. de trois phéons d'or, posés dans le sens de la bande, les pointes en bas argent a bend sable, charged with three pheons or larger larger bendwise created
Michael Bland d:Q21166735 From File:Michael Bland coat of arms.png n/a quarterly argent and or, a bend sable, charged with three pheons or larger larger bendwise created
Nathaniel Crumpe-Bland d:Q75659446 Ermine on a bend Sable cottised Gules three pheons Or Ermine on a bend Sable cottised Gules three pheons Or created
Nathaniel Bland d:Q1966718 From engraving, without impaling See entries for Bland and O'Neill quartered 1st and 4th Ermine on a bend Sable cottised Gules three pheons Or 2nd and 3rd Argent, a chief argent in chief three mullets gules a base argent in base a salmon naiant proper higher higher an apaumy sinister hand Gules smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller higher higher higher, supported by 2 lions rampant combatant Gules smaller smaller smaller higher higher created, layout issues in quarters 2 and 3; can now add "sea"
Barons de Blaquiere d:Q4862935 Rietstap I p. 214 D'herm. au lion de sa., ch. sur l'épaule d'une étoile rayonnante (6) d'or Ermine a lion sable, overall a six-pointed star or smaller smaller smaller higher created
Lynch-Blosse Baronets (1622) d:Q6708411 Debrett p. B111 Azure, a chevron between three trefoils slipped or Azure a chevron or, between three trefoils or created
Blunden Baronets (1766) d:Q4930758 Debrett p. B113 Quarterly: 1st and 4th argent, ten billets four, three, two, and one, sable; 2nd and 3rd, or a lion passant-guardant per pale gules and sable. Quarterly 1st and 4th quarters argent, ten billets sable, four and three and two and one, 2nd and 3rd quarters or a lion passant guardant per pale gules and sable created
Blunt Baronets (1720) d:Q4930781 Debrett p. B114 Per pale or and sable, barry nebuly of six counterchanged. per pale or and sable, barry nebuly of six counterchanged created - blemish at bottom
Walter Deeble Boger

High Sheriff of Cornwall 1 and 4. Azure, three scope-staves, or dibbles, argent, for Dibble. 2 and 3. Sable, a cross argent, two roses in chief of the same, for Wolsdon. quarterly, 1st and 4th azure three scope-staves argent 2nd and 3rd sable a cross argent, two roses in chief of the same created
Walter Deeble Boger Armorial Families 1905 p.132 Gules, on a chevron argent, between two cinquefoils in chief or and an escutcheon in base of the last, charged with a rose of the field, barbed and seeded proper, three pallets sable; quartering Deeble and Wolsdon. Gules on a chevron argent three pallets sable, a chief gules charged with two cinquefoils or; in base an escutcheon or a little larger charged with a rose of the field, barbed and seeded proper created
Boileau Baronets (1820) d:Q4938323 Debrett p. B114 Azure, a castle triple towered or, masoned sable, and in base a crescent of the second. azure a castle triple towered or masoned sable; a crescent or smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller much lower much lower much lower much lower much lower created
Bondeli d:Q892219 Rietstap p.242 Coupé: au 1 d'arg. à la croix ancrée d'azur; a 2 d'azur un poisson nageant d'arg. per fess argent and azure, a cross anchory azure in fess much higher higher and a fish argent much lower lower lower lower created
Bonham Baronets (1852) d:Q4941951 Debrett p. B119 Sable, a chevron nebulée between three crosses patée fitchée at the foot argent; on a canton of the last a squirrel sejant gules. sable a chevron argent nebuly between three crosses paty fitchy argent; a canton argent charged with a squirrel sejant gules created
Bonsor Baronets (1925) d:Q4942594 Debrett p. B120 Per fesse azure and argent, a pale counterchanged, three lions' heads erased or, on a chief also or three roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. per fess azure and argent, a pale counterchanged, a lion head or erased in dexter chief much lower much lower, a lion head or erased in sinister chief much lower much lower, a lion head or erased in base smaller a little smaller higher; a chief or charged with three roses gules barbed and seeded proper created - third lion head distortion
Boord Baronets (1896) d:Q4943763 Debrett p. B121 Per fesse azure and gules, a goat's head erased within an orle of eight martlets argent per fess azure and gules, in orle eight martlets argent larger larger larger; overall a goat's head erased argent larger larger larger updated - "in orle" replaced by "in annulo", since in orle is no longer on
Borrowes Baronets (1646) d:Q4946635 Foster p. 60[13] Or, on a cross gules (the red cross of De Burgh) five mullets pierced, arg; in the dexter chief, a lion passant guardant of the second. or a cross gules charged with five mullets pierced argent a little smaller; in dexter chief a lion passant guardant of the second created
Borthwick Baronets (1908), also Baron Glenesk d:Q4946752 Debrett p. B126 Argent, a cinque foil sable, on a chief sable invected of the last two cinquefoils of the first. argent a cinquefoil sable much smaller, a chief sable invected charged with two cinquefoils argent created
Rouse-Boughton Baronets d:Q7371315 Rietstap II p.620, also [14] for name correction Ec., au 1 et 4 de sa. à deux fasces engr. d'arg.(Rouse), au 2 d'arg. au chev. de sa., acc. de trois trèfles du même et ch. de trois rencontres de cerf d'or; au chef de gules, ch. d'un bouc pass. d'arg. (Broughton de Loughton); au 3 de sa. à trois croiss. d'or (Boughton). quarterly, 1st and 4th quarters sable two bars engrailed argent; 2nd quarter argent a chevron sable charged with three stag's heads or palewise larger larger, accompanied by three trefoils sable smaller a little higher, a chief gules charged with a goat passant argent; 3rd quarter sable three crescents or smaller created
Bowyer Baronets of Denham Court (1660) d:Q4951459 Rietstap I p.277, also Foster[15] Or, a bend vaire cotised sa. Or a bend vair cotised sable created
Bowyer Baronets of Knipersley (1660) d:Q4951459 Rietstap I p.277 D'arg. au lion gu., acc. de trois croix recr. au pied fiché du même. Argent a lion gules much smaller; in dexter chief a cross crosslet fitchy of the same smaller, in sinister chief a cross crosslet fitchy of the same smaller; in base a cross crosslet fitchy of the same smaller created
Boyce Baronets of Badgeworth d:Q4952262 Debrett p.B138 Or, on a chevron gules an open book proper edges and clasps of the first on a chief of the second a portcullis chained also of the first between two swords erect also proper pomels and hilts gold (sic). or a chevron gules charged with an open book proper edges and clasps of the first much larger much larger; a chief gules charged with a portcullis chained or between two swords erect proper pomels and hilts or much smaller much smaller smaller much higher much higher much higher created
Boyd Baronets of Howth House (1916) d:Q4952399 Debrett p.B139 Azure a fess chequy argent and gules between three estoiles or. azure a fess chequy argent and gules between three estoiles or created
Boyle Baronets of Ockham (1904) d:Q4952536 Debrett p.B140 Per bend raguly gules and argent, two staves raguly in bend counterchanged. per bend raguly gules and argent, two ragged staves bendwise much larger much larger counterchanged created
Bradstreet Baronets (1759) d:Q4955126 Rietstap I p.281 D'arg., au lévrier pass. de gules; au chef de sa., ch. de trois croiss. d'or. Argent, a greyhound passant gules; a chief sable charged with three crescents or created - greyhound should be passant
Briscoe Baronets of Bourn Hall (1910) d:Q4968663 Debrett p.144 Argent, two greyhounds courant sable, on a chief arched of the last two roses of the first, barbed and seeded proper. argent two greyhounds courant sable in pale much larger, a chief arched sable charged with two roses argent, barbed and seeded proper created
Thomas Palfrey Broadmead d:Q76367135 [16]] Argent, in a base on a mount, a stag lodged proper, and on a chief azure three acorns slipped or. On an escutcheon of pretence, for Bucknell, two chevrons gules between three buck's heads cabossed sable. argent, a base arched vert and a stag lodged proper; a chief azure charged with three acorns inverted slipped or; overall on an escutcheon argent, two chevrons gules between three stag's heads sable lower created - should be buck's heads rather than stag's heads (different?), and base arched vert for mount
Broke Baronets of Nacton (1661) (as for Brooke) d:Q4973278 Rietstap I p.308 D'or à la croix engrêlée partie de gu. et de sa. or a cross engrailed per pale gules and sable created
Broughton Baronets (1660) d:Q4975849 Debrett p.B153 Argent, two bars gules; on a canton of the second a cross of the field. argent, two bars gules; a canton of the second charged with a cross of the first created
John Lambart Broughton d:Q75504263 Armorial Families 1905, p.169 argent, two bars gules, on a canton of the second a cross of the first, a crescent for difference, and impaling the arms of Adderley, argent, on a bend azure, three mascles of the field argent, two bars gules, in chief a crescent gules much smaller much smaller,, a canton of the second charged with a cross of the first; impaling argent, a bend azure charged with three mascles argent created

Frances Katharine Josepha Broughton, memorial

d:Q75504515 For File:St Andrew, Kilverstone, Norfolk - Wall monument - - 1700091.jpg Quarters 1-2-4 for the father Thomas Delves Broughton; Q3 for Elizabeth Hester Rowlls Legh, paternal grandmother quarterly, 1st argent , two bars gules, a canton of the second charged with a cross of the first; 2nd argent, a chevron gules fretty or between three sods sable; 3rd azure, two bars argent, a bend compony or and gules; 4th argent , two bars gules, a canton of the second charged with a cross of the first created - crescent is spurious
Charles Gage Brown d:Q103897844 Armorial Families 1905 p.170 Argent, a fesse wavy between two estoiles in chief and a saltire couped in base, all azure. argent a fess wavy azure, in chief two estoiles azure, in base a saltire couped azure larger higher created
Bunbury Baronets of Stanney Hall (1681).svg d:Q4997432 Debrett p.B170 Argent, on a bend sable three chess-rooks of the field. argent, on a bend sable three chess rooks of the field larger larger bendwise created
Bunbury, 1787 quartering Debrett p.B171, quartering from Richardson-Bunbury ermine, a chess rook between two leopards' faces in bend between two bendlets sable ermine, two bendlets sable, a chess rook sable bendwise much smaller much smaller higher a little higher to dexter; in dexter chief a leopard's head sable bendwise, in sinister chief a leopard's head sable bendwise much lower much lower much lower much lower much lower to dexter created
Burnett Baronets of Leys d:Q4999693 Rietstap II p.339 D'arg. à trois feuilles de houx de sin., rangés en chef, et un cor-de-chasse sa., lié de gu., en p. argent, in chief three holly leaves vert much larger lower, in base a hunting horn sable stringed gules shown much larger much larger much higher higher created
Burnett Baronets of Selborne House (1913) d:Q4999693 Debrett p.B174 Per chevron or and sable, two holly leaves in chief vert, in base a hunting horn of the first, stringed argent. per chevron or and sable, in chief two holly leaves vert much larger larger much lower, in base a hunting horn or stringed argent shown much larger much larger higher created
Burrard Baronets of Walhampton (1769) d:Q2884800 [17] Az., a lion, passant, arg., between two estoiles, and a cross-crosslet, fitchée, in base, of the second; on a chief, or, two lions, rampant, combatant, gu., supporting a hand, of the last. azure a lion passant argent smaller between two estoiles argent smaller much higher much higher and a cross crosslet fitchy argent much smaller much smaller smaller much lower much lower much lower; a chief or charged with two lions combatant gules, a hand erect gules much smaller much smaller much smaller much higher much higher much higher much higher much higher created
Blazon of Burrard Baronets of Lymington (1807) d:Q2884800 [18] Per fesse, embattled, gu. and az., a lion passant, erminois, between three stars of six points, or; on a canton ar., a sword, erect, ppr. per fesse embattled gules and azure, a lion passant erminois smaller, between three mullets of six points or smaller; on a canton sinister argent, a sword erect proper created
Burrell Baronets d:Q5000409 Rietstap I p. 340, translation Vert, 3 escutcheons Argent, charged each one of a bordure engrailed Or Vert three escutcheons argent with a bordure engrailed Or created


Blazon name Wikidata ref Sourcing for code Original code Code attempt Comment Image
Cave-Browne-Cave Baronets of Stanford (1641) d:Q5054877 Debrett p.B208 Quarterly: 1st and 4th, azure, fretty argent, Cave; 2nd and 3rd, azure, a chevron between three escallops or, a bordure engrailed gules. quarterly, 1st and 4th, azure fretty argent; 2nd and 3rd, azure a chevron or between three escallops or shown smaller, a bordure engrailed gules created - bordure rendering issue
Cave Baronets of Cleve Hill (1896) d:Q5054931 Debrett p.B207 Azure, fretty argent, on a fesse or a greyhound courant sable, collared of the second, a bordure of the third pelletée. azure fretty argent, a fess or charged with a greyhound courant sable shown much larger a little lower, collared argent; a bordure or seme of pellets created - greyhound needs collar
Chetwood-Aiken Element of Edmund Armitage Hardy, impaled quarterly 1st and 4th quarters or a chevron sable in dexter chief a cock gules reversed in sinister chief a cock gules, in base a hunting horn vert stringed gules larger higher 2nd and 3rd quarters, quarterly argent and gules, four crosses paty counter-changed created
Clavering Baronets (1661) d:Q5129611 Rietstap I p.430 Ec. d'or et de gu., à la bande de sa., br. sur le tout. Quarterly or and gules, a bend sable created
Cole baronets of Brancepeth (1640) d:Q5142697 Burke's Baronetcies 1844 Arg., a fesse eng. sa., between three scorpions Argent, a fess engrailed sable, between three scorpions inverted sable lower created
Baron Cope d:Q8007106 Armorial Families 1929 p.428 Quarterly ermine and azure, a chapeau gules turned up of the first, between two greyhounds courant in pale or quarterly ermine and azure, in chief a greyhound courant or shown larger somewhat lower, in base a greyhound courant or shown larger somewhat higher; overall a chapeau gules shown larger created - chapeau should be turned up ermine
Oswin Cumming Baker-Cresswell d:Q75607647 [19] quarterly-1 and 4, erminois, three torteaux, two and one, each charged with a squirrel sejant argent (Cresswell). 2 and 3. Gules, a goat statant argent, armed and crined or, between three saltires of the last. quarterly, 1st and 4th quarters erminois, three torteaux, two and one, each charged with a squirrel sejant argent smaller, 2nd and 3rd quarters gules, a goat statant argent smaller higher, armed and crined or, between three saltires or smaller smaller smaller higher higher created - details of goat charge not there
Fairlie-Cuninghame Baronets of Robertland (1630) d:Q5430539 Debrett p.286 Quarterly, 1st and 4th argent a shake-fork between a bugle-horn in chief and two castles in base sable, Cuninghame; 2nd and 3rd, or, a lion rampant and in chief three stars gules, Fairlie. quarterly, 1st and 4th argent a shakefork sable, in chief a hunting horn, in base two castles shown further apart much higher much higher higher all of the second, 2nd and 3rd or a lion rampant gules smaller higher, a chief or charged with three stars of six points gules created
Crispe Baronets (1665) d:Q5186013 Rietstap I p. 486 D'arg. au chev. de sa., ch. de cinq fers-à-cheval or, les bouts en bas Argent, a chevron sable charged with five horseshoes or created, software issued was fixed on
Curll Baronets (1678) d:Q5194877 Rietstap I p. 497 De sin. au chev. engr. d'or. vert a chevron engrailed or created
Cutts Baronets (1660) d:Q5197018 Rietstap I p. 498 D'arg. a la bande engr. de sable, ch. de trois bes. d'arg. argent, a bend engrailed sable, charged with three plates argent created


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Darell baronets of West Woodhey (1622) d:Q5222519 Rietstap I p. 511 D'azur au lion d'or, arm., lamp. et cour de gu. Azure a lion rampant or, armed, tongued and crowned gules created
Darell baronets of Richmond Hill (1795) d:Q5222519 Debrett p. B299 Azure, a lion rampant or ducally crowned argent. Azure a lion rampant or ducally crowned argent created
Sir Ralph Darling created - canton missing Corunna medal
Sir Thomas Darnell, 1st Baronet created
Dashwood Baronets (1684) d:Q5226771 Debrett p. B300 Argent, on a fesse double cotised gules three gryphons' heads erased or Argent, on a fess gules double cotised gules three gryphons heads erased or created
Ferguson Davie Baronets (1847) d:Q5444231 Debrett p. B299 Quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent a chevron sable between three mullets pierced gules; 2nd and 3rd, argent three cinquefoils or, upon a chief of the last a lion passant, gules Quarterly, 1st and 4th quarters argent a chevron sable between three mullets pierced gules; 2nd and 3rd quarters argent three cinquefoils or, a chief or charged with a lion passant gules created
Davis Baronets of Hollywood (1845) d:Q5241996 Rietstap I p. 515 D'arg. au chev. nébulé de sa., acc. de quatre molettes (5) du même, 3 rangées en chef et 1 posée en p. Argent a chevron nebuly sable, on chief argent three mullets sable; in base a mullet sable smaller created
Delves File:DelvesArms.png Argent, a chevron gules fretty or between three delves sable Argent, a chevron gules fretty or between three sods sable created
Dick-Cunyngham Baronets d:Q24965700 Rietstap I p.534 Ec., aux 1 et 4 d'arg. à un pairle alésé de sa. et une bord. d'herm. (Cunyngham); aux 2 et 3 à la fasce d'azur, acc. en chef de deux étoiles de gu., et en p. d'une tête et col du cerf du même; à la bord. d'or (Dick). quarterly 1st and 4th argent, a shakefork sable, a bordure ermine, 2nd and 3rd argent a fess azure, in chief two mullets gules smaller lower, a bordure or, in base a stag's head gules smaller higher higher a little higher
current version problematic: blazon as


1st and 4th argent, a shakefork sable, a bordure ermine;
2nd and 3rd ermine a fess azure, in chief two mullets gules smaller, in base a stag's head erased gules much larger;;

overall a bordure or[1]

is closer, but (a) hart's head required, (b) rendering not good||created - stag's head||

Dickson Baronets of Sornbeg (1695) d:Q5273812 Rietstap I p.535 D'arg. à trois étoiles rayonnantes gu.; au chef du même, ch. de trois bes. d'or. argent three estoiles gules; a chief gules charged with three bezants created
Dixwell Baronets d:Q5285002 Rietstap I p. 544 D'arg. au chev. de gu., acc. de trois fleurs-de-lis sa. Argent a chevron gules, three fleurs-de-lys sable smaller higher created
Dorman Baronets (1923) d:Q5298066 Debrett p. B324 Argent, two bars azure, each charged with as many roses of the field, barbed and seeded proper, over all a lozenge sable charged with a lion's head or Argent two bars azure in dexter chief a rose argent barbed and seeded proper smaller smaller lower lower lower in sinister chief a rose argent barbed and seeded proper smaller smaller lower lower lower in dexter chief a rose argent barbed and seeded proper smaller smaller much lower much lower much lower much lower a little lower in sinister chief a rose argent barbed and seeded proper smaller smaller much lower much lower much lower much lower a little lower; overall a lozenge sable larger larger a little higher charged with a lion's head erased or smaller created
D'Oyly Baronets of Shottisham (1663) d:Q5203173 Rietstap II p. 370 De gu. à trois rencontres de cerf arg. gules three stag's heads argent created
D'Oyly Baronets of Chislehampton (1666).svg d:Q5203173 Rietstap II p. 370 D'or à deux cotices azure or two narrow bends azure created
Dumaresq differenced (1) [20]], quarter 4 Gules, three escallops, or, a fleur-de-lis, for difference. Gules three escallops or; a fleur de lis or much smaller much smaller smaller a little higher created
Dumaresq differenced (2) [21]], quarter 3 Gules, three escallops, or, a fleur-de-lis, for difference. Gules three escallops or; a crescent or much smaller much smaller much smaller created
Dunbar Baronets of Baldoon (1664) d:Q5899019 Rietstap I p.574 Du gu. au lion d'arg.; à la bord du même, ch. de dix roses du champ. Gules, a lion argent; a bordure argent, charged with ten roses gules larger created
Dyer Baronets (1678) d:Q5318571 Rietstap I p. 584 D'or; au chef dentellé de gu. Or, a chief indented gules created


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Earle Baronets of Craglethorpe (1629) d:Q5326484 Rietstap I p.585 De gu. à la fasce d'arg., acc. de trois canards du même. gules a fess argent, between three ducks argent created
Earle Baronets of Allerton Tower (1869) d:Q5326484 Debrett p.B346 Argent, three pallets ermines argent, three pallets counter-ermine created
Joseph Evans 1817-1889, coal owner [22] Sable, three nag's heads erased argent, on a chief nebuly or, a pale gules charged with an estoile of the third, between two estoiles of the second. sable, three nag's heads erased argent; a chief nebuly or charged with a pale gules; in chief an estoile or; in dexter chief an estoile argent higher larger and in sinister chief an estoile argent higher larger created
Every Baronets (1641) d:Q16835920 Debrett p.B368 Erminois, two chevronels azure between two other gules. erminois, a chevronel gules abased; two chevronels azure; a chevronel gules enhanced created


Blazon name Wikidata ref Sourcing for code Original code Code attempt Comment Image
Fairbairn Baronets of Ardwick (1869) d:Q5429985 Debrett p.B373 Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules, three bezants. Argent, a chevron gules charged with three bezants larger a little higher; three boar's heads couped gules higher created
Farington baronets of Chichester (1697) Burke, Baronetcies, p.192 arg. a chev. gu. between three leopards' heads sa. argent a chevron gules between three leopard's heads sable created
Feilden baronets d:Q5441548 Debrett p.B379 Argent, on a fess cotised azure, between two martlets in chief and a rose in base gules, barbed and seeded proper, three lozenges or. argent, a fess azure cotised azure charged with three lozenges or; in chief two martlets gules slightly smaller, and in base a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper created
William Fellows, Norroy King of Arms in the 16th century Papworth, p.793 Arg. on a fess nebuly ermines three griffin's heads erased or Azure, a fess nebuly ermine between 3 griffin's heads erased or created, File:Arms of William Fellow.svg is differently blazoned
Colyer-Fergusson Baronets (1866) d:Q5150348 Debrett p. B383 Argent, a lion rampant azure armed and langued gules, on a chief engrailed of the last a mullet between two cinquefoils of the first argent, a lion rampant azure armed and langued gules, a chief engrailed gules; in dexter chief a cinquefoil argent higher, in chief a mullet argent, in sinister chief a cinquefoil argent higher created
ffolkes Baronets (1774) d:Q5446219 Debrett p.B284 Per pale vert and gules, a fleur-de-lis argent. per pale vert and gules, a fleur-de-lis argent created
Fisher Baronets of St Giles (1627) created
Hesketh-Fleetwood Baronets (1838) Quarterly: 1st and 4th, per pale-nebuly Azure and Or, 6 trip hammers counterchanged, set in two pales, a canton Argent (Fleetwood); 2nd and 3rd, Argent, a bend Sable, charged of three garb Or, set bendwise, a chief Azure, charged of an eagle displayed issuant Proper, this quarter accompanied of a bordure Or, semy of spots Ermine Sable (Hesketh) quarterly, 1st and 4th per pale-nebuly azure and or, a canton argent 6 martlets two and two and two counter-changed, 2nd and 3rd argent a bend sable charged with three garbs or bendwise, and a chief azure, charged of an eagle displayed issuant proper smaller a little lower; overall a bordure erminois created - error message "No proper colour for eagle"
Fletcher (Boughey) Quarter from Debrett p. B130 sable, a cross wavy erminois between four plates, each charged with an arrow in bend sable of the first, Fletcher sable, a cross wavy erminois between four plates charged with an arrow inverted bendwise smaller sable created
St Clair-Ford Baronets (1793) d:Q7592809 Debrett p.B399 Per pale gules and or, two bends vaire; on a canton of the second a greyhound courant sable. Per pale gules and or, two bends vair; on a canton of, a greyhound courant sable created
Fortescue Baronets of Salden d:Q5472570 Rietstap I p. 695 D'arg. à la bande engr. de sa., coticée du même. argent a bend engrailed sable, cotised sable created 100px]]
Foster Baronets of Glyde Court (1831) d:Q8564924 Rietstap I p.697 (Stonehouse) D'arg. au chev. de sin., acc. de trois cors-de-chasse de sa.,, liés de gu. argent a chevron vert, three hunting horns sable smaller higher stringed gules created
Foster Baronets of Norwich (1838) d:Q8564924 Reistap I p. 696 D'arg. à deux têtes du cerf au nat., entre deux chevrons diminués d'azur, accompagnés de trois cors-de-chasse de sa.,, liés de gu. argent, a chevronel azure abased, a chevronel azure enhanced; two stag's heads proper smaller smaller a little smaller higher; in chief two hunting horns sable stringed gules smaller smaller higher, in base a hunting horn sable stringed gules higher created
Foulis baronets (1619) d:Q5474203, d:Q7526398 Rietstap I p.697-8 (baronet 1619 O.S.) D'arg., à trois feuilles de laurier sin., les tiges en bas argent three laurel leaves vert created
Fox Baron Holland d:Q4862492 Rietstap I pp.699-700 D'herm. au chev. d'azur, ch. de trois têtes de renard; au canton du sec. ch.d'une fleur-de-lis d'or Ermine, on a canton azure a fleur-de-lys or, and on a chevron azure three fox heads or larger created
Fox-Strangways, Earl of Ilchester d:Q5326295 File:Fox-StrangwaysArms.png quarterly 1st and 4th Sable, two lions passant paly of six argent and gules one and one 2nd and 3rd Ermine, on a canton azure a fleur-de-lys or, and on a chevron azure three fox heads or larger created
Frederick Baronets (1723) d:Q5499181 Debrett p.B405 Or, on a chief azure three doves argent Or, a chief azure charged with three doves argent created
Freeman Baronets (1945) d:Q5501046 Debrett p.B406 Per fesse azure and vair ancient, three fusils in chief and a crescent in base or, a bordure engrailed gules Per fess azure and vair ancient; in chief three fusils or lower lower larger and in base a crescent or; a bordure engrailed gules created
Fremantle, Baron Cottesloe d:Q4862279 Burke 1903 p.372 Vert, three bars erm., surmounted by a lion rampant, gu., murally crowned, or, in chief two plates vert three bars ermine, in chief two plates much smaller much smaller higher a little higher; overall a lion rampant gules murally crowned or much larger much larger larger higher created
Furness Baronets (1913) d:Q5509664 Debrett p.B409 Per saltire argent and or, a talbot, sejant sable, on a chief wavy gules charged w three plates. per saltire argent and or, a talbot sejant sable; a chief wavy gules charged with three plates created


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Gathorne Rietstap I p.747 (quartering) parti d'arg. et d'or, à la bande comp. d'azur et de gules, bri. sur le parti et acc. de deux tourt. de sa., posés chacun au centre d'un annulet du même (Gathorne). party per pale argent and or, a bend compony gules and azure; in sinister chief a roundel sable smaller smaller on an annulet sable and in dexter base a roundel sable smaller smaller on an annulet sable higher and somewhat to dexter created
Gibbons Baronets (1752) d:Q5558913 Debrett p.B416 Gules, a lion rampant or debruised by a bend argent charged with a torteau between two crosses patée-fitchée sable. gules, a lion rampant or; a bend argent charged with three crosses paty fitchy sable bendwise; overall a roundel gules smaller smaller created
Gilbey Baronets (1893) d:Q5561455 Debrett p.B419 Gules, a fesse nebulée or, in chief, a horse rampant between two estoiles, and the like in base, all of the last. gules, a fess nebuly or, in chief, a horse rampant or larger higher between two estoiles of 8 points or larger higher; in base a horse rampant or, in dexter base an estoile of 8 points or smaller higher somewhat to dexter to dexter, in sinister base an estoile of 8 points or smaller higher somewhat to sinister to sinister created
Gilmour Baronets of Craigmillar (1678) d:Q5562554 Rietstap I p.777 D'azur au chev. d'or, en chef de deux fleurs-de-lis du même, et en p. d'une plume à écrire d'arg. en pal, le bec en bas. azure a chevron or; in chief two fleurs-de-lis or, in base a quill argent larger larger larger higher created
Gilmour of Eaglesham (1871) [23] Arg. on a chevron invected between three trefoils slipped vert as many hunting-horns of the first. argent, a chevron vert invected charged with three hunting horns of the first larger larger somewhat larger a little higher palewise; in dexter chief a trefoil vert lower, in sinister chief a trefoil vert lower, in base a trefoil vert larger somewhat higher created
Gilmour Baronets (1897) d:Q5562554 Debrett P.B421 Argent, on a chevron between three trefoils slipped vert, as many bugle horns of the first. argent, a chevron vert charged with three hunting horns of the first larger larger somewhat larger palewise; in dexter chief a trefoil vert lower, in sinister chief a trefoil vert lower, in base a trefoil vert larger somewhat higher created
Sir Richard Gilpin, 1st Baronet d:Q7528580 [24] Or, a boar passant sable, in chief two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. or, a boar passant sable lower; in chief two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper created
Godfrey Baronets (1785) d:Q17125283 [25] Argent, a griffin passant wings indorsed sable between three lion's heads erased gules. argent, a griffin passant wings indorsed sable smaller smaller; in dexter chief a lion's heads erased gules, in sinister chief a lion's heads erased gules, in base a lion's heads erased gules somewhat smaller created
Hamond-Graeme Baronets of Hilly Grove (1783) d:Q5645933 Foster p.288[26] Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Or, three roses and a bordure gu., on a chief sa. as many escallops of the field (Graeme); 2nd and 3rd, Arg., on a chevron sa. between two pellets each charged with a martlet arg. in chief, and an oak-wreath ppr. in base, three escallops or, a bordure engrailed vert, Hamond. quarterly, 1st and 4th, or, three roses gules and a bordure of the second, a chief sable charged with three escallops or; 2nd and 3rd, argent a chevron sable charged with three escallops or palewise, in dexter chief a pellet, in dexter chief a martlet argent shown smaller somewhat smaller, in sinister chief a pellet, in sinister chief a martlet argent shown smaller somewhat smaller, in base a chaplet vert shown higher higher, a bordure engrailed vert created - chaplet should be am oak wreath
Gregg of Derby d:Q22087320 Magna Britannia [27] or, three trefoils, slipped, between two chevronels, sable; in the dexter chief point, an eagle regardant, with the wings expanded, of the second or 2 chevronels 3 trefoils in chevron palewise shown much higher and much smaller sable an eagle displayed in dexter chief of the same created
Gresley Baronets of Nether Seale (1611) d:Q5607610 Rietstap I p. 825 Vairé de herm. et de gu. vairy of ermine and gules created
Charles Gresley d:Q75777983 From File:Memorial to Charles Gresley in Lichfield Cathedral.jpg vairy of ermine and gules, impaled with or a lion gules created, error in title date
Richard Grey, 3rd Earl of Kent From File:Coat of arms of Sir Richard Grey, 3rd Earl of Kent, KG.png quarterly 1st and 4th Barry of six argent and azure in chief three torteaux smaller higher 2nd and 3rd quarterly 1st and 4th or a maunch gules 2nd and 3rd barry of ten argent and azure 8 martlets gules in orle created - martlets in orle not right
Gunning Baronets (1778) d:Q5619262 Debrett p. B461 Gules, on a fess erminois between three doves argent, as many crosses formée per pale gules and azure Gules, on a fess erminois between three doves argent as many crosses formée per pale gules and azure created



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Halford Baronets of Welham (1706) d:Q5641892 Rietstap I p.875 D'arg. à un lévrier pass. de sa., au chef d'azur, ch. de trois fleurs-de-lis d'or. argent a greyhound passant sable, a chief azure charged with three fleurs-de-lis or created
Halsey Baronets (1920) d:Q5643542 Debrett p. B466 Argent, on a pile sable three griffins heads erased of the field argent on a pile sable three griffins heads larger erased of the field created
Halton Baronets of Samford (1642) d:Q5643671 Rietstap I p.877 Parti d'azur et de gu.; au lion d'arg., bri. sur le parti. per pale party azure and gules, overall a lion argent shown much larger much larger created
Stirling-Hamilton Baronets (1672) d:Q7617550 Debrett p. B466 Gules, three cinquefoils within a bordure argent gules three cinquefoils within a bordure argent created
Hammick Baronets (1834) d: Debrett p. B471 Paly of four or and vert, a bordure of ermine charged with seven hurts, on a chief azure a lion passant argent paly of four or and vert, a bordure of ermine charged with twelve hurts, overall a chief azure charged with a lion passant argent ✓[OK]
Baron Hampton

See Pakington

d:Q808623 Debrett p.P758 . per chevron sable and argent, in chief three mullets pierced or, in base three garbs gules created - larger garbs
Hanham Baronets (1667) d:Q5648150 Debrett p. B472 Quarterly or and gules, on a bend sable, three crosses paté fitchée of the first quarterly or and gules, on a bend sable, three crosses patty fitchy or bendwise created
Sir Reginald Hanson d:Q7308730 Or, a chevron counter compony azure and argent, between three martlets sable. or a chevron counter compony azure and argent, three martlets sable smaller smaller higher created
Hanson Baronets (1918) Debrett p. B475 Argent, three lions rampant in chevron between as many mascles azure Argent three lions larger larger larger larger in chevron palewise between three mascles smaller azure created
Viscounts Hardinge (1846) d:Q2528194 Debrett p.P765 Gules, on a chevron argent, fimbriated or, three escallops sable gules a chevron argent fimbriated or, charged with three escallops sable palewise larger created
Hardy Baronets (1806) d:Q745286 Pean, on a chev. between three escallops ar. as many griffins' heads erased of the field, langued, gu. Pean, a chevron gules charged with three griffins heads erased langued of the field palewise larger larger, between three escallops argent smaller smaller higher created
Hardy Baronets (1876) Debrett p. B476 Argent, on a bend invected plain cotised gules, three catherine wheels or; on a chief of the second as three leopards' faces of the third Argent on a bend invected plain cotised gules three catherine wheels or; overall a chief of the second charged with three leopards heads of the third created
Le Hardy [28], quarter 1 Sable, on a chevron between three escallops, or, as many griffins' heads of the field. Sable, a chevron or charged with three griffins heads sable palewise larger larger, three escallops or smaller somewhat smaller higher created
Charles Francis Le Hardy [29] See Le Hardy, Beauvoir and Dumaresq quarters Quarterly: 1st quarter sable, a chevron or charged with three griffins heads sable palewise larger larger, three escallops or smaller somewhat smaller higher; 2nd quarter azure a chevron or, three cinquefoils argent smaller higher; 3rd quarter gules three escallops or; a crescent or much smaller much smaller much smaller; 4th quarter Gules three escallops or; a fleur de lis or much smaller much smaller smaller a little higher created
Edmund Armitage Hardy d:Q75822071 Armorial Families 1905 p. 625 Azure, on a fesse invected argent, in chief an escallop or between two lions erased of the second, and in base a lion's head of the last, between two escallops of the third, three magpies proper azure a fess invected argent charged with three magpies proper, in chief an escallop or higher between two lion's heads erased argent higher, in base a lion's head erased argent smaller smaller higher in dexter base an escallop or smaller smaller higher much to dexter in sinister base an escallop or smaller smaller higher much to sinister created
Edmund Armitage Hardy, impaled ditto ditto See Chetwode-Aiken azure a fess invected argent charged with three magpies proper, in chief an escallop or higher between two lion's heads erased argent higher, in base a lion's head erased argent smaller smaller higher in dexter base an escallop or smaller smaller higher much to dexter in sinister base an escallop or smaller smaller higher much to sinister; impaled with, quarterly 1st and 4th quarters or a chevron sable in dexter chief a cock gules reversed in sinister chief a cock gules, in base a hunting horn vert stringed gules larger much higher higher 2nd and 3rd quarters, quarterly argent and gules, four crosses paty counter-changed created, issue with software?
Earls of Harewood (1812) d:Q644526 Debrett p.P771 Sable, a cross patonce within bordure or. sable a cross patonce or, a bordure or created
Barons Harlech (1876) d:Q4862446 Debrett p.P773 Quarterly, 1st and 4th gules, a fesse between three cross-crosslets fitchée or, Gore; 2nd and 3rd gules, a bend between six crosscrosslets or, Ormsby. quarterly, 1st and 4th gules, a fess or between three cross crosslets or fitchy, 2nd and 3rd gules, a bend or between six cross crosslets or larger created
Hartopp Baronets of Freathby (1619) d:Q17047486 Rietstap I p.895 De sable au chev. de herm., acc. de trois loutres pass. d'arg. Sable a chevron ermine between three otters argent created
Hayter Baronets of South Hill Park (1858) d:Q7529624 Armorial Families 1905 p. 644 Azure, an escallop between three bull's heads couped or Azure an escallop or smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller, accompanied by three bull's heads and necks couped or smaller smaller created
Henniker Baronets of Newton Hall (1813) d:Q17125376 Debrett p.B501 Or, on a chevron gules between two crescents in chief, and in base an escallop azure, three estoiles argent. Or, a chevron gules charged with three estoiles argent much larger a little higher palewise, in chief two crescents azure and in base an escallop azure larger created
Buchan-Hepburn Baronets of Smeaton-Hepburn (1815) d:Q4982528 Debrett p.B503 Quarterly: 1st and 4th gules, on a chevron argent a rose between two lions rampant of the first, Hepburn; 2nd, argent, three lion's heads erased gules, Buchan; 3rd, argent an anchor in bend azure, on a chief of the last three cranes or, Beck. quarterly 1st and 4th gules, a chevron argent charged with a rose larger gules in dexter chief a lion rampant reversed gules much smaller much lower much lower much lower much lower somewhat lower in sinister chief a lion rampant gules much smaller much lower much lower much lower much lower somewhat lower 2nd argent three lion's heads gules 3rd argent an anchor azure bendwise, a chief azure charged with three cranes or created - the lions rampant may be wrongly blazoned in Debrett
Hesketh (1838) Part of Hesketh-Fleetwood[30] a bend Sable, charged of three garb Or, set bendwise, a chief Azure, charged of an eagle displayed issuant Proper, this quarter accompanied of a bordure Or, semy of spots Ermine Sable (Hesketh) argent a bend sable charged with three garbs or bendwise, and a chief azure, charged of an eagle displayed issuant proper smaller a little lower; overall a bordure erminois created
Heygate Baronets of Southend (1831) d:Q5749728 Debrett p.B504 Gules, two bars argent, on a bend or, a torteau between two leopards' faces azure. gules two bars argent, a bend or charged with a torteau; in dexter chief a leopard's heads azure smaller slightly lower, in sinister chief a leopard's heads azure smaller much lower much lower much lower much lower much lower lower slightly lower created
Heywood Baronets of Claremont (1838) d:Q5749891 Debrett p.B507 Argent, three torteaux in bend between two bendlets gules; on a canton of the last a cross-patée or. argent, two bendlets gules, , in bend three torteaux; a canton gules charged with a cross patee or created
Hickman Baronets of Wightwick (1903) d:Q5751103 Debrett p.B509 Party per saltire sable and or, two leopard's faces jessant-de-lis in pale and as many fleurs-de-lis in fesse, all counterchanged. parti per saltire sable and or, two leopard's heads jessant-de-lis in pale somewhat higher counterchanged, two fleurs-de-lis in fess counterchanged created
Hill Baronets of Brook Hall (1779).svg d:Q5762391 Debrett p.B511 Sable, a chevron erminois between three leopards' faces argent sable, a chevron erminois between three leopard's heads argent created
Hill Baronets of Bradford (1917) d:Q5762391 Debrett p.B514 Or, on a fesse between three leopards' faces sable, as many roses leaved and seeded proper. or, a fess sable charged with three roses leaved and seeded proper, in chief two leopard's heads sable shown smaller, in base a leopard's heads sable shown smaller higher created
Hill Baronets of Green Place (1919) d:Q5762391 Armorial Families 1929 p.940 Erminois, on a fesse cottised sable, between two oak wreaths vert a castle argent. Erminois, a fess sable cotised sable, charged with a castle argent between two chaplets vert created - chaplet should be oak wreath
Hoare Baronets of Annabella (1784) d:Q5874559 Debrett p.B516 Sable, a double-headed eagle displayed within a bordure engrailed argent sable a double headed eagle argent; a bordure engrailed argent created
Hoare Baronets of Barn Elms (1786) d:Q5874559 Debrett p.B517 Sable, an eagle displayed with two heads argent, charged on the breast with an ermine spot, a bordure engrailed argent of the second. sable a double headed eagle argent; a bordure engrailed argent created
Hoare Baronets of Sidestrand Hall (1899) d:Q5874559 Burke 1903 created - bordure needs to be indented
Holden Baronets of Oakworth House (1893) d:Q5879575 Debrett p. B526 Or, a chief azure, overall a bend nebulée between two roses gules. or, a chief azure; overall a bend nebuly gules, in dexter base a rose gules higher, in sinister chief a rose gules smaller much lower much lower lower to sinister created
Holder Baronets of Pitmaston (1898) d:Q5879616 Debrett p. B528 Per pale indented or and gules three chevronels ermine, in chief two trefoils slipped and countercharged. per pale indented or and gules, three chevronels ermine; in chief two trefoils counterchanged created
William Henry Hornby d:Q8012049 Debrett Illustrated House p.147[31] Ar., a chev. gu., between three bugle-hors, two or on a chief gu., and one in base sa. argent, a chevron gules; on a chief gules two hunting-horns or; in base a hunting-horn sable created
Hornby of Ribby d:Q5904151 Armorial Families 1929 p.975 Argent, a chevron vert, in base a bugle-horn stringed sable, on a chief of the second two bugle-horns of the field. argent, a chevron vert; on a chief vert two hunting-horns of the field; in base a hunting-horn stringed sable created
Horne Baronets (1929) d:Q16948640 Debrett p.B537 Gules, a fret vair between two boars passant one in chief and one in base or. gules a fret vair; in chief a boar passant or smaller a little higher, in base a boar passant or smaller created
Huband baronets d:Q5926740 Sable, 3 heads of leopard Argent, traversed each one one fleur de lys of the same. Sable three leopard's heads argent jessant-de-lys created
George Ward Hunt d:Q334272 Debrett's Illustrated House p.150[32] Per pale ar. and sa., a saltire counterchanged and a canton er. Per pale argent and sable, a saltire counterchanged; a canton ermine created


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Ibbetson Baronets (1748) d:Q4862761 Rietstap I p.1015 De gu. a la bande coticee d'arg., ch. de trois coquilles du champ et acc. de deux toisons d'ar. gules, a bend argent cotised argent charged with three escallops gules palewise, in sinister chief a golden fleece, in dexter base a golden fleece shown higher created - escallops may be bendwise
Henry Bret Ince d:Q5718561 [33] argent, a bend argent charged with three torteaux, two bendlets sable created
Ingleby Baronets of Ripley Castle (1642) d:Q6032486 Rietstap I p.1020 De sa., à une étoile (8) rayonnante d'arg. sable, an estoile of eight points argent larger created


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Jodrell Baronets (1784) d:Q6208019 Rietstap I p. 1045 D'herm. à un trèfle d'or, acc. de trois fermaux ronds d'arg., l'ardillon en bas. ermine a trefoil or smaller a little higher; in dexter chief a buckle argent smaller, in sinister chief a buckle argent smaller, in base a buckle argent smaller a little lower created


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Knighton Baronets of Carlston (1813) d:Q6422380 Rietstap I p.1106 Fascé contre-fascé d'azur et d'or, de huit pièces; à la bande d'or, semée de mouche d'herm. de sa., br. sur le tout; au chef de gu., ch. d'une tête de dragon d'or, accostée de deux annulets du même. per pale azure and or, barry of eight counterchanged, a bend erminois; overall a chief gules charged with a dragon head or, in dexter chief an annulet or shown higher, in sinister chief an annulet or shown higher created - dragon should be dragon head
Knill Baronets of The Grove (1893) d:Q6422600 Debrett p.B598 Gules, semée of crosses botonnée fitchée a lion rampant, all or, on a chief of the last a fasces fesswise, head to the dexter proper. Gules semy of crosses botonny fitchy or, overall a lion or shown much larger much larger much lower lower; a chief or charged with a fasces fesswise proper created


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Lade Baronets of Warbleton (1731) d:Q6469361 Extinct Baronetcies [34] Argent a fesse wavy between three escallops sable. argent a fess wavy sable, between three escallops sable created
Laforey Baronets (1789) d:Q6471741 New Baronetage vol.II [35] Quarterly: 1st and 4th, argent, on a cheveron, azure, three mullets, or, in chief, two fleurs-de-lis, azure, in base, an anchor, sable; 2d and 3d, argent, a cross engrailed, sable, in each quarter a torteaux. quarterly, 1st and 4th quarters argent a chevron azure charged with three mullets or larger, in chief two fleurs-de-lis azure, in base an anchor sable larger higher higher; 2nd and 3rd quarters, argent a cross engrailed sable between four torteaux larger created
Lawrell RW Azure two bars Or in chief two fleurs-de-lys Argent charged with an ermine spot sable in base a crescent Argent Azure two bars Or in chief two fleurs-de-lys Argent smaller smaller higher charged with an ermine spot sable in base a crescent Argent created
Lechmere Baronets of The Rhydd (1818) d:Q6511628 Debrett p.B616 Gules, a fesse, and in chief in chief two pelicans vulning themselves or Gules a fess or, in chief two pelicans vulning themselves or created
Baronets Leigh of Stoneleigh (1611) Q4862567 Rietstap II p. 44 De gu. à la croix engr. d'arg., acc. au 1 d'une los. du même Gules a cross engrailed argent, a lozenge in dexter chief of the same created
Levett (1607) Papworth p. 68 [36] argent semy of crosses croslet fitchy and a lion rampant sa. argent semy of crosses crosslet fitchy a lion rampant sable created
Thomas Levett d:Q7791828 w:File:Thomas Levett bookplate.jpg

See above

argent semy of crosses croslet fitchy and a lion rampant sable impaled with vairy of ermine and gules created
Leigh Baronets (1772) Rietstap II p.44 D'or au lion de gu. or a lion gules created
Lewis Baronets of Ledstone (1660) d:Q6537246 Rietstap II p.61 De sa. au chev. d'or, acc. de trois trèfles du même. sable a chevron or, three trefoils or smaller higher created
Liddell baronets (1642) d:Q4862733, included in Baron Ravensworth Papworth p. 578 Arg. fretty gu. on a chief of the last three leopard's heads of the first Fretty argent and gules, a chief gules charged with three leopards heads argent created
Fox-Lane Barons Bingley (1763) d:Q4862167 w:Baron Bingley Quarterly, 1st and 4th: Argent a Lion rampant within a Bordure Sable on a Canton Azure a Crown Or (Lane); 2nd and 3rd: Argent a Chevron between three Foxes' Heads erased Gules (Fox) Quarterly, 1st and 4th quarter argent, a lion rampant, a bordure sable, overall a canton azure charged with a crown or; 2nd and 3rd quarter argent a chevron between three foxes heads erased smaller gules created
Matthias Prime Lucas d:Q102063372 Papworth p. 719[37] Erm. a fess engr. az. betw. six annulets gu. ermine a fess engrailed azure, in chief three annulets gules and in base three annulets gules larger higher created
William Lucas-Shadwell (Lucas quarters): see under Shadwell ermine a fess dovetailed azure, in chief three annulets gules and in base three annulets gules larger higher created
the city in France
d:Q2862289 w:Coat of arms of Lyon In gules field, a rampant lion of silver, increased of a head of azure laden with three flowers of gold lilies Fess of gules, on a chief azure, three fleur de lys or, a lion rampant argent created
Lyte of Lytes Cary Papworth p.402[38] Gu. a chev.t between three swans arg. Gules a chevron argent between three swans argent created


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Malet Baronets d:Q6743133 Debrett p.B690 Azure, three escallops or. azure, three escallops or larger created
Mander Baronets (1911) d:Q6747978 Debrett p. B693 Gules, on a pile invected erminois, three annulets interlaced, two and one of the field gules Gules, a pile invected erminois charged with three annulets interlaced gules higher larger created - pile not invected
Mann Baronets (1755) d:Q6750694 Rietstap II p.145 De sa. à la fasc. brét. d'arg., acc. de trois boucs pass. du même et ch. de trois tourt. du champ. sable, a fess argent embattled counter-embattled charged with three roundels of the field; in chief two goats passant argent and in base a goat passant argent higher created
Mann Baronets (1905) d:Q6750694 Debrett p.B694 Argent, a chevron sable, between in chief two crosses moline, and in base an annulet gules Argent, a chevron sable; in chief two crosses moline gules and in base an annulet gules larger a little higher created
Earl of Marlborough
later the 1st Duke
d:Q153803, under "canton" Sable, a lion rampant argent, on a canton of the last a cross gules sable, on a canton argent a cross gules, a lion rampant argent Charge overlaps canton
Duke of Marlborough d:Q153803 File:Coat of arms of the duke of Marlborough.png Quarterly: 1st and 4th, Sable a Lion rampant Argent, on a Canton of the second a Cross Gules (Churchill); 2nd and 3rd, Quarterly Argent and Gules a Fret Or on a Bend Sable three Escallops of the first (Spencer) Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Sable , on a Canton argent a Cross Gules, a Lion rampant Argent; 2nd and 3rd, Quarterly 1st and 4th, argent, 2nd and 3rd, Gules a Fret Or;; over the quarterings Argent on a Bend Sable three Escallops argent created, the imposed escutcheon is omitted ]
Middleton Baronets of Ruthyn (1622) created
Middleton Baronets of Leighton Hall (1642) created
Middleton Baronets of Belsay Castle (1662) created
Hastings Nathaniel Middleton of Bradford Peverell created
Henry Johnson Middleton 1791-1866

son of Nathaniel Middleton

[39] p.29 Ermine, fretty sable; a chief azure charged with an eastern crown smaller smaller; in dexter chief a leopard's head or higher and in sinister chief a leopard's head or higher created - should be tiger's heads
Morshead Baronets of Trenant Park (1784) d:Q6914281 Foster p.62 [40] Az. a cross crosslet arg. between four martlets or on a chief of the second three escallops gu. azure, a cross crosslet argent, between four martlets or shown much lower lower, a chief argent charged with three escallops gules created
Mount Baronets (1921) d:Q6924816 Debrett p.B735 Or, on a mount vert a lion rampant azure, ducally crowned or, between in chief two roses gules, barbed and seeded proper. Or, a base arched vert, a lion rampant azure higher higher ducally crowned or; a chief or charged with two roses gules larger, barbed and seeded proper created
Musgrove Baronets (1851) d:Q7527958 Foster p.456[[41] Arg. two bendlets engr. sa., between three lozenges one and two of the last, each charged with a fleur-de-lis or. argent two bendlets engrailed azure, in dexter base a lozenge azure shown smaller to sinister lower charged with a fleur-de-lys or , in dexter base a lozenge azure shown smaller to dexter to dexter to dexter higher higher charged with a fleur-de-lys or in sinister chief a lozenge azure charged with a fleur-de-lys or created


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Napier Baronets of Luton Hoo (1612) d:Q6964935 Rietstap II p.295 D'arg. au saut. engr. de gu., cant. de quatre roses du même. argent a saltire engrailed gules, in dexter chief a rose gules smaller much lower much lower lower to dexter, in sinister chief a rose gules smaller much lower much lower lower to sinister in chief a rose gules smaller a little higher, in base a rose gules smaller higher created
Napier Baronets of Merrion Square (1867) d:Q6964935 Debrett p.B753 Argent, on a saltire engrailed between four roses gules, five escallops or argent, a saltire engrailed gules charged with five escallops or palewise; in dexter chief a rose gules smaller much lower much lower lower to dexter, in sinister chief a rose gules smaller much lower much lower lower to sinister in chief a rose gules smaller a little higher, in base a rose gules smaller higher created
National Coal Board d:Q6971538 Per fesse argent and sable three fusils conjoined in fesse counter charged Per fesse argent and sable three fusils conjoined in fesse counter charged lower Proportions and placings to be fixed
Neave d:Q6984534 [[42]] Argent, on a cross sable five fleurs-de-lis Argent, on a cross sable five fleurs-de-lis or smaller created
Nelthorpe baronets (1666) d:Q6990834 Rietstap II p. 304 D'arg. au pal de sa., ch. d'une épée du champ, garnie d'or. argent, a pale sable charged with a sword argent, pommel and hilt or created
George Thomas Nicholson d:Q41314382 From engraving and [ Surrey Coats of Arms Per pale dovetailed Azure and Gules two bars Argent gutté-de-sang in chief two suns in glory Argent Per pale dovetailed Azure and Gules two bars Argent gutté-de-sang in chief two suns in glory Argent smaller smaller higher created (issue detailed below)


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O'Neill (1643) Rietstap II p.349, Arg. two lions ramp, combatant supporting a sinister hand apaumy couped at the wrist in chief three mullets gu. in base a salmon naiant ppr. Argent, a chief argent in chief three mullets gules a base scaly azure and argent in base a salmon naiant proper smaller lower an apaumy sinister hand Gules smaller smaller smaller smaller smaller higher higher, supported by 2 lions lower rampant combatant Gules smaller smaller smaller, armed and langued Azure created, tweaked to add sea


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Page Baronets (1714) d:Q7124277 Rietstap II p.374 Azur à la fasce vivrée de l'or, acc. de trois martinets du même azure a fess dancetty or between three martlets or smaller lower created
Paget of Harewood d:(Q7124333 Rietstap II p. 374 De sa. à la croix engr. d'arg., ch. en coeur d'une coquille du champ acc. au 1 et 4 d'une aigle d'arg. et au 2 et 3 d'un tigre héraldique pass. du même Sable on a cross argent engrailed, on it an escallop sable in dexter chief an eagle displayed argent, in sinister chief a tiger passant argent, in dexter base a tiger passant argent smaller higher higher much to dexter, in sinister base an eagle displayed argent smaller higher higher much to sinister created
Pakington Baronets of Aylesbury (1620) d:Q7125493 Rietstap II p. 376 Divisé en chev., en chef de sa. à trois étoiles rangées d'or, en p. d'arg. à trois gerbes mal-ordonnées de gu. Per chevron sable and argent, in chief three mullets or lower lower, in base three garbs gules larger created - wrong stars?
Charles William Paulet d:Q75268916 [43] Sable, three swords in pile, points in base argent, hilts and pommels or. sable, three swords pilewise larger larger lower, points in base, argent, hilts and pommels or created
Paylor Baronets (1642) d:Q16909588 Rietstap II p. 400, NB alternative blazon at [44] De gu. à la bande d'or, ch. de trois molettes de sa., et acc. de trois léopards d'arg., 2 en chef et un en p. Gules, in chief a leopard's head argent smaller smaller higher, in sinister chief a leopard's head argent smaller smaller higher, in dexter base a leopard's heads argent smaller higher , a bend or, charged with three mullets sable created - the mullets may need six points

Payne Baronets (1737) d:Q7156839 Rietstap II p. 400 De gu., à la fasce d'arg., acc. de deux léopards du même, 1 en chef et un en p. Gules a fess argent, in chief a leopard's head smaller argent, in base a leopard's head smaller argent created
Pelly baronets (1840) d:Q7161617 Rietstap II p. 407 D'or à la bande engr. d'azur, ch. de trois martinets d'or et acc. de deux trèfles de sin. Or, a bend azure engrailed charged with three martlets or palewise, in dexter base a trefoil vert larger higher, in sinister chief a trefoil vert larger lower somewhat to dexter created
Pilkington of Lancashire d:Q7194087 Rietstap II p. 439 D'arg. à la croix florencée de gu., vidée du champ argent a cross patonce gules voided created
Pilkington of Prescot d:Q75595850 Armorial Families 1929/30 p. 1553 Argent, a cross flory gules, voided of the field, between five roses in saltire of the second, barbed and seeded proper argent a cross flory gules voided, between five roses gules barbed and seeded proper in saltire created
George Bettesworth Piggott d:Q75357816 Armorial Families [45] Per fesse argent and sable, a lion rampant between three pickaxes counterchanged Per fesse argent and sable, a lion rampant smaller between three pickaxes counterchanged smaller smaller higher created
George Augustus Pilkington d:Q5536501 Armorial Families 1905 p. 1084 quarterly argent and gules a cross flory between two combs in chief and as many bulrushes stalked and leaved in base all countercharged quarterly argent and gules, in chief two combs and in base two bulrushes larger larger higher higher overall a cross flory all countercharged created
Pole Baronets of Wolverton (1791) d:Q7209255 Debrett p. B827 Argent, a chevron between three crescents gules, a mullet for difference. Argent, a chevron between three crescents gules; a mullet sable much smaller much smaller much smaller much higher much higher much higher higher created
Pole Baronets (1801) d:Q7209255 Rietstap II p. 460 D'azur au lion d'arg., acc. de neuf fleurs-de-lis d'or, rangées en orle; et une étoile d'arg., posée au point du chef. azure a lion argent smaller lower, nine fleurs-de-lis or larger in orle lower; in chief point a mullet argent higher a little higher smaller smaller smaller created
Thomas Bayley Potter d:Q7787488 Debrett Illustrated House p.227[46] Sa., on a fesse er., a bezant between two garbs or; in chief two cinquefoils, and in base a helmet affrontée. sable, a fess ermine charged with a bezant between two garbs or; in chief two cinquefoils pierced or, in base a helmet affrontee proper shown larger somewhat higher created - there is another version (globe for bezant) in Armorial Families 1905
Powell Baronets of Pengethly d:Q7236100 Rietstap II p.478 D'azur au chev. d'or, acc. de trois soleils du même; à la bord. engr. d'herm. azure a chevron or, between three suns or; a bordure engrailed ermine created
Powell Baronets of Birkenhead (1629) d:Q7236100 Rietstap II p.478 D'sa. à un écusson d'arg. en abime, acc. de trois roses du même. sable, an escutcheon argent shown much smaller; in chief two roses argent shown smaller, in base a rose argent shown smaller created
Powell Baronets of Ewhurst (1661) d:Q7236100 Rietstap II p.478 Ec.: au 1 et 4 de gu. au lion reg. d'or; au 2 et 3 d'arg. à trois hures de sanglier coupées de sa. quarterly, 1st and 4th gules a lion passant regardant or; 2nd and 3rd argent three boar's heads couped sable shown created
Orde-Powlett Baron Bolton (1797) d:Q808600 Rietstap II p.353 De sa. à trois epées d'arg., garnies d'or, les pointes en bas, disposées en pile; au canton d'azure, ch. d'un écusson du champ, surch. d'un dauphin au nat. sable, three swords pilewise shown larger larger lower, points in base, argent, hilts and pommels or; a canton azure charged with an escutcheon sable and a fish proper palewise; created - fish should be dolphin proper
Powney d:Q75448688 Sable a fess cottised and couped between five mascles four in chief and one in base all Argent sable, a fess argent cottised and couped, in chief four mascles argent shown smaller, in base a mascle argent shown much smaller created
Edward Poynings d:Q940191 From File:Coat of arms of Sir Edward Poynings, KG.png quarterly 1st and 4th Barry of six or and vert, a bend gules 2nd and 3rd argent, six fleurs-de-lys azure a chief indented or created
Prescott Baronets (1794) d:Q7240879 Rietstap II p.485 De sa. au chev. d'arg., acc. de trois chouettes du même. sable, a chevron argent, between three owls of the same created
Prescott Baronets (1938) d:Q7240879 Debrett p.B842 Per chevron pean and erminois, on a chief or, a rose gules, barbed and seeded proper, between two leopards' faces sable. per chevron pean and erminois, on a chief or, a rose gules barbed and seeded proper between two leopard's heads sable created
Blazon of Preston Baronets of Valleyfield (1637) d:Q7242024 Rietstap II p.485-6 D'arg., à trois têtes et cols de licorne de sa.; à la bord d'azur. argent, three unicorn's heads sable a little smaller, a bordure azure created
Preston Baronets of Beeston St Lawrence (1815) d:Q7242024 Debrett p.B842 Ermine, on a chief sable three crescents or. ermine, on a chief sable three crescents or created
Thomas Phillips Price d:Q7793150 [47] Quarterly - 1 and 4, argent three boar's heads couped sable. 2 and 3. Per bend sinister, ermine and ermines, a lion rampant or. quarterly 1st and 4th quarters argent three boar's heads couped sable a little larger 2nd and 3rd quarters per bend sinister ermine and ermines a lion rampant or created
Rugge-Price Baronets (1804), initially Price d:Q7378558 Debrett p.B848 Guarterly, 1st and 4th, gules, a lion rampant argent (Price); 2nd and 3rd, sable, on a chevron invected argent, between three mullets or pierced of the field, a unicorn's head erased of the first. quarterly, 1st and 4th quarters gules, a lion argent; 2nd and 3rd quarters sable, a chevron invected argent charged with a unicorn's head erased sable much larger much larger, in dexter chief a mullet pierced or, in sinister chief a mullet pierced or, in base a mullet pierced or higher higher created
Blazon of Purves (quartering) Rietstap I p. 1007, Hume-Campbell Q3, d'azur à la fasce d'arg., ch. de trois quintefeuilles du champ et acc. de trois mâcles du sec. azure, a fess argent charged with three cinquefoils of the first; in dexter chief a mascle argent, in sinister chief a mascle argent, in base a mascle argent created


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Redmayne Baronets of Rushcliffe (1964) d:Q7306092 Debrett p.B870 Gules two chevronels, between three cushions ermine tasselled or, a bordure engrailed argent. gules two chevronels ermine, between three cushions ermine tasselled or; a bordure engrailed argent created - cushions should be tasselled or
Rich Baronets of Sunning (1661) Rietstap II p. 564 D'or au saut. écoté de gu., ch. de cinq croix recr. au pied fiché du champ or, a saltire raguly gules charged with five cross crosslets fitchy or palewise smaller of the field created
Rich Baronets of Shirley House (1791) Rietstap II p. 564 De gu. au chev. d'or, acc. de trois croix treflées du même, le chev. semé de mouch. d'herm, de sa. Gules, a chevron erminois, between three crosses bottonee or created
Richmond Baronets of Hollington d:Q7331050 Debrett p.B880 Gules, on a fesse cotissed or, between two roses argent, barbed and seeded proper, a lion passant of the field]] gules a fess or cotised or charged with a lion passant of the field a little larger; in chief a rose argent a little higher, barbed and seeded proper; in base a rose argent barbed and seeded proper created
Rose Baronets of Rayners Debrett p. B896 Azure, a chevron invected erminois, between three water bougets in chief and one in base argent azure, a chevron invected erminois, three water bougets argent in chief and one water bouget argent in base created
Du Roux Dictionnaire Heraldique, p.577[48] D'or, à l'ours de sable, surmonté de deux étoiles d'azur Or, in chief two stars azure, a bear sable lower lower created


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Sackville-Stopford element from Henry Arden Adderley
Salces Rietstap p.656 D'arg., à la fasce de gu., acc. en chef d'un bouc pass. d'azur, et en p. d'un paon rouant de nat. argent, a fess gules, accompanied in chief of a passant goat azure and in base of a peacock in his pride proper[49] created
Saldern d:Q873307 Rietstap p.656 D'or, à une rose de gu., bout. d'or, barbée de sin. Cq. cour.
trans. "Or, to a rose Gules, seeded Or, wattled Vert."[50]
or, a rose gules, seeded or, barbed vert created
Salusbury d:Q7406313 Rietstap p.662 Du Gules au lion d'arg., cour. d'or, acc. de trois croiss. du même
Gules, to the lion Argent, crowned Or, accompanied of three crescents of the same[51]
Gules, a lion crowned or much smaller smaller higher higher, accompanied by three crescents argent much smaller smaller smaller higher
Gules, a lion crowned or much smaller smaller higher higher, accompanied by three crescents argent much smaller smaller smaller higher motto "Satis Est Prostrasse Leoni" crest a lion or issuing, with a crescent or
created: lion is shown or rather than argent in examples
arms imperfect

Joseph Savory (1808-1879) d:Q76327477 Paly of six argent and vert, a chief sable Paly of six argent and vert, a chief sable created
Scott of Scott's Hall General Armory [52] Ar. three catharine wheels sa. a border engr. gu. Argent three catharine wheels sable, a bordure engrailed gules created
Scott of Woolston and Stapleford Tany General Armory [53] Per pale indented ar. and sa., a saltire counterchanged. per pale indented argent and sable, a saltire counter-changed created - Rietstap has buckle only in the 3rd quarter
Sir Walter Scott d:Q79025 Rietstap II p.750 quarterly

1st or an orle azure, two mullets in fess much smaller smaller higher much closer much closer much closer closer , a crescent in base azure much smaller much higher; 4th or an orle azure, two mullets in fess much smaller smaller much higher much closer much closer much closer closer, a crescent in base azure much smaller much higher much higher much higher; 2nd and 3rd or on a bend azure three mascles or, in sinister chief a buckle azure somewhat smaller palewise||created||

Sebright Baronets (1626) d:Q7442815 Rietstap II p. 752 D'arg., à trois quintfeuilles de sa. Argent, three cinquefoils sable created
William Lucas-Shadwell d:Q8014762 Armorial Families 1905 p.869 Quarterly 1 and 4, per pale azure and or, on a chevron engrailed between three annulets as many escallops counter-changed; 2 and 3 ermine, a fesse dovetailed azure between three annulets gules. Quarterly

1st and 4th quarters

party per pale azure and or, a chevron engrailed counter-changed ; overall in dexter chief an annulet or and in sinister chief an annulet azure; in base an annulet counter-changed; in fess point an escallop much smaller much smaller smaller higher higher per pale azure and or; in dexter base an escallop azure smaller smaller smaller much higher much higher much higher somewhat to dexter; in sinister base an escallop or smaller smaller smaller much higher much higher much higher somewhat to sinister

2nd and 3rd quarters, ermine a fess dovetailed azure, in chief three annulets gules and in base three annulets gules larger higher

William Lucas-Shadwell (Shadwell quarters) see above created
Shuckburgh Baronets (1660) d:Q7504613 Debrett p. B944 Sable, a chevron between three mullets argent. sable a chevron argent between three mullets argent created
Sitwell Baronets d:Q7532189 Rietstap II p.783 Fascé d'or et de sin., de huit piéces, à trois lions de sa., bri. sur le tout Barry of eight or and vert, three lions sable created
Smith (Viscount Hambleden, 1891) d:Q7935767 Debrett p.P748 Argent, on a chevron azure three oak leaves vert each charged with an acorn or, three leopard heads jessant-de-lys of the field. argent a chevron azure charged with three leopard heads palewise jessant-de-lys of the field larger larger slightly higher; three oak leaves vert higher each charged with an acorn or much smaller created
William Henry Smyth (1821-1912) ACAD SMT842WH Per bend dancetté or and azure, a cross moline counterchanged; quartering Willarby, Otteby, Lilburne, Reading and Shan. per bend dancetty or and azure a cross moline counterchanged created
Societas Urielis d:Q2296842 w:de:Societas Urielis Schwarz-Blau geteilt durch schräglinken Wellenbalken in Silber per bend sinister azure and sable, an escarpe wavy argent created
Stephen Papworth p. 507[54] arg. on a chev. betw. in chief two crescents and in based a dexter hand erect couped gu. a pair of mullets as the first. argent a chevron gules charged with two mullets argent larger larger, in chief two crescents gules smaller, in base a dexter hand couped erect gules larger created
Stirling Baronets of Ardoch (1651) d:Q16933122 Rietstap II p.843 Ec., au 1 et 4 d'arg., à la bande engr. d'azur, ch. de trois fermaux d'or (Stirling); aux 2 et 3 à la croix engr. de azur. quarterly, 1st and 4th, argent, on a bend engrailed sable, three buckles or; 2nd and 3rd, argent a cross engrailed azure (Sinclair de Hermanstoun) created - quarters 1 and 4 sable per [55]
Henry Dorrien Streatfeild d:Q75298552 Per fesse gules and sable, three bezants; quartering Fremlyn, Terry, Ashdown, Beard and Sidney. Per fess gules and sable, three bezants created
Sumner Burke, Papworth Erm., two chev. or Ermines counter-ermine, two chevrons or created, variation from book sources in accordance with bookplate example


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Thomas Baronets of Wenvoe (1694) d:Q7795439 Debrett p.B? sable a chevron ermine; a canton ermine created
Thompson Baronets of Haversham (1673) d:Q11800661 Rietstap II p. 907 D'or à la fasce vivrée d'azure, ch. de trois étoiles ondoyantes d'arg.; au canton du sec., ch. d'un soleil d'or Or a fess dancetty azure, charged with three estoiles argent smaller smaller smaller a little higher, a canton argent charged with a star or created
Topsfield Gu., on a chevron erm., 3 martlets sa., in chief a mullet or Gules on a chevron ermine , 3 martlets sable larger larger in chief a mullet or smaller smaller created
Trzaska d:Q2067057 File:POL COA Trzaska.svg Azure, two swords Argent in pale hilted and pommeled Or, conjoined at the blade's midpoint and debruised of a crescent at a fess point w:Trzaska coat of arms
Azure, to a crescent Or, accompanied of two sections of sword Proper, consistent in the guard with a section from the blade, 1 in chief and 1 in base, the swords directed towards the crescents armoriaux/rietstap
Azure, in chief a sword proper inverted larger larger larger lower lower lower and in base a sword proper larger larger larger higher higher higher higher, on a fess azure a crescent or larger created, proportions not as model
Philip Twells d:Q21548742 [56] (Burke) Ar. a fess cotised az. betw. six fountains, three in chief and as many in base Argent a fess azure cotised azure between six fountains, three and three created
Twisleton quarter from File:Twisleton-Fiennes arms.svg argent, a chevron sable; in chief two moles sable and in base a mole sable created
Tyrell family d:Q19899951 ODNB Tyrell family (per. c. 1304–c. 1510) argent, two chevronels blue, a bordure gules engrailed argent two chevronels blue, a bordure gules engrailed created
Tyrwhitt Baronets (1611) d:Q7861732 Rietstap II p.953 De gu. à trois oiseaux d'or Gules three birds or created


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Wagstaff of Derbyshire Papworth p. 284[57] Arg. two bendlets raguly sa. Argent two bendlets raguly sable created
John Edward Walcott d:Q21548670 [58]] Quarterly; 1st and 4th, ar., a chev. between three cressroooks (sic), er.; 2nd and 3rd, ar., on a cross flory, sa., five fleurs-de-lis, or. quarterly, 1st and 4th argent, a chevron ermine between three chessrooks ermine, 2nd argent, a cross flory sable larger, five fleurs-de-lys or one and three and one much smaller, 3rd argent, a cross flory sable much larger higher higher, five fleurs-de-lys or one and three and one smaller much smaller higher higher created - flaw q3
Waller Baronets of Newport d:Q7963052 Rietstap II p.1042 Echiq. d'or et d'azur; au canton de gu., ch. d'un lion d'or. chequy or and azure, a canton gules charged with a lion or created - Debrett has lion double queued
Wambach burelé d'argent et de sable barry of ten argent and sable created
Watkin Baronets of Northenden (1880) d:Q7974682 Rietstap II p.1053 D'arg. semé de larmes de sa.; à une tête de léopard d'azur, percée d'une fleur-de-lis du même et acc. de trois papillons au nat. Argent gutté de poix, a leopard's head jessant-de-lis azure shown smaller between three butterflies volant proper created
Wharton Baronets of Kirby Kendall (1677) d:Q7990723 Rietstap II p.1082 De sa. à une manche mal-taillée d'arg.; au canton d'arg. sable a maunch argent; a canton argent created
Williamson baronets (1642) Or, a chev. gu. btw. three trefoils slipped sa. Or, a chevron gules, accompanied with three trefoils sable higher created
Wraxall baronets d:Q8037641 Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage 2000 lozengy erminois and azure, on a chevron gules three estoiles of eight points or lozengy erminois and azure, on a chevron gules three estoiles of eight points or created
Webster-Wedderburn d:Q76120068 Burke General Armory p.1087 quarterly 1st and 4th ar. a fess between three shuttles gules tipped and furnished with quills of yarn, or 2nd and 3rd Argent, a chevron between three roses gules barbed vert quarterly 1st and 4th argent a fess between three weavers' shuttles gules 2nd and 3rd Argent, a chevron between three roses gules barbed vert created - charge tweaked
Baker Wilbraham Baronets of Loventor (1776) d:Q4849230 Debrett p.B1109 Quarterly, 1st and 4th argent, three bends wavy azure, Wilbraham; 2nd and 3rd, per pale argent and or, on a saltire nebuly sable five escallops of the first smaller, on a chief of the third a lion passant of the second, Baker. quarterly, 1st and 4th argent three bendlets wavy azure, 2nd and 3rd per pale argent and or, on a saltire nebuly sable five escallops of the first smaller, a chief of the third charged with a lion passant of the second created
Wilson Baronets of Airdrie (1906) d:Q8023257 Debrett p.B1124 Argent, a lion rampant between three mullets sable, on a chief vert a crescent of the first between two mullets pierced or. argent, a lion rampant sable smaller between three mullets sable, a chief vert charged with a crescent argent between two mullets pierced or much higher much higher much higher created
Wilson Baronets of Carbeth (1920) d:Q8023257 Debrett p.B1125 Argent, a chevron gules between two mullets in chief, and in base a trefoil slipped vert. argent a chevron gules, in chief two mullets gules, in base a trefoil vert much larger created
Wolryche Baronets of Dudmaston (1641) d:Q8030404 Rietstap II p.1114 D'azur au chev. d'arg., acc. de trois cygnes du même, le vol levé. azure a chevron argent, three swans smaller higher created - swans should have wings elevated
Wombwell Baronets d:Q8030801 Rietstap II p. 1115 gules 8 unicorn heads of 8 in annulo argent a bend argent created, second version workaround for "in orle"
Woodford Baronets d:Q8032670 Rietstap II p. 1115 De sa. à trois têtes de léopard renversées de gu., percées chacune d'une fleur-de-lys renv. d'arg. sable three leopard heads inverted gules jessant-de-lys argent created
Wright Baronets of Venice (1772) d:Q18534820 Sable, a chevron engrailed Argent, accompanied of three fleur de lys Or, a chief of the same, charged of three spearheads Proper. The shield accompanied of a wavy bordure Ermine Sable a chevron engrailed argent accompanied by three fleur de lys or smaller smaller smaller, on a chief or three spear heads proper smaller smaller lower; and overall a bordure wavy ermine Created: the spear charges should be spear heads
Wrightson Baronets of Neasham Hall (1900) d:Q8038312 Debrett p.B1142 Or, a fesse invected chequy azure and argent between two eagles' heads erased in chief sable, and a saltire couped in base gules. or a fess invected chequy azure and argent; in chief two eagles heads erased sable a little larger, in base a saltire couped gules much larger somewhat higher created
Baron Wrottesley d:Q4862925 Debrett p.P1764 Or, three piles sable and a canton ermine. or, three piles sable, a canton ermine created - blazon does not say piles go to a point


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Yate Baronets of Buckland (1622) d:Q8050184 Rietstap II p.1127 D'arg. à la fasce crén. de sa., acc. de trois barrières du même. argent a fess embattled, between three gates sable created
Young Baronets of Bailieborough Castle (1821) d:Q8058545 Debrett p.B1150 Argent, three piles sable, each charged with a trefoil slipped or; on a chief of the second, three annulets of the third. argent, three piles sable, three trefoils or slipped in fess shown a little higher smaller smaller; a chief of the second charged with three annulets of the third created
Younger baronets, of Auchen Castle (1911) d:Q8058595 Debrett p.B1152 Or, on a bend azure, between two martlets sable, three roses argent barbed and seeded vert, on a chief gules, a crescent between two mullets of the first. or, on a bend azure, between two martlets sable shown somewhat larger, three roses argent barbed and seeded vert; a chief gules charged with a crescent between two mullets or much higher much higher much higher created


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Henry VIII of England d:Q38370 Lines of Succession (diagram only) Quarterly, 1st and 4th, azure, three fleur de lys or; 2nd and 3rd, gules, three lions passant regardant or smaller a little higher one and one and one}} ✓[OK]Lions should be vertically arranged


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comté de Gueldre from d:Q71384 File:Blason comte fr Gueldre.svg d'azur semé de billettes d'or au lion du même brochant sur le tout azure billety or, charge a lion rampant or
Geoffrey of Anjou d:Q111490 File:Arms of Geoffrey of Anjou.svg Azure, six lions rampant Or armed and langued Gules, three, two and one. ditto
Godfrey McCance Gransden[59] [60] Gules a cross patonce in chief two bells, all within a bordure Or Gules in chief two bells lower lower, a cross patonce much smaller lower lower lower, all within a bordure or
Courtois d'Arcollières d:Q84837330 File:Blason famille Courtois d'Arcollières.svg De gueules à l'épée droite d'argent accostée de deux fleurs de lys d'or Gules a sword argent accompanied by two fleurs de lys or smaller
Pierrepont File:PierrepontArms.svg Argent semée of cinquefoils gules, a lion rampant sable Argent semy of cinquefoils gules, a lion rampant sable
Odd Fellows RW Quarterly Gules and Azure a Cross throughout Or, then come all the bits and pieces in the first quarter an hourglass proper [or Or glassed Argent] in the second quarter two keys addorsed in saltire wards downwards of the third in the third quarter a bee skep of the last in the fourth quarter a paschal lamb argent; overall on an escutcheon Azure a natural rose and thistle slipped and leaved in saltire proper
Earl of Gosford d:Q5326281 File:Earl of Gosford COA.svg Argent, a Double-Headed Eagle displayed Sable, beaked and membered Or, on a Chief Vert, two Mullets Or. (from enWP) Argent, a Double-Headed Eagle displayed Sable, beaked and membered Or, a Chief Vert, in chief two Mullets Or
Bethell (Baron Westbury) d:Q4862907 File:Bethell arms (Baron Westbury).svg Argent, on a chevron, engrailed azure, between three boars' heads couped sable, an estoile or, all within a bordure of the third Argent, on a chevron engrailed azure, between three boars' heads couped sable, an estoile or larger larger, a bordure sable


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Megatson n/a Papworth's Ordinal p. 589 [61], in fact Garland Paly of six or and gu. on a chief per pale as the second and az. in the first a chaplet in the sinister a demi-lion ramp. gold Paly of six or and gules on a chief per pale as the second and azure in the first a chaplet in the sinister a demi-lion rampant gold missing chaplet charge, parsing issue
Hamilton-Arran from d:Q332941 found as quarter of File:Douglas hamiltonCoA.png
File:Arms of Hamilton-Arran.svg for SVG model
partial blazon: quarterly: 1st and 4th Gules three cinquefoils Ermine (for Hamilton); 2nd and 3rd Argent a lymphad with the sails furled proper flagged Gules (for Arran) quarterly, 1st and 4th Gules three cinquefoils Ermine, 2nd and 3rd Argent a lymphad with the sails furled proper lymphad charge does not have furled sails, tincture for flags
Henniker-Heaton Debrett p.B500 argent a bend sable charged with three bulls heads couped argent

an escutcheon quarterly of six 1st vert three escutcheons argent a bordure engrailed or 2nd argent three battering rams proper in pale headed and garnished azure 3rd fretty or and azure 4th vert, a fess vert enhanced charged with three eagles or 5th gyronny of eight or and sable 6th per pale sable and gules, a cross argent abased charged with five pheons azure, between four fleurs-de-lys argent ||attempt - battering-ram charge, escutcheon too large.

Kennedy of Culzean [62] (flawed) argent on an escutcheon argent a chevron Gules between three cross crosslets fitchee sable and overall a bordure argent with a double tressure flory counter-flory Gules ; (second try) Argent, a chevron gules couped couped smaller; three cross crosslets fitchee Sable smaller; overall a double tressure flory counter-flory gules
David Barclay

Resolved, see above

d:Q5231112 for Barclay of Urie, Rietstap p. 1094 for Williamson Azure, a chevron, and in chief three crosses patee smaller smaller centred higher, argent impaled with Or, a chevron gules, accompanied with three trefoils sable higher higher crosses need to be brought towards the centre
George Thomas Nicholson d:Q41314382 From engraving and [ Surrey Coats of Arms Per pale dovetailed Azure and Gules two bars Argent gutté-de-sang in chief two suns in glory Argent Per pale dovetailed Azure and Gules two bars Argent gutté-de-sang in chief two suns in glory Argent smaller smaller higher Issue in source resolved. Error messages about SVG both from and from the Commons upload with a version created as SVG at Sample message.[1]


  1. Setting event-handler attributes onmouseout="var x=document.getelementsbyclassname('mouth-open');x[0].setattribute('visibility','hidden');var y=document.getelementsbyclassname('mouth-closed');y[0].setattribute('visibility','visible');var x=document.getelementsbyclassname('brow-raised');x[0].setattribute('visibility','hidden');x[1].setattribute('visibility','hidden');var y=document.getelementsbyclassname('brow-normal');y[0].setattribute('visibility','visible');y[1].setattribute('visibility','visible');" is not allowed in SVG files.