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Saving the Whales- a Bwana Doc Adventure, written by D. R. Schneider, is a first in a series of action adventure novels that take the reader of all ages into environmental awareness, adventure, action, and yes, even learning. A first novel of high adventure environmental piracy, and one man’s quest to right the wrongs against the earth and her creatures. Bwana Doc is Superman, James Bond, millionaire Bruce Wayne, Albert Schweitzer, and Captain Morgan, rolled into one.

Bwana Doc, an international environmental Robin Hood sees a newscast of the killing of a mother whale and her calf and is outraged by the slaughter. Backed by his vast wealth, he is prepared to act on his fury. With his band of capable and resourceful confederates, he makes a plan to end whaling once and for al l.

D.R. Schneider's “day” job as an executive in biotechnology for an international “green” company long before the word became politically correct has taken him around the world from Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Ecuador, Brazil and other fascinating places, giving him plenty of material to write about. D.R. is also an Associate Professor and Lecturer in the School of Experimental Sciences, Microbiology at the University of Texas at Austin. An author of many technical papers and books, this is his first novel. A percentage of the book sales of all Bwana Doc Adventures will be donated to REEF, The Nature Conservancy, and other worthy environmental organizations that he supports.