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Christian - from Belgium.

I am born in 1966, according to Chinese astrology I am a Firehorse, which means:

"He is very quick-witted and he is right in there with you before you have had the chance to finish what you were saying; he's on to the thought in your mind even before you've expressed it. This permits the Horse to forestall any arguments that anyone can dream up. What we do know is that the Fire Horse will have a career that is more varied, more exceptional, more interesting than that of the ordinary Horse. The Fire Horse carries within himself the seeds of fame ... or of notoriety!"

I have a BS in Business Administration and Logistics Management (Brugge, Belgium, 1989).

I have experienced real life in Russia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Brazil for several years.

I am available for helping you out in the following languages: Dutch (Nederlands) French (Français) English German (Deutsch) Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil) Czech (Čeština).