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Prime Minister Yojna Narendra Modi Government, after about 30 months in the power is still active launching new welfare schemes (Sarkari Yojana) in the year 2017. The government has already launched many schemes for farmers, women and scheduled casts in previous year. Here we bring you the latest and upcoming schemes to be launched by Narendra Modi Government in 2017. Below is the complete list of schemes launched by the Narendra Modi Government in the year 2017. Not just the list of launched schemes, we also bring you the latest updates on new and upcoming Government schemes and small initiatives. Central government has launched Saubhagya – Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana for electrifying all the households in rural and urban areas which are still living without power. The government will provide Rs. 16,320 crore within next two years for the implementation of Saubhagya scheme. The aim of the scheme is to provide last mile electricity connectivity to all rural and urban households in the country. On August 15, 2015 PM Narendra Modi had made an announcement to electrify all 18,452 Un-electrified villages within 1,000 days. According to official data, today there are only 3,046 inhabited villages remaining to be electrified across the country. According to the official definition, if at least 10% households of the village receives power connection, the village is considered as electrified. As per the estimates, 4.5 crore rural households in the country are still living without access to power. The Saubhagya scheme will also boost ‘Ujala’ scheme which is providing many energy saving equipment like fans, LED bulbs and other.

Saubhagya – Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana The main purpose of Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana – Saubhagya is the electrification of a large number of rural households which will help in the manufacturing sector, growth of social and economic dividends by pushing the demand for power. The Ministry for power is the nodal authority which have the responsibility to provide power connection to each household in the country and fulfill the targets. The government would also provide solar power packs of 200 to 300 Wp with battery bank for un-electrified households located in remote and inaccessible areas, comprises of 5 LED lights, 1 DC fan and 1 DC power plug. It also includes the Repair and Maintenance (R&M) for 5 years.