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it-N Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello madrelingua in italiano.
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
Users by language

If you want to see my user page please go to it.wiki.

Hi! Smile

Bar italiano qui su Commons

Modelli pre-confezionati


Mia foto

== {{int:filedesc}} ==
|Description ={{It|''descrizione in italiano''}}
|Source = image taken by [[User:Beta16|Beta16]] using a digital camera
|Date = created on [[2007-08-15]]
|Author = [[User:Beta16|Beta16]]
|Permission = I release this image under the license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Italy, based on Italian law.

== {{int:license}} ==

Stemmi comuni


Non caricare su Commons, ma su it.wiki!

== {{int:filedesc}} ==
|Description =
{{en| Coat of arms of ..., [[Italy]]}}
{{it| Stemma del Comune di [[:it:...|...]] ([[:it:Provincia di ...|Provincia di ...]])}} 
|Source = for kind concession of the site [http://www.araldicacivica.it www.araldicacivica.it]
|Date = 
|Author = Massimo Ghirardi, Carletto Genovese and/or Bruno Fracasso
|Permission = the site release this image under the license GNU Free Documentation License; see authorization [[:it:Wikipedia:Autorizzazioni ottenute/Stemmi|here]] (in italian).
|other_versions =

== {{int:license}} ==

[[Category:Coats of arms of the cities and villages of Marche]]

