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Ari Rusila, a Finn, born and lives in Jyvaskyla, Finland; MASocSc, project manager has worked mostly in Barents region, Murmansk region (Russia) and Kosovo/Serbia (Balkans). Participates to debates about western Balkans politics,conflicts, crisis management.

A quote of his motivation: “While working in Balkans I saw a huge gap between mainstream media and reality and between high-flown ideas and grassroots. So I started to write e-mails to policy-makers and comments to different forums – the response was modest at highest. The I started blogging (six in English and one in Finnish) and I have got more feed-back. My motto is “The other side of story””.

Ari Rusila's BalkanBlog (, created by a Finnish freelancer and project management expert Ari Rusila,covers issues of conflicts, crisis management and geopolitics and regionally the Balkans, the Black Sea region and MENA (the greater Middle East and North Africa) regions. There is a Finnish version of main blog with a bit different content: Ari Rusilan BalkanBlog ( ) as well a newsportal Ari Rusila's Conflicts ( )where real-time news of my topics are automatically generated from different sources. And finally Themes of Ari Rusila ( ) includes some his minicourses for e-learning purpose. This site is still partly under construction. In addition to this a more static website Ari Rusila WebS ( ) is available.

References 1. ^ Ari Rusila's BalkanBlog ( 2. ^ Ari Rusilan BalkanBlog ( ) 3. ^ Ari Rusila's Conflicts ( 4. ^ Themes of Ari Rusila ( ) 5. ^ Ari Rusila WebS ( )