User:ArchaiOptix/Protoattic vases

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Dear visitor,
welcome to this partition of my picture gallery.
For my picture galleries about other object categories of ancient art please turn to my general user page (link on the top of this page).

Old Satyr Marsyas with ivy wreath

About me:
I am teaching Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin), Theology, modern Greek and Italian. I am particularly interested in Archaeology and History of Ancient Art. One of my other hobbies is photography. Combining these two hobbies I take lots of pictures in museums and archaeological sites and catalogue the photos according to the scientific literature.

About this picture gallery:
Under the relevant categories (of museums and artists) and more systematically on this user page I share a selection of my photos of ancient art.
The site is under construction since January 2020.
I thank all directors of museums who permit photography of the exhibits for private, educational, scientific, non-commercial purposes, thus spreading the knowledge of their treasures in a wider public. I hope that my photos published on wikimedia commons act also as an incentive to visit these museums and admire the works of art directly. Therefore editing the photos I refrain from replacing the background, so that the objects can be seen as displayed in the museum. If you intend to use one of my photos for commercial aims, I would recommend you to contact the museum.

The structure of this picture gallery:
material / object category
→ artistic epoch / date
→→ place of production / findspot
→→→ workshop / artist / object type

Transcription of the letters in Greek inscriptions
Epsilon = E
Eta (if written as H) = E_
Theta = TH
Xi = X
Omikron = O
Ypsilon = Y / U in diphthongs
Phi = PH
Chi = CH
Psi = PS
Omega = O_
Spiritus asper (if written as H) = H
Spiritus asper (if written as superscript c: rarely!) = c

Protoattic vases


classified according to Giulia Rocco, La ceramografia protoattica: pittori e botteghe (710 - 630 a.C.), Rahden/Westfalen 2008, with additional attributions by other authors ("extra")
The bibliography in the description notes only the literature or internet site most relevant for the attribution to a specific painter.
The transition from late geometric and to early attic black figure is smooth.

pupils and followers of the late geometric workshop of Athens 894

Mesogeia Painter
Group of Opferplatz a/IV

followers of the late geometric workshops outside of the classical tradition

Würzburg Group
Painter of the amphora Boston MFA 03.782
N Painter
Passas Painter
Group of the Hypokraterion Munich 8936
early proto-attic vases withouth attribution to a specific painter or workshop

The Attic-Cycladic tradition


The Wild Style

Group of the Wild Style without attribution to a specific painter
Group of the Amphora Athens 19332
Group of the Buffalo Krateriskos
Group of the Krater Cambridge 7-25
Checkerboard Painter
Group of the Louterion from Thebes
Group of the Schliemann Krater and the Vari Loutrophoros

The workshops of the Polyphemos Painter and the Ram Jug Painter

Polyphemos Painter
Ram Jug Painter
Pernice Painter
Painter of the Burgon Krater
Group of the Kerameikos Mugs
Painter of Opferrinne b/IX

vases under protocorinthian influence

Group of Kerameikos tomb LZB
Agora Group

The workshop of the Painter of the Kynosarges Amphora

Painter of Opferrinne g
Painter of the Kynosarges Amphora
Pair Painter

transition from late proto-attic to early attic black figure

pieces not attibuted to a specific painter or workshop