User:ArchaiOptix/Etrusco-Corinthian pottery

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Old Satyr Marsyas with ivy wreath

About me:
I am teaching Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin), Theology, modern Greek and Italian. I am particularly interested in Archaeology and History of Ancient Art. One of my other hobbies is photography. Combining these two hobbies I take lots of pictures in museums and archaeological sites and catalogue the photos according to the scientific literature.

About this picture gallery:
Under the relevant categories (of museums and painting styles) and more systematically on this user page I share a selection of my photos of ancient art.
The site is under construction since January 2020.
I thank all directors of museums who permit photography of the exhibits for private, educational, scientific, non-commercial purposes, thus spreading the knowledge of their treasures in a wider public. I hope that my photos published on wikimedia commons act also as an incentive to visit these museums and admire the works of art directly. Therefore editing the photos I refrain from replacing the background, so that the objects can be seen as displayed in the museum. If you intend to use one of my photos for commercial aims, I would recommend you to contact the museum.

Etrusco-Corinthian pottery
classified according to
János György Szilágyi, Ceramica Etrusco-Corinzia Figurata. Parte I 630-580 a.C., Firenze 1992 / Parte II 590/580-550 a.C., Firenze 1998
abbreviated in the picture titles as CECF, with page and number of vase-list Etrusco-Corinthian plastic aryballoi and alabastra are found on the subpage: Ancient Greek plastic pottery aryballoi and alabastra in the orientalizing, archaic and classical period

polychrome Etrusco-Corinthian pottery 630-600 BC


Loops Painter (Pittore dei Cappi)


Group of Monte Abatone, not attributed to a specific painter


Castellani Painter (Etrusco-Corinthian)


not to be mixed up with his Attic namesake painting black figure "tyrrhenian" neck-amphorai

Newcastle Painter (Castellani Group)


polychrome vases with figured decoration, not attributed to a specific painter


larger polychrome vases decorated with incised scales, not attributed to a specific painter


polychrome vases decorated with scales painted in white, not attributed to a specific painter


polychrome vases decorated with incised intertwined arcs (gruppo degli archetti intrecciati), not attributed to a specific painter


polychrome vases decorated with "Phoenician palmettes" (and other non-figured motifs), not attributed to a specific painter


polychrome vases decorated with lotus flowers (and other non-figured motifs), not attributed to a specific painter


polychrome vases decorated with tongues, lines and bands (and other non-figured motifs), not attributed to a specific painter


Etrusco-Corinthian aryballoi and alabastra with non-figured decoration 650/630-600 BC


aryballoi and alabastra decorated with scales


aryballoi and alabastra decorated with lines and bands


early Etrusco-Corinthian black figure pottery


Waterville Painter


Corinthian potter-painter immigrated to Etruria

Painter of the Bearded Sphinx (Pittore della Sfinge Barbuta)


Group of the Big Amphorai with Scale Pattern (gruppo degli amphoroni squamati)


workshop of Vulci: the second generation: 600-580 BC


Painter of the Polychrome Arcs (pittore degli archetti policromi)


Dating and style associate the painter with the polychrome group 630-600 BC, but Szilágyi lists him amongst his „second generation“.

Feoli Painter


Painter of the Flying Birds (pittore degli uccelli volanti)


workshop of the Feoli Painter

Pescia Romana Painter


Boehlau Painter


vases from the workshop of Vulci, 600-580 BC, not attributed to a specific painter or group


workshop of Vulci, vases with figures painted in silhouette (without incision) 610-580 BC




workshop of Vulci: the third generation: 590/580-560 BC


circle of the olpai

Hercle Painter


Painter of Munich 640 and connected vases (sequenza di Monaco 640)


Painter of the Large Rosettes (Pittore dei Rosoni) including the Krater Painter (Pittore dei Crateri) and his group


Painter of the Knotted Tails (Pittore delle Code Annodate) (circle of the Painter of the Large Rosettes)


Dorow Painter and Group


Züst Painter


workshop of Tarquinia


Vitelleschi Painter and Group


Painter Without Incision


workshop of Tarquinia, not attributed to a specific painter


workshop of Tarquinia or Vulci, not attributed to a specific painter




Codros Circle

Celleno Group (Codros Circle)


Magliano Group (Codros Circle)


Group of Munich 706


late circles


Group of the Human Mask


Etrusco-Corinthian plastic aryballoi and alabastra of this group are found on the subpage: Ancient Greek plastic pottery aryballoi and alabastra in the orientalizing, archaic and classical period

circle of the confronted cocks

Michigan Group (Circle of the Confronted Cocks) / Tree Painter (Pittore dell’Albero)


Toronto Group (Circle of the Confronted Cocks)


Matsch Group (Circle of the Confronted Cocks)


Circle of the Birds

Calatia Group (Circle of the Birds)
