My work in the News: Live365
- List of criteria for speedy deletion (CSD)
- F1: Clear copyright violation
- F2: Fair use content
- F3: Derivative work of non-free content
- F4: Failed license review
- F5: Missing essential information
- F6: License laundering
- F7: File is empty, corrupt, or in a disallowed format
- F8: Exact or scaled-down duplicate
- F9: Embedded data
- F10: Personal photos by non-contributors
- G1: Test page, accidental creation, or page containing nonsense or no valid content
- G2: Unused and implausible, or broken redirect
- G3: Content intended as vandalism, threat, or attack
- G4: Recreation of content previously deleted per community consensus
- G5: Temporary deletion for history cleaning or revision suppression
- G6: Uncontroversial maintenance
- G7: Author or uploader request deletion
- G8: Page dependent on deleted or non-existent content
- G9: Office action
- G10: Files and pages created as advertisements
- G11: Blatant text copyright violation
- GA1: Gallery page without at least two images or other media files
- GA2: User intended to create encyclopedic content
- C1: Improperly named category
- C2: Unuseful empty category
- COM1: Improperly filed or routinely emptied deletion request or log
- T1: Duplicate template
- T2: Unused template
- U1: User requested deletion in own user space
- U2: User page of a non-existent user
- U3: Inappropriate use of user pages