English subtitles for clip: File:Space pioneer Rick Tumlinson on colonizing space-VPRO-The Mind of the Universe.ogv

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00:00:00,59 --> 00:00:11,67
So I had someone son is a Texan related name. What did your grandfather just grand grand grand parents do.

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You know and well you know before we start yeah so

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when you say that you mean like my ancestry Yeah your answer we're going back to yesterday yeah just for a while Oh OK

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We came

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and we killed Indians No kidding you know we did well OK a little bit anyway you know what we're doing group is one of

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my ancestors and what do you write Yeah well.

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My ancestors came to Texas in the early eighty's hundreds with a gentleman named Moses Austin which is a great name for

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somebody who's going to lead you into a new land.

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And they became a part of what we call in Texas the first three hundred which are the first three hundred settlers they

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came in under the Spanish Empire they pledged loyalty to the king they became Catholics. And.

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Began to settle in Texas and then over time became a part of.

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The founding activities that actually started what was at the time the nation of Texas.

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We're very proud of the fact in Texas that we're actually a country for. Nine years.

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You kind of helps define our attitude a little bit which is different than you'll see in most people in the U.S.

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You know it's funny whenever I'm overseas in customs things like that they ask you.

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Where you're from and I'll say Texas instead of us.

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So we you know our family is very much of a plane or in spirit we're not a wealthy family

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but we're very proud of our heritage and the nice thing about heritage is you don't have to be wealthy to have one

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but you can be proud so yeah we helped start. Texas very very.

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Means a lot to us missile launches the lady showed you some documents that you have just so for.

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Some of the documents she showed us yesterday I'd never seen before some of the letters from my ancestors back

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and forth in the in the colony at the time. Were very interesting to me and.

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We're constantly finding new things out about our ancestors I a couple of years ago found that there was a book written

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called the Fighting Tomlinson's a Texas Ranger legacy it's out of print now

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but it does turn out that we have thirty eight Texas Rangers in my family and we helped start the Texas Rangers.

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So yeah heritage is is very important to us.

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I don't live out of it every day it's not something I walk around Away Hey you know

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but it is it helps with the foundation of who you are it helps you be able to relate especially in my case the fact

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that my ancestors helped open this frontier put me in a position psychologically from a very young age to be focused on

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the next. Focus is on being a senator.

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You know much yeah you might my ancestors were subtle as they left a place that they didn't want to be in

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and went to a new place that they knew very little about they brought their tools they brought their out of tude they

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came as part of a community. And. Settled it turned it into a place which they could call home.

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And then to form New York current idea of settling into a state. Absolutely absolutely I. It had a great deal.

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As a child. Story to my head so. HOW DID I DO You are of the Center for you as a kid or your idea that there's.

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You know when I was a child I was exposed to a lot of different inputs.

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I remember I was an asthmatic and so I spent a lot of time reading.

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And I read science fiction at the same time I spent a lot of time out in West Texas with my grandparents.

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And they would let me roam and I would go out into the out into the desert and explore. And yet.

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At the same time as all of that was going on I also had my English background because I spent several years in England.

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And there was this feeling of the.

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The edge of exploration that I picked up there and it all kind of blended together

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and underlying everything was this thing about being a Texan being from a family of settlers.

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And I think you know

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when you're a child these things kind of can blur together into helping you create an identity for yourself so for me

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it really became sort of projected on the future what my family had taught me about our past. While dreaming of space.

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One of the reasons to be frank about it is probably I didn't like where I was in other words.

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We escape to places that make us feel. Good better stronger and more excited.

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That's why we have fantasy that's why we have science fiction that's why we have movies. And so for me.

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Dealing with what I was dealing with as a child I had a way to escape I could read science fiction stories in these

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heroes on these rocket ships and going off to new worlds in space and they were doing all kinds of incredible things

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and I could as any child would reading those books visualize myself as those heroes doing those things.

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And I really think that's that's why that's why we have fiction

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but in my particular case rather than you know being reading detective novels

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or something else I went into the future and inhabited that and it in a sense inhabited me.

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Somehow you were going to live your dream. When I was growing up and one of the funny things when I was growing up.

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What was happening was that. We had the Apollo program.

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And so you would turn on the evening news and you would see several things happening you would see Vietnam

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and the Cold War this imminent threat hanging over our heads that we were going to die in a nuclear attack at any time

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between the US and the Soviets.

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And then you'd flip the channel

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and we'd be doing these incredible things in space there's Mercury Gemini Apollo Soyuz all of these cool things so it

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was like bad news bad news bad news look we're doing something it's base and then you turn the next channel

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and there's Captain Kirk you know going into the you know places no one has gone before.

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As a child I think that those positive ideas of what the future could be like being reinforced as they were at that

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moment in my life by.

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What was really happening I put them together and I said Of course I want to take what's happening now

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and I want to go do that and then you roll in underneath it the idea of my family being settlers

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and part of the frontier and you've got this who I am now and what I do. So what was the first moment you realized you.

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Well were going to. The road of the road of actually working on it you know going out.

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There was there were several steps in my life. Of which point each one moved me further. I remember sitting in college.

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On the floor of my student union. And watching this. Icon of the one nine hundred seventy S.

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and Sixty's Timothy Leary giving a speech about colonies in space that this guy named Gerard Cale Neal had come up with.

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And I was just inspired it all came home to me that I want to help make that happen. I didn't know how.

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Because I was such a rebellious student I had walked out of my class as I was taught as many of us do that I was

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smarter than my teachers and so I would have fights with my professors and my teachers

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and I would storm out of the class and drop the classes. But I stayed in school.

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Mainly because it gave me community and I guess that's where the girls were but it kept me going

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and so I see I sit in the Student Union of my my school

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and there is Timothy Leary showing colonies in space Gerard Kay O'Neill's ideas

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and I decided that I want to make that happen but I didn't know how. So then a few months later and the.

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Amazing coincidences I guess because the one thing I had been doing was doing tech support for theater I find myself

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backstage. With a guy named Gene Roddenberry. And he had just created a television series.

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Sorry So starting on yeah not again I scratch my head and that whole story some of it I mean Larry oh OK here we go.

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So when they I.

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Was so so when I was in college just I find myself sitting on the floor of the student union

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and there's a guy speaking in Timothy Leary he's talking about colonies in space where people would live that were

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created the idea that was created by God in droid K. O'Neill.

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And I wanted to make that happen

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but I didn't know how because I'd been such a rebel in my school yelling at my teachers walking out of classes I never

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was finishing all my classes.

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But I did find myself at one point working in my school's theater department doing tech and so there I was at this.

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Lecture and there was a guy there named Gene Roddenberry who created Star Trek

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and for a few minutes I was backstage with him alone and.

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I had to ask I said you know I love Star Trek I want to make that happen how do I do that how do I do it because I'm

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you know I'm a terrible student. And Mr EISENBERG. Said just stick to your guns.

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Stay with your dream don't ever give up.

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And I said Well that that's great but how do I take my skills

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and help us create the world of Star Trek how do i help us move into space and he stopped

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and he said Do you know what I was before the television series. And I did know he said I was an L.A. Cop.

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I used to drive around in a police car. And it kind of blew my mind what it told me. Because in my mind. As many.

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Kids probably have today in their mind you have to be an engineer or a scientist

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or have some specialty that's directly related to.

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Building rockets and things like that to be able to participate in the opening of the frontier

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when he told me that I realized I didn't have to I realized I could just take whatever it was mainly my passion

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and apply it to the cause and as long as I stayed in there and I studied a lot on my own.

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And worked hard I would eventually be able to make a contribution and he apparently was somewhat right.

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You also studied that Garrett and you saw even his books have become your Bible. Gerry O'Neill. Is.

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I'm sort of saying it was crack. So what about your. Jury O'Neill is.

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Far too often overlooked in what is happening in space. Right now everybody thinks it's one mosque or Jeff Bezos or.

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Richard Branson and or the X. PRIZE or this or that or the other that made all of this happen or.

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You know or let's say it's the old space program

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and those guys the guy who is really responsible for making a lot of what is happening today occur is drug Keanu he

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wrote a book called the high frontier in the one nine hundred seventy S.

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and You have to think about that period for a moment we had been to the moon.

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We had Galileo and Voyager going out into the saw. Or system we could do anything.

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And you know we had Star Trek on our T.V.'s all of these kind of inputs into this generation that had just come was in

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the middle of the Cold War We just come through Vietnam we needed something to excite us

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and ahead of us in the early Eighties was this idea of a thing called the space shuttle

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and we were told it was going to fly fifty times a year it was only going to be one hundred dollars a pound to go into

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space we could do anything.

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And doctrine you know wrote a book called the high frontier

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and in this book he basically said you don't have to be an astronaut you don't have to be a part of a government

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program to participate in the opening of space take your ideas take your passion take your tools

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and utilize the resources of space

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and you could build settlements colonies you could build families out there in the frontier

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and the book which was called the high frontier inspired a lot of us so.

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On top of that what he did was he formed an organization

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and then he started having a conference in Princeton which he called the space manufacturing conference

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and we used to call it the not ready for primetime conference and we would go out to this conference

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and say things that you couldn't say at a normal space conference at the time for example maybe somebody will buy a

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ticket to go into space maybe there's things in the asteroids that we can use to build a civilization maybe there's ice

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on the moon maybe I as an individual could start a space company and do something important.

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And people would take you seriously he and his partner Freeman Dyson

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and Dr John Lewis would be sitting at the front of the room going that's an interesting idea and I.

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The young crazy Turks of the time would sit there and sail of these things and interact with each other

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and started creating a community now out of that community came most of the different space organizations we have here

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in the United States.

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The National Space Society my organization the Space Frontier Foundation the International Space University the X.

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PRIZE students for the exploration development space eventually the Mars Society all of these organizations go back to

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Dr O'Neill. By the Bible. So this is the one of the original copies of the high frontier that Dr and you know wrote.

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And here's what's really interesting about it if you think of this versus maybe what you saw back then from NASA

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and space agencies it's green.

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That's a neighborhood in that this is a rotating facility that provides gravity but whether it's in space on the moon

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or on Mars really doesn't matter at the core. It's green.

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There are communities houses there are people living in here working together just as we do outside in the town where

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we live so

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when he did this book he was able to tap into something that we hadn't seen before right even even if you go back to

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the core of science fiction people like Buck Rogers

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and these are these guys well Rockstar heroes you know superheroes they gladiators of space things like that Dr O'Neill

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said that's wonderful but let's just go build a home. And it touched us. It put inside of us this idea that.

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We're just extending who we are out there that we have the right stuff all of us. It's interesting hearing.

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Cares about humans space absolutely absolutely you know. There was. This might give you a troll but there was.

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The old space program that the one that the Cold War Space Program what I call the von Braun Ian space program.

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Was this idea of you know we were going to space and you would sit in you know couch

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and watch the expensive space program as we take your tax dollars and we go into space and.

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That was sort of a command economy a national controlled space program the Soviets had when we had one.

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The other way of looking at space is what I call the Sega Knights see the von Braun eons

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and you have the Sega Knights the Sega knights were you know billions

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and billions of stars look at this incredible universe isn't a ground isn't a great look at God's handiwork spread out

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in the sky look at it but don't touch it.

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Right now that's astronomy things like that and I love that

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but it was very much hands off most people don't realize at the beginning back

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when Dr O'Neill a starting call second didn't believe that civilians could should go into space he was against it he

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actually disliked Dr O'Neill he called Dr O'Neill the robber baron who wanted to plunder

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and pillage God's pristine solar system.

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And then there's Dr Neil he was the third category

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and he didn't have a funny voice he didn't have a funny accent he did have a Beatle haircut which he always had to

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until the end of his life but he was a very very gentle man and he basically said Take your dreams your imaginations

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and your tools and use the resources of space to expand civilization. Open the high frontier. Why was it so. Because I.

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Wasn't it was Dr

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and his message was appealing to me because I wasn't an astronaut because I was just a guy I'm just a kid from Texas

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who'd grown up in England and you know I was just a kid I'll start that again if you want. Dr and his message.

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Was so appealing to me because I wasn't an astronaut.

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I was just a kid I was just a guy you know just a normal human being who had a set of skills that maybe hadn't been

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honed by being a physicist or an astronomer or an engineer

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and yet what he was saying was that I could participate that I just like the astronauts just like the engineers just

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like the astronomers and the physicists I had the right stuff. And that gave me an opening. And you know.

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If you believe that you can make a contribution something if you believe that you can add value to something that you

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can take whatever skills that you have and you can participate in something and that thing is grand and exciting

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and inspiring.

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You should always step or do it

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and they called the force the other important point was the kindness of the people involved they let me participate

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here was this crazy guy who.

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You know obviously talks too much this is very excited about it and I showed up and I volunteered

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and I offered to you know I'll sweep the floor with if you want just let me in just let me let me do this.

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I started in New York City. Let me back up here and start again OK so.

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One of the other moments that occurred was I took a course about becoming myself.

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I took a course it was I took a course called Best at the time and it was a big controversy all

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but it kind of broke open my psychology a little bit. So I took this this course and it helped me.

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Realize that I had more potential than I thought I did.

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Three months after the course I ended up even though I thought it hadn't helped me at all I ended up married living in

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Manhattan and making the decision that I was going to change my life.

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I remember when evening sitting on one of the piers in the Hudson River. I just got a New York City.

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And looking up at the sky and just thinking. I want to do something important. Now at the time my skill set.

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Wasn't physics or science

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and I was trying to figure out what I was going to do I've literally thought it one point I would make great movies

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that would get people excited about space.

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I was just feeling around trying to find a way to tell because I knew I wanted to do this so one of the things I did

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was I started The New York five society. Being a place in space where you would build a colony.

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And we went to the people at the Intrepid aircraft carrier museum

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and we asked them if we could start having a monthly meeting so I started putting on these monthly meetings at the

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Intrepid aircraft carrier all about space.

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And we would invite important people to come and give lectures and I would go to dinner with those people before

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and I would hang out with them afterwards and they would get to know me and I would get to know them

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and I would have their contact information and and I would learn from them.

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And at the same time I was building an organization and we started to grow.

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And we started to really look at how we could influence the political system

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and how we could influence people to make this happen at one point. In the late eighty's.

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While I was working for Dr O'Neill's Institute which was the Space Studies Institute.

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My SO seats and I decided that we need to be a little more radical.

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We needed to do more than just do research we needed to do more than just have great meetings.

00:24:35,91 --> 00:24:43,99
The space program was off track it wasn't going the way we had thought Keep in mind before the space shuttle flew we

00:24:44,00 --> 00:24:46,57
were promised it was going to fly fifty times a year

00:24:47,25 --> 00:24:52,5
when it started to fly the maximum I think it ever flew was around five times in one year

00:24:53,12 --> 00:25:00,92
and rather than it being only one hundred dollars to get into space it was ten thousand dollars there was no way we

00:25:00,93 --> 00:25:09,07
were going to be able to open the frontier with those kind of costs. I remember sitting at one point.

00:25:09,07 --> 00:25:14,27
In a bar in Princeton site.

00:25:14,27 --> 00:25:20,85
I remember sitting at one in one lit up I remember sitting at one point in a bar in Princeton with my friends at one of

00:25:20,86 --> 00:25:23,52
Dr O'Neill's conferences.

00:25:23,52 --> 00:25:30,39
And we were a merry band having a good time and we started talking about how we were going to make this happen.

00:25:30,39 --> 00:25:32,88
And I remember us.

00:25:32,88 --> 00:25:37,78
My friends who founded the International Space University and myself and some of the others who went off

00:25:37,79 --> 00:25:45,51
and did political things. Pledging myself pledging our lives and fortunes.

00:25:45,51 --> 00:25:52,02
To helping humanity break out of the planet Earth in our lifetimes and we toasted.

00:25:52,02 --> 00:25:55,27
One of the guys called it a benign conspiracy

00:25:55,28 --> 00:25:59,65
and I said That sounds like a cancerous tumor maybe we should call it a benevolent conspiracy.

00:26:00,51 --> 00:26:08,26
So OK benevolent conspiracy to this day almost every person that was sitting at that table.

00:26:08,26 --> 00:26:14,98
Has stayed in the revolution as we call it and he's making it happen. Just from the X.

00:26:14,99 --> 00:26:23,79
Prize to people building spacecraft to people that actually change the laws so that one must can ship as those could

00:26:23,8 --> 00:26:37,79
fly they're still in the fight. So you became a. Space Africa or maybe space cowboy.

00:26:37,79 --> 00:26:47,87
I didn't enter this field with the idea that I was going to have to help. Create in a way a revolution.

00:26:47,87 --> 00:26:58,92
It wasn't my plan. I remember at one point. Testifying in front of the commission.

00:26:58,92 --> 00:27:03,52
That the way we were going to open space was that NASA needed more support

00:27:04,04 --> 00:27:11,07
and we needed to have more astronauts on talk shows. And that would change everything.

00:27:11,07 --> 00:27:20,89
Sorry about that and to do that again and again so you became a space I forget or my interactions or space cowboy.

00:27:20,89 --> 00:27:29,37
You could call it a cowboy I've been called I've been called cowboy gunslinger.

00:27:29,37 --> 00:27:38,59
And if you were worse things by people that I've had to take on to make what is happening now happen.

00:27:38,59 --> 00:27:43,84
My joke was that since I don't get paid I may as well have a great image to deal with.

00:27:43,84 --> 00:27:51,31
Space Cowboy I've been called a pirate I mean there's there's a lot of different words that people apply to us.

00:27:51,31 --> 00:28:00,17
In the end the word I'd like to have applied is effective. We made the change happen. You know.

00:28:00,8 --> 00:28:09,86
In one thousand nine hundred five I was I got to sit in front of Congress and do you want to cut and.

00:28:09,86 --> 00:28:18,45
Go with your questions because I'm Yeah you know Maggie I try and pausing at a break but yeah you don't charge OK.

00:28:18,45 --> 00:28:22,09
Let me go to you so you.

00:28:22,09 --> 00:28:27,03
You were talking about that you had this organization and all those people are still going to say Sion

00:28:27,35 --> 00:28:34,03
but what do you want to make why do you want to make colonies in space I mean we have a lot of space here

00:28:34,04 --> 00:28:42,15
and I heard you could say Earth pretty well why you would want to go out to outer space.

00:28:42,15 --> 00:28:54,56
There are several reasons that I've dedicated my life to making this happen. It is my personal. Existential belief.

00:28:54,56 --> 00:29:06,52
Is the reason I believe I am here. To help life and humanity expand into the universe and why is that important.

00:29:06,52 --> 00:29:21,81
When my first answer would be why isn't that important but I believe. That. Human beings. Know when to change that.

00:29:21,81 --> 00:29:31,49
I declare. In other words whether this is a belief whether I'm right whether I'm wrong doesn't really matter. So.

00:29:31,49 --> 00:29:39,9
Let's And that's not yes take that again so why isn't why why why you know why we go into space is is a question we get

00:29:39,91 --> 00:29:46,77
a lot and I believe it is our job I believe it is our job on several levels I believe that

00:29:46,89 --> 00:29:54,72
when it relates to the universe we are the way the universe knows of itself we are the sensing mechanism by which the

00:29:54,73 --> 00:29:59,87
universe has consciousness we create the universe.

00:30:01,07 --> 00:30:13,02
Just as the universe created us so it could be created by us we are the means by which an entity that we call the

00:30:13,03 --> 00:30:18,41
universe which doesn't even exist until we call it into existence by naming it the universe

00:30:18,71 --> 00:30:25,95
and giving it certain characteristics we are the entity by by which Are we the mechanism by which that entity knows of

00:30:25,96 --> 00:30:33,34
itself that's number one number two. We are alive.

00:30:33,34 --> 00:30:39,21
Without living things in my believe the universe would expand

00:30:39,22 --> 00:30:45,8
and evolve into maybe equally charged particles an equal distance apart for ever and ever and on

00:30:46,05 --> 00:30:55,73
and nothing entropy as they call it into nothingness we go into space. Because we.

00:30:55,73 --> 00:31:05,28
Represent life and I believe that it is the duty of life to move into places where there is no life.

00:31:05,28 --> 00:31:16,5
And we human beings are the seed carriers we are the beings on this planet that have the capability to carry life

00:31:16,51 --> 00:31:26,44
itself into space the beauty of what we are engaged in right now as far as expanding into space is that after the

00:31:26,45 --> 00:31:34,63
entire history of humanity being one in which human civilization seems to have attacked what we call the ecosystem as

00:31:34,64 --> 00:31:39,96
we developed our technology and our civilization is that we were versing that process

00:31:40,58 --> 00:31:48,95
and for the first time in human civilization rather than the expansion of our technology meaning an attack on let's

00:31:48,96 --> 00:31:56,47
call it the ecosystem the expansion of our technology be on the earth means we can expand the a consistent because

00:31:56,48 --> 00:32:04,98
we're going to carry life with us. That that's. We're going to carry a life into you.

00:32:04,98 --> 00:32:13,9
You know I have this organization called new worlds and our logo is a green hand. For the galaxy.

00:32:13,9 --> 00:32:24,28
That's on purpose because we believe that our job as human beings is to carry life where there is no life our slogan is

00:32:24,29 --> 00:32:29,42
to carry the light of life to places now dark the seeds of life the place is now dead in the eyes hands

00:32:29,43 --> 00:32:35,48
and imaginations of humanity to places unseen untouched and unexplored.

00:32:35,48 --> 00:32:44,66
That's what I'm about that's my life's mission in a sense and in one paragraph. And she's also in sort of X.

00:32:45,16 --> 00:32:54,27
Lloyd's Let's say that asteroids that matter you know.

00:32:54,27 --> 00:33:01,5
It's very easy to have abstract conversations about wow let's go into space and let's do all these amazing things

00:33:01,68 --> 00:33:11,22
but at the end of the day somebody has to pay for it at the end of the day it has to be able to pay for itself so yeah

00:33:11,23 --> 00:33:14,38
I could have amazing dreams of what the future is going to look like

00:33:14,39 --> 00:33:21,41
and what it should look light so I can little I could have amazing dreams of what our future in space could

00:33:21,42 --> 00:33:23,47
or should look like.

00:33:23,47 --> 00:33:29,75
But my attitude is I have to make it happen in the way I have to make it happen is I have to make it pay for itself

00:33:30,54 --> 00:33:39,15
and the way to make it pay for itself is to create a business to create an economic infrastructure in which wealth is

00:33:39,16 --> 00:33:46,97
generated by. What we're doing in space. But you know there is a sort of a shift.

00:33:46,97 --> 00:33:54,25
Looking towards place you know I mean we're doing that for since the fifty's for the last century

00:33:54,82 --> 00:34:07,56
but somehow it feels as if there's a change you sort of describe what is changing. What's happening now.

00:34:07,56 --> 00:34:17,12
Is scary what's happening now is the transition from. Space being dominated by governments.

00:34:17,12 --> 00:34:25,21
And being approached as a place where they carry out their programs to space being seen as a place where people who are

00:34:25,22 --> 00:34:37,13
inspired by those programs are able to go out and make things happen in other words. The children of Apollo.

00:34:37,13 --> 00:34:40,36
The children who were inspired by Apollo and Soyuz

00:34:40,4 --> 00:34:46,33
and the Cold War space program have now grown up with those dreams inside of them

00:34:47,02 --> 00:34:56,6
and they're going out to open the front here and these children of Apollo are very pragmatic.

00:34:56,6 --> 00:35:04,57
They're business oriented they're creative and they're using the incredible technologies we have today to go out

00:35:04,58 --> 00:35:20,34
and make it happen. You know how slow your company is. On them it's future forming what one.

00:35:20,34 --> 00:35:27,53
Might my company deep space industries are going to come at this from one angle in another my company I founded deep

00:35:27,54 --> 00:35:31,3
space industries. Because.

00:35:31,3 --> 00:35:36,75
In a sense out of my Texas heritage you have to be able to walk the walk if you're going to talk the talk I've been

00:35:36,76 --> 00:35:38,37
talking the talk for a long time

00:35:38,38 --> 00:35:44,74
and in the case in this case walking the walk means going out making it actually happen deep space industries is

00:35:44,75 --> 00:35:49,33
focused on harvesting the resources of space.

00:35:49,33 --> 00:35:58,18
Because we can use the resources of space we have an unlimited future out there think of it this way.

00:35:58,18 --> 00:36:00,13
If I have to carry everything with me.

00:36:00,27 --> 00:36:09,99
From the Earth in the space that I need to do anything I will always be limited by the cost of carrying those things

00:36:10,00 --> 00:36:21,06
from the Earth's surface if on the other hand I can utilize what I find in space the metals the water the materials the

00:36:21,07 --> 00:36:23,7
energy that's in space itself coming from the sun

00:36:24,38 --> 00:36:30,68
and if I can use those things to do what I'm going to do in space where I'm going to live there whether I'm going to

00:36:30,69 --> 00:36:40,96
create an industry there whatever it is a new economy. Then I'm unlimited then I'm released. The Earth.

00:36:40,96 --> 00:36:46,73
Sorry I'm sorry when we're on the earth we sit at the bottom of a gravity well.

00:36:46,73 --> 00:36:54,05
And that gravity well is the reason that we have to build such large rockets.

00:36:54,05 --> 00:36:58,61
If you'll notice when you look at a rocket there's this gigantic.

00:36:58,61 --> 00:37:06,64
Engine or set of engines and then there's this little tiny thing at the top which is the payload or the astronauts.

00:37:06,64 --> 00:37:15,04
That's because it takes so much energy to lift ourselves off the planet into space why not.

00:37:15,04 --> 00:37:16,12
Be out in space

00:37:16,13 --> 00:37:22,84
and utilize what we have out there rather than having to take all of that energy to lift ourselves out of the gravity

00:37:22,85 --> 00:37:35,03
well. Sorry. Go ahead and then you create machines that actually mine they're going to asteroid those.

00:37:35,03 --> 00:37:48,66
I'm sorry you asked me again. OK So then you create machines or ideas about machines that are able to dig into us. Yes.

00:37:48,66 --> 00:37:54,95
The resources of space are basically limitless So if we can get out there

00:37:55,55 --> 00:38:07,22
and mind asteroids harbors space resources maybe is a better way to. But it. Then we are unbounded from the earth.

00:38:07,22 --> 00:38:16,61
Then all we need to do is send people and some small machines and we can start expanding in space. You know.

00:38:16,61 --> 00:38:22,97
It's interesting with some it's interesting with the space because our goal is eventually to support the expansion of

00:38:23,01 --> 00:38:24,33
humanity into space

00:38:25,15 --> 00:38:32,7
but to be pragmatic about it the first thing we're going to send out there is robot very very small robots in many

00:38:32,71 --> 00:38:37,42
cases that will be able to tell us what resources we're finding on asteroids

00:38:37,43 --> 00:38:45,27
and eventually robots that will help that will go out and begin mining the resources from those asteroids.

00:38:45,27 --> 00:38:52,8
That allows us to keep costs very low as far as how we're extracting those resources

00:38:53,14 --> 00:39:04,46
and allows us to begin building our industrial base out there. So you know what's there yeah so.

00:39:04,46 --> 00:39:10,23
So much slip into deep space mode D.S.I. Mode for now and here it's going to go corporate I know.

00:39:10,23 --> 00:39:19,25
So the goal of deep deep space industries is to harvest sun The goal of the Space Industries is to prospect for find

00:39:20,15 --> 00:39:27,49
harvest process and utilize space resources.

00:39:27,49 --> 00:39:34,81
Our first missions are going to be within the next two years to test our spacecraft in Earth orbit we're working with

00:39:34,82 --> 00:39:38,68
the government of Luxembourg to build what we call prospector X.

00:39:39,15 --> 00:39:46,26
Which will show us the different technologies demonstrate the technologies that we plan to utilize to go out to the

00:39:46,27 --> 00:39:56,35
asteroids prospect rocks actually has a motor that is a steam engine a very ancient technology where heating up water

00:39:56,46 --> 00:40:00,17
in the steam goes this way the rocket goes that way it's a very.

00:40:00,26 --> 00:40:05,12
The what I would call front to read technology because it's so basic.

00:40:05,12 --> 00:40:08,91
And since the main material they were looking to harvest room

00:40:08,95 --> 00:40:17,21
and the asteroids in their first phase is water makes perfect sense that we're creating the technology that will

00:40:17,22 --> 00:40:28,18
utilize that water to allow us to get around in other words. We're creating the market. By having people use a motor.

00:40:28,18 --> 00:40:40,21
That has water as its main power supply. That will then. Be fed into by what it is we harvest which is ice.

00:40:40,21 --> 00:40:47,77
And we commit this from commodities because it it's interesting it somehow relates to the story of this early settlers

00:40:47,86 --> 00:40:50,43
using the stuff that's there.

00:40:50,43 --> 00:40:57,56
And one of the key things about being able to open a frontier is being able to live off the land.

00:40:57,56 --> 00:41:00,85
You simply can't go into a frontier

00:41:00,89 --> 00:41:08,78
and subtle front here if everything you need there has to come from where you came from.

00:41:08,78 --> 00:41:11,59
So that's why you need to go your mind

00:41:11,79 --> 00:41:19,01
and then you write the goal of deep space is to help accelerate the opening of the frontier by providing resources in

00:41:19,02 --> 00:41:27,62
space. So that we can dramatically decrease the cost of doing things out there.

00:41:27,62 --> 00:41:39,68
Could you describe somehow suppose we're living let's say twenty maybe thirty else from now what do you expect it to be.

00:41:39,68 --> 00:41:47,18
I would say within the next twenty years there are going to be people living in space in other words the place they are

00:41:47,19 --> 00:41:52,58
in space is what they're going to consider their home settlers.

00:41:52,58 --> 00:41:59,51
I believe we're going to have industries starting to develop in space that might include space solar power systems.

00:42:00,89 --> 00:42:05,86
But certainly I believe strongly that there are going to be people living on Mars

00:42:06,43 --> 00:42:12,97
and I believe that our organization our company deep space is going to be operating out there in building large

00:42:12,98 --> 00:42:24,56
infrastructure items such as space systems that can be used. To the I went off the deep and.

00:42:24,56 --> 00:42:31,57
Well that's an example my sense of what you tried to sort of imagine thirty years from now so what would I see what

00:42:31,94 --> 00:42:40,64
would I do just in on I as well you know within thirty years probably for about the cost of your house you'll be able

00:42:40,65 --> 00:42:42,84
to go live on Mars or the moon

00:42:43,38 --> 00:42:49,13
and probably end a colony that somebody is building in what I call free space in other words the place between the moon

00:42:49,31 --> 00:42:52,54
Earth and Mars.

00:42:52,54 --> 00:43:00,62
New Civilization is going to be starting now any other time that would be crazy talk but

00:43:00,63 --> 00:43:05,66
when you look at what's happening now with companies like mine where we're going to mine

00:43:05,67 --> 00:43:10,6
and harvest resources from asteroids when you have any Elon Musk when you have a basis

00:43:10,61 --> 00:43:14,33
when you have a Richard Branson you have these other people coming online

00:43:15,25 --> 00:43:21,57
when you have the advance in technology that's happening as quickly as it is right now.

00:43:21,57 --> 00:43:26,35
This is really going to happen and it's going to happen it probably yeah in the next fifteen to twenty

00:43:26,36 --> 00:43:37,07
or thirty years absolutely but why now. We're at a moment in time.

00:43:37,07 --> 00:43:44,92
Where we have an intersection in the technologies and the capability.

00:43:44,92 --> 00:43:52,8
And the imagination to be able to break out into space we have technologies that were developed in the Cold War the

00:43:52,84 --> 00:44:00,89
years it was an incredible thing to me the very same technologies that we developed in the Cold War. I.C.B.M.

00:44:00,9 --> 00:44:06,4
Rockets computers to calculate how you could kill the most people

00:44:06,41 --> 00:44:16,2
or guide the rockets to their locations the means of communications all of these things that we created to attack each

00:44:16,21 --> 00:44:22,6
other on this planet are the very same technologies that have come together now to allow us to leave this planet

00:44:22,78 --> 00:44:37,28
and expand into the universe. And you think it is let's see. Humanity into space it's our goal it's our destiny.

00:44:37,28 --> 00:44:41,64
I think it is the destiny of the human race to expand our civilization

00:44:41,65 --> 00:44:48,04
and life itself into the universe it's why we are here it is why I am here this is my job

00:44:48,54 --> 00:44:52,88
and the job of my associates and my friends who are building rockets and space companies

00:44:52,92 --> 00:44:56,48
and things like that to make it happen.

00:44:56,48 --> 00:45:03,56
You probably must have heard the arguments OK we're making a mass here so then we go out into space make a mess there.

00:45:03,56 --> 00:45:11,73
Why do we go to space if we have so many problems here on the earth exactly every time we move into a new frontier

00:45:11,74 --> 00:45:17,35
every time we push beyond the place we are we discover more things about that place

00:45:17,36 --> 00:45:21,52
and ourselves that we can apply to the civilization to the place we come from

00:45:21,65 --> 00:45:30,66
and make it better every time that humanity has moved into a new place whether it means going up the coast of Africa as

00:45:30,67 --> 00:45:35,49
primal creatures and beginning to become human beings

00:45:35,5 --> 00:45:39,28
and create civilizations whether it means the Greeks moving this way

00:45:39,29 --> 00:45:46,76
or that way whether it's China coming out of its boundaries or the the early settlers coming across the ocean

00:45:46,88 --> 00:45:51,81
or the people before them that came across the Bering Straits and began to settle in North

00:45:51,82 --> 00:46:00,17
and South America every time we move into new places we get better we become better at being human beings and.

00:46:00,2 --> 00:46:06,31
I think especially. I think especially in the current era.

00:46:06,31 --> 00:46:15,67
Where we have the ability to look back at the mistakes we've made you know the awareness of history that we have now is

00:46:15,68 --> 00:46:23,65
probably is absolutely greater than we've ever had in the history of humanity I'm sorry the awareness of history that

00:46:23,66 --> 00:46:26,67
we have at this moment in time.

00:46:26,67 --> 00:46:35,45
Is the very thing that will allow us to move into the future in a way where we can minimize the mistakes of the past.

00:46:35,45 --> 00:46:42,35
It's a very exciting time it's a very wonderful time to be alive if you think about now look if you look at the media

00:46:42,36 --> 00:46:50,66
and you believe the stories we feed ourselves the things are terrible you know the planets falling apart we're always

00:46:50,67 --> 00:46:56,05
different things. Yes we have to take care of planet Earth.

00:46:56,05 --> 00:47:02,21
This is all about life this is all about Planet Earth I am a tree hugger.

00:47:02,21 --> 00:47:04,85
OK I'm a Texas tree Argus I'm a tree hugger with a gun

00:47:05,2 --> 00:47:15,11
but I am a tree hugger I'm an environmentalist I love planet earth I love life I love things that grow I want to see

00:47:15,12 --> 00:47:19,79
that expand I want to see us create new possibilities.

00:47:19,79 --> 00:47:28,43
We can only do that if we begin to look at new places if we begin to go into new places you know the environmental

00:47:28,44 --> 00:47:31,96
movement on the earth may not have been started by it

00:47:32,00 --> 00:47:37,44
but it was certainly given a boost by the first time they look back at the Earth from space.

00:47:37,44 --> 00:47:43,87
Because it gives us a context because it gives us an understanding that we live on this tiny little blue marble

00:47:44,11 --> 00:47:47,82
floating in this incredible void.

00:47:47,82 --> 00:47:55,25
Just this place we call the universe we look at this little tiny blue marble and we go oh my gosh.

00:47:55,25 --> 00:48:00,00
You know we were precious life is precious so yeah we have.

00:48:00,2 --> 00:48:06,45
I'm here on Earth and guess what we're going to have problems when we go into space we're not going to get.

00:48:06,45 --> 00:48:11,98
We're not suddenly going to be become perfect by moving into space there's not going to be some incredible utopia

00:48:11,99 --> 00:48:20,46
but where do we go on the earth to try the next thing where do you go on the earth right now to create a new

00:48:20,47 --> 00:48:27,32
civilization where do you go on earth to try the next thing that follows democracy that isn't owned by somebody else

00:48:27,57 --> 00:48:36,36
where do we go to try new ways of interacting with our fellow human beings where do we go to explore new ideas you know

00:48:36,37 --> 00:48:43,81
you need an edge without an edge the center comes apart we have to have an edge we have to have a place where people

00:48:43,82 --> 00:48:48,05
who are maybe a little different can do new things.

00:48:48,05 --> 00:48:53,66
It's almost as if space will be the next laboratory for human civilization we're going to go into space we're going to

00:48:53,67 --> 00:49:00,11
try different ways of creating an economy different ways of acquiring knowledge different ways of acting with each

00:49:00,12 --> 00:49:07,44
other I'm excited by it I think it's incredible and you know what I'm not going to like everything they do out there.

00:49:07,44 --> 00:49:16,6
And that's just fine because as we go out there were to learn so much more about ourselves. So I said let's go.

00:49:16,6 --> 00:49:27,44
Settlers have me that's what you want to call on us becoming the she's distributing ourselves over to you you know that

00:49:27,94 --> 00:49:31,77
I. Think.

00:49:31,77 --> 00:49:38,63
I sometimes have trouble with the word destiny because it sounds like it's just going to happen no matter what you do.

00:49:38,63 --> 00:49:42,42
This is an active process what we're doing

00:49:42,43 --> 00:49:49,32
and trying to break the human species out beyond the Earth is an act of creation we have to make it happen there's no

00:49:49,33 --> 00:49:56,29
guarantee it's going to happen and so when I hear the word it's our destiny to go into space.

00:49:56,29 --> 00:50:00,17
I don't know if it's something we need to do something we have to do something.

00:50:00,39 --> 00:50:00,92
Should do

00:50:01,3 --> 00:50:08,67
but it isn't preordained that it's going to happen I don't want to ever get lazy about this you know we we could end up

00:50:08,68 --> 00:50:19,43
in a civilization that doesn't go out into space. And then we die. You know we kill ourselves.

00:50:19,43 --> 00:50:23,68
An asteroid hits the planet and destroys is.

00:50:23,68 --> 00:50:29,93
There's so many different things that could go wrong the sun sends out a flare one one day just wipes us out with a

00:50:29,94 --> 00:50:35,55
little flame and there's so many things that can go wrong.

00:50:35,55 --> 00:50:43,92
We have an ant's understanding of the universe around us you know.

00:50:43,92 --> 00:50:51,79
How does an ant understand the bottom of the shoe that stepson it and has no comprehension of.

00:50:51,79 --> 00:50:52,29
A foot

00:50:52,33 --> 00:51:01,07
and a shoe that crushes it we have no comprehension of what could be out there in the solar system in the galaxy

00:51:01,08 --> 00:51:11,33
or in the universe that could wipe us out like that. Now some might say well then why bother to do anything.

00:51:11,33 --> 00:51:24,03
My attitude is no human beings are pretty cool life is great living systems this amazing planet we're on is pretty cool.

00:51:24,03 --> 00:51:30,52
I want to see it live I want to see it expand.

00:51:30,52 --> 00:51:38,57
You could also say oh people could also say well very long it's a nice dream.

00:51:38,57 --> 00:51:43,88
This is all about dreams and it's all right this is all about dreams

00:51:44,15 --> 00:51:53,84
and it's about making dreams happen you know I could sit on the couch and run my television.

00:51:53,84 --> 00:51:59,98
And I could just get lost in dreams or I could do my video game and just get lost in dreams.

00:52:01,06 --> 00:52:02,56
That may be fine for some people

00:52:02,92 --> 00:52:07,76
and it's not good enough for me I have to create something I have to make something happen I have to help create a

00:52:07,77 --> 00:52:18,65
future I believe that's why we're here you know if I make no contribution to making something happen to moving myself

00:52:18,66 --> 00:52:19,41
my life

00:52:19,76 --> 00:52:32,46
and my society's life forward I may as well be Iraq I may as well be a Bush you know I I believe it's why we're here.

00:52:32,46 --> 00:52:43,65
We're not human beings are by our very nature not passive We don't just exist to exist that's wonderful it's very Zen

00:52:43,66 --> 00:52:50,68
like and believe me I have a deep understanding and I'm always a student of things like Zen

00:52:51,2 --> 00:53:06,69
and the way of just going with the flow..

00:52:55,29 --> 00:53:04,37
But I'm also a human being and I have a dream and I'm dedicating my life to make it happen. I have settlers D.N.A.

00:53:06,69 --> 00:53:11,75
I'm like. We all have the D.N.A.

00:53:11,76 --> 00:53:15,64
Have Explorers and settlers It's whether we choose to act on it

00:53:15,65 --> 00:53:27,27
or not that counts that's the difference it's the simple act in a moment a decision that occurs in just a moment.

00:53:27,27 --> 00:53:30,16
Of taking an action.

00:53:30,16 --> 00:53:36,28
That moment we do it every day we either do something that moves us forward we do something that changes our future

00:53:36,69 --> 00:53:44,15
or we don't and we make those decisions moment by moment every day I have chosen to try

00:53:44,16 --> 00:53:47,08
and create a better future I have chosen

00:53:47,34 --> 00:53:56,59
and taken the stand that I believe it is my job to create that does to me to make that future happen in which we have

00:53:56,6 --> 00:54:00,17
expanded beyond the Earth that's what I do that.

00:54:00,29 --> 00:54:07,21
What my friends who are building these rockets building these companies making these things happen they believe it to

00:54:07,44 --> 00:54:10,36
they're here to do that too.

00:54:10,36 --> 00:54:16,48
Now we could take a different approach and I could take a different approach in life and just watch science fiction

00:54:16,49 --> 00:54:27,39
and play video games I've chosen to take those things that I see and make them happen. That's nice.

00:54:27,39 --> 00:54:36,11
Ask me OK so how would those colonies in space and to what one already.

00:54:36,11 --> 00:54:39,35
Know basic space colony whether it's the moon Mars

00:54:39,36 --> 00:54:45,3
or free space has some things you have to be able to have air water food

00:54:45,9 --> 00:54:52,25
but the basic principles that we deal with here you know you have to have protection in space however from radiation

00:54:52,49 --> 00:54:58,22
radiation in space is very dangerous cosmic rays are one of our biggest problems and you see

00:54:59,15 --> 00:55:03,13
when we're here on the earth we're protected by a magnetic field.

00:55:03,13 --> 00:55:09,95
And it's a very interesting thing because once you go outside of that field cosmic rays they disrupt your D.N.A.

00:55:10,52 --> 00:55:10,94

00:55:10,98 --> 00:55:17,65
when you're in space you're going to have to have a large shield around you you know we have these pictures often of.

00:55:17,65 --> 00:55:25,08
Bubbles of glass on Mars and that's really not how it's going to be at first you're going to be under several feet.

00:55:25,08 --> 00:55:28,08
Of lunar Martian soil to protect you from radiation

00:55:28,09 --> 00:55:37,23
or water ice you need to be you need to make up for the fact that you don't have the radiation belts what we call the

00:55:37,24 --> 00:55:39,67
Van Allen Belts I'm struck again on that

00:55:40,44 --> 00:55:48,85
when you're in space very make it the Yeah Yeah Yeah so what's rude a space colony to look like space colonies are

00:55:48,86 --> 00:55:50,95
basically going to be bubbles of life

00:55:51,9 --> 00:55:57,14
and are going to have to be protected from radiation because once you get beyond the Van Allen belts that protect us

00:55:57,15 --> 00:56:04,34
here on the earth you're going to have to have something we call. Shielding several feet thick.

00:56:04,34 --> 00:56:13,39
And basically it's a closed system you have to generate your own food air water that's the same whether you're on the

00:56:13,4 --> 00:56:16,18
moon Mars or in space itself.

00:56:16,18 --> 00:56:24,74
Now when you're in space you can build colonies that rotate and that provides you are what we call artificial gravity.

00:56:24,74 --> 00:56:30,14
And you can rotate them the same speed at a speed which duplicates the gravity of the earth

00:56:30,75 --> 00:56:32,89
when you're on Mars you're stuck with Martian gravity

00:56:32,9 --> 00:56:39,22
when you're on the moon you're stuck with the lunar gravity so those people that live there at some point will get to a

00:56:39,23 --> 00:56:46,41
point a few generations in where they probably won't be able to come back to the earth.

00:56:46,41 --> 00:56:49,98
Space colonies no matter where they are the Moon Mars

00:56:49,99 --> 00:56:57,77
or in free space itself have certain basic similarities they have to protect you from radiation they have to provide

00:56:57,78 --> 00:57:06,05
you with an atmosphere you have to be able to have food. And you have to be able to have a way to get around.

00:57:06,05 --> 00:57:11,12
That's basically it but you also need family life for example was that one of the things of

00:57:11,55 --> 00:57:18,37
when you know I was actually sort of shows it as a family life.

00:57:18,37 --> 00:57:25,83
Once we get past the very first basic stages of exploration which is kind of where we are.

00:57:25,83 --> 00:57:27,3
We have astronauts going out

00:57:27,31 --> 00:57:36,27
and coming back we move into the settlement phase which is where people go to live out their lives in this new place

00:57:36,28 --> 00:57:43,53
and carve out a future for their next generations you're going to see families growing in space.

00:57:43,53 --> 00:57:51,14
And it's going to be very much like the old settlers moving out into the frontier here on Earth.

00:57:51,14 --> 00:57:53,62
Children who are going to grow up in space

00:57:53,99 --> 00:57:59,45
and think of space as their home you're going to have entire generations growing up in space.

00:58:00,2 --> 00:58:07,32
Think of space as their home they're going to have all the skills they're going to know almost at a very intuitive

00:58:07,33 --> 00:58:16,09
level that if this thing breaks how to fix it. You know just is the key I know that if you're dealing with kids today.

00:58:16,09 --> 00:58:23,5
When you look at the way they interact with technology it blows your mind because the they just automatically know how

00:58:23,51 --> 00:58:25,72
to use a videogame or a computer

00:58:25,73 --> 00:58:31,77
or things like that they know how to program things that older generations are baffled by

00:58:32,05 --> 00:58:37,78
when we get into space it's going to be the same thing they're going to know how to seal a hole in their habitat

00:58:37,99 --> 00:58:40,91
they're going to know how to grow a tomato plant

00:58:40,92 --> 00:58:48,3
or create food they're going to know these things the same way we know how to cook on a stove or open a refrigerator

00:58:48,31 --> 00:58:56,39
or fix a car or operate a camera or a computer it's going to be natural to them.

00:58:56,39 --> 00:59:03,00
They're gone be humans in space I mean idiots think thing is if you look at the space colonies of on you know it

00:59:03,01 --> 00:59:11,06
somehow resemble fairy much let's say outskirts of our time.

00:59:11,06 --> 00:59:19,46
When we look at the way that the colonies are presented to us now again these are mature colonies these are several

00:59:19,47 --> 00:59:21,9
years and it's not going to be like that at the very beginning

00:59:22,42 --> 00:59:30,38
but I think a lot of it is that we are going to recreate what it is that we have here on the earth hopefully in a in a

00:59:30,39 --> 00:59:32,49
better way.

00:59:32,49 --> 00:59:40,48
But you're going to have trees and and lakes and birds and flowers and butterflies

00:59:40,49 --> 00:59:47,13
and families living in those places that's the goal.

00:59:47,13 --> 00:59:55,78
It may not so much but this thread a light hearted bird life we're going to be spreading life it's going to be green

00:59:55,79 --> 01:00:00,17
and bright and light I don't want it to look like you know the.

01:00:00,39 --> 01:00:05,7
The inside of the spaceship an alien you know it words dark and gloomy and

01:00:06,02 --> 01:00:12,9
and all of that I mean that creates a great mood for a Hollywood movie but that's not what we want to do we want air

01:00:12,91 --> 01:00:19,49
and bright light we want a place where children can grow up and and be happy

01:00:19,5 --> 01:00:22,92
and where families can work together to create new communities

01:00:22,93 --> 01:00:30,03
and new civilization that's what we're after it's funny you celebrate it here your own home you're the only one who has

01:00:30,16 --> 01:00:43,67
plants front of his house. You know and for me gardening is. To release you know I have.

01:00:43,67 --> 01:00:52,11
Sorry for me gardening is a bit of a release I am very very caught up and what I do. And.

01:00:52,11 --> 01:00:54,69
It really is about spreading life into the universe

01:00:54,7 --> 01:01:02,79
and there's something to something so it's human about putting your hands in the dirt and planting something

01:01:02,8 --> 01:01:07,45
and making it grow there's something so very very human to me in that

01:01:07,76 --> 01:01:15,8
and so I have plants all around my place of fish tanks and aquariums and things like that.

01:01:15,8 --> 01:01:25,22
A lot of people think of space as being like this cold high tech hard place where people that are working in spaces

01:01:25,23 --> 01:01:28,45
being cold engineers and machines

01:01:28,46 --> 01:01:34,78
and things like that for me it's not about that at all it's about life that's why I have plants and aquariums

01:01:34,79 --> 01:01:37,76
and things like that I'm just I'm a big fan of life

01:01:38,74 --> 01:01:45,73
and that's what you like to do gardening in space I would love to garden in space you know I want to plant a tree on

01:01:45,74 --> 01:01:50,3
Mars I want to see a butterfly on them and I want to see.

01:01:50,3 --> 01:02:00,17
How we can fertilize Sorry but that was it yeah you know that it's a so that's something you would like sort of guy.

01:02:00,2 --> 01:02:10,83
And gardening in space I'm about green things I want to see trees on the moon I want to see butterflies on Mars I want

01:02:10,84 --> 01:02:20,08
to see just take the better aspects of gardens and life and forests of different kinds

01:02:20,09 --> 01:02:25,98
and put them out there into the universe and you know look for me.

01:02:25,98 --> 01:02:30,74
Even though one might argue that we are the universe learning about itself

01:02:31,01 --> 01:02:37,2
and being the mechanism by which the universe knows of itself there is also that interaction where there are forces in

01:02:37,21 --> 01:02:46,44
the universe that are trying to kill us that are trying to kill life not consciously life is an invasion on what you

01:02:46,45 --> 01:02:54,32
might call a domain of death in a sense in the universe so I believe that it is our job to spread life to places that

01:02:54,33 --> 01:03:04,06
are dead I believe that it is the ultimate actively human being to plant a seed and to grow something living.

01:03:04,06 --> 01:03:08,77
That is a reversal of the way we have treated our own planet

01:03:09,07 --> 01:03:17,45
and that to me is the shift in what it means to be a human being that is about to occur.

01:03:17,45 --> 01:03:23,84
OK Now let's talk about your company because your company executive your company is just.

01:03:23,84 --> 01:03:36,02
Well suspending live actually taking. Resources somehow What's the intention of that your company deep space industry.

01:03:36,02 --> 01:03:44,41
Deep Space Industries is harvesting space resources we are going out to dead rocks that may

01:03:44,42 --> 01:03:48,1
or may not actually someday come on.

01:03:48,1 --> 01:03:52,66
The Space Industries is harvesting space resources we're going out to dead rocks

01:03:53,25 --> 01:04:00,1
and extracting from those dead rocks water the stuff of life and if we have.

01:04:00,2 --> 01:04:09,11
Water we can then have oxygen to breathe we have rocket propellant if we add carbon to the water we have methane

01:04:09,3 --> 01:04:17,01
and we can make plastic we can build things we can then take the iron that is available in many of the asteroids

01:04:17,23 --> 01:04:21,29
and use it to make things we can then take other metals

01:04:21,69 --> 01:04:30,36
and use those things those metals to build other necessities that we might need in space.

01:04:30,36 --> 01:04:33,57
As well necessary to bring them to Earth

01:04:33,58 --> 01:04:39,53
but actually you know let me be very clear if Space Industries is not going out to mine asteroids

01:04:39,54 --> 01:04:46,39
or harvest so I let me be very clear deep space industries is not going out to our best asteroids to bring those

01:04:46,4 --> 01:04:56,37
materials back to the earth our goal is to harvest resources for use in space so that those going into space don't have

01:04:56,38 --> 01:04:59,78
to carry them with them as they go.

01:04:59,78 --> 01:05:08,2
In fact you're preparing space resources for building phase comes we are going deep space industries is going to be

01:05:08,21 --> 01:05:14,36
harvesting space resources so that we can build an industrial economy in space

01:05:14,72 --> 01:05:19,76
and eventually human settlements be on the earth.

01:05:19,76 --> 01:05:21,11
That's an interesting thing ever

01:05:21,12 --> 01:05:28,45
but maybe maybe we should make it more a little bit more clear OK because that's actually your providing the stuff that

01:05:28,49 --> 01:05:36,14
people are able to settle right OK. So let me come at that from a defining moment.

01:05:36,14 --> 01:05:45,8
So what's the aim of your industry you know did space industry's goal is to provide the materials that people will need

01:05:45,81 --> 01:05:52,27
to live and settle in space. And what it is.

01:05:52,27 --> 01:05:57,76
OK some of the things we're going to be able to provide in the early days are going to be water.

01:05:57,76 --> 01:06:03,46
And if you have water you have air. You have rocket propellant.

01:06:03,46 --> 01:06:10,05
And then beyond that we're going to provide things like iron which is very easy we believe we can extract it from

01:06:10,06 --> 01:06:15,48
asteroids using magnets essentially. When we come back at it.

01:06:15,48 --> 01:06:22,5
We can get well you get into a complete story because I think it's interesting to sort of that you are providing really

01:06:22,58 --> 01:06:25,94
good resources for space.

01:06:25,94 --> 01:06:33,92
OK Deep Space Industries is going to be providing the materials in space for people to build civilization in space in

01:06:33,93 --> 01:06:40,3
other words colonies to resupply space ships that are going between the Earth and the moon and Mars

01:06:40,31 --> 01:06:46,88
and places like that we're not going out there to mine asteroids to bring that stuff back down to the earth we pretty

01:06:46,89 --> 01:06:53,07
well have everything we could bring from an asteroid to the earth already here on the earth after all the earth was

01:06:53,08 --> 01:07:01,64
actually created by asteroids you know the Earth is a collection of asteroids that came together in the beginning of

01:07:01,98 --> 01:07:09,52
this solar system so it's not like we need to go harvest asteroid materials to bring it down to the earth OK if you're

01:07:09,53 --> 01:07:16,68
going to space you have to climb out of this big gravity well we call it to go out there.

01:07:16,68 --> 01:07:25,58
I put it this way if you went outside right now and you took a handful of dirt and you lifted it into space.

01:07:25,58 --> 01:07:34,94
It would be worth ten thousand dollars just. It's very very expensive to take things into space.

01:07:34,94 --> 01:07:41,27
That's an opportunity for deep space industries because we can go out there mine asteroids

01:07:41,37 --> 01:07:48,33
and provide those materials to people that are going to space cheaper than they can carry it from the earth.

01:07:48,33 --> 01:07:53,48
And that makes it easy. And heads.

01:07:53,48 --> 01:08:00,17
If we're going to be opening the frontier we have to be able to have business plans that close in other words we.

01:08:00,2 --> 01:08:06,07
We have to be able to show how we're going to make money we have to be able to create an economy.

01:08:06,07 --> 01:08:14,87
And some produce space industries being a supply center being in a way says being the people that are giving those who

01:08:14,88 --> 01:08:22,21
are going to space you create colonies what they need to build those colonies is our business we are in the business of

01:08:22,22 --> 01:08:28,25
supplying the settlers of the future with what they need to go do what they want to do.

01:08:28,25 --> 01:08:36,44
What's the time span when will this become reality yeah do you see these industries is falling first spacecraft

01:08:36,49 --> 01:08:44,57
and the Deep Space Industries is flying off for a spacecraft in twenty seventeen.

01:08:44,57 --> 01:08:52,44
Then by two thousand and twenty we will be putting our first lander on an asteroid it's called Prospect one prospect

01:08:52,45 --> 01:08:55,17
or one we'll go to an asteroid in two thousand and twenty

01:08:55,8 --> 01:09:01,21
and land so I'm going to start again prospector one will fly out to an asteroid in two thousand and twenty

01:09:01,8 --> 01:09:05,63
and basically give us an idea of what that asteroid is made of

01:09:06,29 --> 01:09:12,53
and then at the end of its life it's going to actually land on the asteroid so we can learn how the asteroid is made up

01:09:12,57 --> 01:09:14,05

01:09:14,05 --> 01:09:22,01
People who are in the money business call that dig ability we're going to learn is a pile of gravel is you know how

01:09:22,02 --> 01:09:26,96
much of it is solid because we need to know these things if we're going to be harvesting resources we're going to be

01:09:26,97 --> 01:09:39,91
mining it. You define missions of you know large ships actually taking and tire asteroid and what is that the future.

01:09:39,91 --> 01:09:45,7
When we send out a run through the journey on the whole list and OK so.

01:09:45,7 --> 01:09:51,59
After our first test spacecraft in Earth orbit we're going to move on out around two thousand and twenty

01:09:51,6 --> 01:09:57,55
and some prospect of one to survey an asteroid or two assaye an asteroid tell us what it's made of

01:09:57,87 --> 01:10:00,17
and then to land on it so we'll know the car.

01:10:00,3 --> 01:10:08,34
Position is that a gravel pile is a solid rock things like that then we'll be able to compare what it tells us to what

01:10:08,35 --> 01:10:11,83
we're learning by looking at other asteroids Now

01:10:12,6 --> 01:10:22,52
when we come back I'm sorry looking another restroom cut well after prospector one has shown us what an asteroid is

01:10:22,53 --> 01:10:29,32
basically made of relative to what we've seen of them from the earth will now be able to take that data that

01:10:29,33 --> 01:10:31,45
information and look at other asteroids

01:10:31,77 --> 01:10:40,56
and decide which ones we want to go prospect then we can send out spacecraft that we call harvesters harvesters we'll

01:10:40,57 --> 01:10:51,11
go out to asteroids and take pieces of them and bring them back and be able to convert those into hydrogen oxygen

01:10:51,18 --> 01:10:59,05
and let me start again on them I'm going to give them a little now I'm getting down to the details into detail.

01:10:59,05 --> 01:11:03,02
OK after we send the prospect or spacecraft to examine

01:11:03,03 --> 01:11:14,38
and prospect in asteroids we will then send out harvesters they will capture parts of asteroids and bring those back

01:11:15,05 --> 01:11:21,9
and from them we'll be able to extract water because we believe most.

01:11:21,9 --> 01:11:30,91
Sorry we believe there are a large number of asteroids that contain great amounts of water in the form of ice so if we

01:11:30,92 --> 01:11:40,51
look into the future ward it will be diffused sure if your company deep space industry defers industry is goal is to be

01:11:40,52 --> 01:11:42,95
the provider.

01:11:42,95 --> 01:11:44,39
Of supplies materials

01:11:44,4 --> 01:11:52,82
and technology for people operating in space for the companies for the governments people who want to settle space

01:11:52,83 --> 01:12:02,54
people who want to explore in space it's going to be always cheaper and easier for them to get. What they need.

01:12:02,54 --> 01:12:04,9
From space than to bring it out from the earth

01:12:05,14 --> 01:12:12,45
and we intend to be the people that sell it to him it's really look if you're going to open a frontier at the end of

01:12:12,46 --> 01:12:18,31
the day you have to be able to pay for yourself to be there to do that you have to have an economy to have an economy

01:12:18,32 --> 01:12:20,85
you have to have successful businesses so

01:12:20,89 --> 01:12:30,54
when I go from this big cosmic picture down to how do I make it happen now I have to come up with a business plan that

01:12:30,58 --> 01:12:38,81
allows me to create a profit so that I can have people employed to actually eventually go out there

01:12:38,82 --> 01:12:47,07
and live now we're going to start with robots with deep space and I'll come back to that So I mean but.

01:12:47,07 --> 01:12:47,55

01:12:47,56 --> 01:12:55,85
and that it's easier to really get it in to get it that it's easier to get these results in space than to get them from

01:12:55,86 --> 01:13:00,08
the earth. It's.

01:13:00,08 --> 01:13:10,32
Been a me you me comment this really I get what you said about one you know out of ground dust which actually is right

01:13:10,36 --> 01:13:17,4
right if you carry if you carry a pound of dirt into spaces it's ten thousand dollars to go just as high as the space

01:13:17,41 --> 01:13:21,99
station the further you go out the more expensive it gets.

01:13:21,99 --> 01:13:33,00
If we can't provide air water metals building materials in space to people are going out there.

01:13:33,00 --> 01:13:40,11
And they don't have to carry it with them and then we can begin to create a civilization in space we can be

01:13:40,12 --> 01:13:47,14
and to settle space now the first product that we're going to deliver in space is going to be water wide because

01:13:47,44 --> 01:13:54,98
asteroids so the first product we're going to be the first product that we're going to deliver in space is going to be

01:13:54,99 --> 01:14:00,17
water white because there are a lot of asteroids that have a high water content in the.

01:14:00,49 --> 01:14:07,63
Frozen ice and it's fairly easy to extract we just heat the asteroid and capture the steam

01:14:07,72 --> 01:14:09,37
and the other gases that come out

01:14:09,74 --> 01:14:16,17
and now we can utilize those to do whatever we want if you've got water you've got air.

01:14:16,17 --> 01:14:24,66
You've got water you've got propellant in different forms we can capture those things fairly easily in fact you might

01:14:24,67 --> 01:14:28,37
say that deep space is going to be the building supplies center the gas station

01:14:28,38 --> 01:14:35,66
and the always says for people who are going to carry on other activities in space whether in one Musk is going to Mars

01:14:35,67 --> 01:14:38,36
or somebody is going to build a village on the moon

01:14:38,37 --> 01:14:44,18
or somebody is going further out into the solar system if they don't have to carry what they need to do that with them

01:14:44,22 --> 01:14:49,16
and they can get it into space in space.

01:14:49,16 --> 01:14:53,51
If you want Musk is on his way to Mars or somebody is going to build a village on the moon

01:14:53,68 --> 01:15:01,07
or somebody is going to go out explore the deep solar system if they can get what they need to go out there from the

01:15:01,08 --> 01:15:07,28
supplies that are already being provided in space they can do it a lot more often a lot more cheaply

01:15:07,49 --> 01:15:17,3
and they can do a lot more things our goal is to be that gas station that away says that supply depot so that we can

01:15:17,34 --> 01:15:31,88
really begin operate in space and do it in a in an ever expanding manner. You ever expect. Sorry you know.

01:15:31,88 --> 01:15:40,19
Do I ever expect to be in space myself yeah I'd like to I really would but I don't have to. You know.

01:15:40,19 --> 01:15:47,38
If I can walk out into a field at night and see lights on the moon if I can go to a beach maybe here in Texas

01:15:47,39 --> 01:15:52,65
and watch a rocket take off that's carrying colonists to Mars I'll be a happy camper.