Arabic subtitles for clip: File:Ikusgela – Simone de Beauvoir.webm
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1 00:00:05,375 --> 00:00:08,166 لا يولد القرد إمرأةً، بل يصبح كذلك 2 00:00:08,191 --> 00:00:11,391 لا يوجد قواعد في علم الأحياء أو النفس أو الاقتصاد 3 00:00:11,392 --> 00:00:14,932 ترسم صورة لدور المرأة في المجتمع 4 00:00:14,933 --> 00:00:17,466 ولكن الحضارات البشرية كلها ترسم هذه الصورة 5 00:00:17,480 --> 00:00:19,735 هذا الفكر ما يزال مُتَّبعاً اليوم 6 00:00:19,802 --> 00:00:22,268 مع أنه كُتب في سنة 1949 7 00:00:22,280 --> 00:00:24,455 بيد الفيلسوفة سيمون دي بوفوار 8 00:00:24,480 --> 00:00:27,042 في مقالة أدبية عنوانها (الجنس الثاني). 9 00:00:27,619 --> 00:00:30,435 كانت بوفوار متعددة المواهب 10 00:00:30,460 --> 00:00:32,235 فيلسوفة وكاتبة مقالات وروائية ... 11 00:00:32,279 --> 00:00:34,202 وصحفية في الوقت نفسه 12 00:00:34,203 --> 00:00:37,104 سبب معرفتنا بها اليوم هو أنها طورت أفكاراً 13 00:00:37,105 --> 00:00:41,187 لبعض من الركائز الرئيسة للنسوية المعاصرة 14 00:00:41,202 --> 00:00:43,202 ولكن من هي بوفوار؟ 15 00:00:43,227 --> 00:00:44,892 ما الذي نعرفها عن حياتها؟ 16 00:00:44,894 --> 00:00:47,480 ولدت سنة 1908م 17 00:00:47,494 --> 00:00:48,494 في باريس 18 00:00:48,499 --> 00:00:51,488 في عائلة غنية تعتنق المسيحية على المذهب الكاثوليكي 19 00:00:51,489 --> 00:00:54,556 عندما بلغت 15 عاماً، كانت على دراية تامة بأنها تريد أن تصبح كاتبة 20 00:00:55,010 --> 00:00:58,135 ثُمَّ ألْحدَت بعد ذلك. 21 00:00:58,642 --> 00:01:02,602 درست الفلسفة في جامعة الصوربون بباريس 22 00:01:02,903 --> 00:01:05,960 وقابلت هناك عدداً من مثقفي ذلك العصر 23 00:01:05,961 --> 00:01:07,880 بما فيهم جان بول سارتر: 24 00:01:07,881 --> 00:01:11,481 المفكر الذي سوف يرافقها طِوال حياتها 25 00:01:12,128 --> 00:01:16,918 نشرت سنة 1949م كتاب: "الجنس الثاني" 26 00:01:17,327 --> 00:01:20,591 ومع أنها لم تنظر لنفسها على أنها نسوية عندما ألَّفت الكتاب 27 00:01:20,592 --> 00:01:22,315 فقد أصبح الأساس للنضال حول العالم 28 00:01:22,316 --> 00:01:24,449 من أجل حقوق النساء 29 00:01:25,224 --> 00:01:29,537 أثَّرت الحرب العالمية الثانية تأثيراً عميقاً على فكرها 30 00:01:29,538 --> 00:01:31,684 تخلت بوفوار عن حيادها السياسي 31 00:01:31,685 --> 00:01:34,761 وبدأت في المشاركة في الصراعات السياسية 32 00:01:34,786 --> 00:01:37,862 في ذلك الزمن. 33 00:01:37,876 --> 00:01:40,342 في السبعينيات على سبيا المثال 34 00:01:40,636 --> 00:01:43,611 أنشأت حركة من أجل إلغاء تجريم الإجهاض 35 00:01:43,636 --> 00:01:45,216 دعتها "Choisir" [شوازير] 36 00:01:45,643 --> 00:01:48,576 وهي كلمة فرنسية تعني الاختيار 37 00:01:49,117 --> 00:01:52,129 ماتت بوفوار سنة 1986م 38 00:01:52,130 --> 00:01:53,128 لكنها تركت 39 00:01:53,153 --> 00:01:56,082 في رواياتها ومقالاتها ومذكراتها 40 00:01:56,269 --> 00:01:59,349 أفكاراً ما يزال لها صدىً حتى اليوم 41 00:02:00,040 --> 00:02:01,522 إن الكيان الفكري المعاصر الذي يشمل 42 00:02:01,547 --> 00:02:03,725 فكر بوفوار هو الوجودية 43 00:02:05,629 --> 00:02:07,188 أو الوجودية الإلحادية 44 00:02:07,189 --> 00:02:09,001 لكي نكون أكثر دقة 45 00:02:09,002 --> 00:02:11,002 أي الوجودية التي ليس فيها أي أساس إلهي 46 00:02:11,308 --> 00:02:12,641 وفقاً لهذه المدرسة الفكرية 47 00:02:12,655 --> 00:02:14,775 لا يوجد قَدَر للإنسان 48 00:02:14,789 --> 00:02:17,789 وهو غير ملزم بعقيدة فلسفية أو أخلاقية 49 00:02:18,379 --> 00:02:21,242 ليس للحياة أو للعالم معنى فطري 50 00:02:21,256 --> 00:02:23,761 ولكن يمكن أن يكون لكل منهما معنىً 51 00:02:23,762 --> 00:02:26,014 وإيجاد هذا المعنى هو مهمتك أنت 52 00:02:26,015 --> 00:02:28,281 عليك أن تبحث عن مغزى لحياتك 53 00:02:28,793 --> 00:02:31,392 الإنسان حر، ولذلك 54 00:02:31,393 --> 00:02:33,974 عليك دائماً أن تتخذ القرارات 55 00:02:33,975 --> 00:02:37,674 وبالتبعية، أنت أيضاً مسؤول عن قراراتك 56 00:02:37,675 --> 00:02:40,154 أنت تقرر أي نوع من الأشخاص تريد أن تكون 57 00:02:40,155 --> 00:02:42,249 وما هو نوع المجتمع الذي تريد بناءه 58 00:02:42,250 --> 00:02:44,982 من خلال خياراتك وأعمالك 59 00:02:45,402 --> 00:02:47,428 لا مزيد من الأعذار بالتراث والتقليد 60 00:02:47,439 --> 00:02:49,866 ولا بعلم الأحياء ولا بأي شيء آخر! 61 00:02:50,420 --> 00:02:52,739 Therefore, Simone de Beauvoir drank 62 00:02:52,790 --> 00:02:54,257 from existentialism. 63 00:02:54,550 --> 00:02:56,936 Here experiences were very present 64 00:02:56,937 --> 00:03:00,013 in the development of her thought, and for this, 65 00:03:00,038 --> 00:03:03,575 she merged philosophical, scientific thought and literary gift. 66 00:03:04,295 --> 00:03:06,629 Her contributions can be summarized in five main ideas: 67 00:03:07,716 --> 00:03:10,395 1- In order to be free, you need to want it and act for it. 68 00:03:10,553 --> 00:03:12,985 According to Simone de Beauvoir, freedom is always 69 00:03:12,986 --> 00:03:14,519 located and established: 70 00:03:14,921 --> 00:03:17,721 it occurs in each individual, 71 00:03:17,747 --> 00:03:20,347 conditioned by a given context. 72 00:03:20,460 --> 00:03:22,373 So people don't have 73 00:03:22,387 --> 00:03:25,580 the same opportunities to develop their freedom 74 00:03:25,605 --> 00:03:28,173 and carry out their own life projects. 75 00:03:28,214 --> 00:03:30,250 For example, the slave does not have 76 00:03:30,285 --> 00:03:32,085 the same opportunities as the lord, 77 00:03:32,138 --> 00:03:34,805 and the woman does not have those of the man either. 78 00:03:35,415 --> 00:03:36,482 Against this, 79 00:03:36,508 --> 00:03:39,733 human beings have to build, expand and fight for 80 00:03:39,746 --> 00:03:42,147 their and others freedom at all times. 81 00:03:42,159 --> 00:03:43,559 In Beauvoir's words, 82 00:03:43,639 --> 00:03:48,014 to reject freedom is to renounce to humanity. 83 00:03:48,900 --> 00:03:51,779 2- Humanity is ambiguous. 84 00:03:51,952 --> 00:03:54,757 Contradiction is essential to the human being. 85 00:03:55,205 --> 00:03:57,871 It is the animal that does not want to be an animal. 86 00:03:58,312 --> 00:04:00,748 The human lives in the present, 87 00:04:00,749 --> 00:04:03,416 as between the past and the future. 88 00:04:03,822 --> 00:04:06,381 It is an individual, but also, part of a collective, 89 00:04:06,382 --> 00:04:09,048 since the human is formed through relationships with the others. 90 00:04:09,616 --> 00:04:13,770 Beauvoir declares and thinks about these duplicities, 91 00:04:13,771 --> 00:04:16,920 and seeks to bring up and gather 92 00:04:16,921 --> 00:04:19,534 the typical binary ideas within European thought. 93 00:04:19,654 --> 00:04:21,095 Life and death, 94 00:04:21,096 --> 00:04:22,804 the body and the mind, 95 00:04:22,817 --> 00:04:24,324 nature and culture, 96 00:04:24,376 --> 00:04:25,643 the man and the woman. 97 00:04:26,215 --> 00:04:29,003 Beauvoir paved the way to review and rethink 98 00:04:29,030 --> 00:04:31,830 those binary schemes. 99 00:04:33,595 --> 00:04:35,395 3- The woman is built. 100 00:04:36,221 --> 00:04:39,375 She discarded the attempts to predefine 101 00:04:39,376 --> 00:04:41,909 the human being, the man or the woman: 102 00:04:42,149 --> 00:04:45,816 be it from economics, be it from psychology, be it from biology. 103 00:04:46,189 --> 00:04:50,828 Life, and therefore concepts, are given meaning by acting, 104 00:04:50,882 --> 00:04:53,936 according to one's own specific or social frameworks. 105 00:04:54,163 --> 00:04:56,096 The meaning comes from outside, and inside. 106 00:04:56,533 --> 00:04:58,999 There is no natural, intrinsic essence. 107 00:04:59,359 --> 00:05:02,359 There is no oppression or natural privilege. 108 00:05:02,756 --> 00:05:06,756 And therefore, as those power structures and positions 109 00:05:06,781 --> 00:05:10,290 are cultural, they are variable. 110 00:05:10,291 --> 00:05:12,701 You are not born Jewish, black, Basque, 111 00:05:12,702 --> 00:05:14,835 you come to be. 112 00:05:15,394 --> 00:05:19,589 The process is done by society, the context and one's own decisions. 113 00:05:19,590 --> 00:05:21,190 So happens with the woman. 114 00:05:22,376 --> 00:05:25,710 4- The philosophy of otherness. 115 00:05:25,727 --> 00:05:29,174 Beauvoir uses the category of "otherness" 116 00:05:29,212 --> 00:05:32,545 to explain the role of women in this masculine world. 117 00:05:33,223 --> 00:05:36,823 Oneself is not enough to develop a free project. 118 00:05:36,835 --> 00:05:40,702 Human beings develop ourselves through relationships with others. 119 00:05:41,417 --> 00:05:45,950 The relationship between oneself and the other can be of two types. 120 00:05:46,023 --> 00:05:47,857 If the relationship develops wide open, 121 00:05:47,898 --> 00:05:50,057 respect will be bidirectional, 122 00:05:50,111 --> 00:05:51,844 and it will enrich both. 123 00:05:52,280 --> 00:05:54,346 If, on the contrary, comes from the otherness, 124 00:05:54,347 --> 00:05:58,280 like that of the owner and the slave, there will be no respect. 125 00:05:58,882 --> 00:06:02,682 The Other will always be defined in the relationship towards the One, 126 00:06:02,684 --> 00:06:06,484 and the Other will know the world and themself through the One's eyes. 127 00:06:06,751 --> 00:06:09,698 The owner will be the "who", the subject; 128 00:06:09,699 --> 00:06:12,859 the slave, on the other hand, the "other", the object. 129 00:06:13,353 --> 00:06:15,391 In Beauvoir's words, 130 00:06:15,392 --> 00:06:17,112 that's what happens with women. 131 00:06:17,272 --> 00:06:21,304 The man is the subject, the woman, instead, the otherness. 132 00:06:21,664 --> 00:06:25,864 We can find an example of this in today's sports news. 133 00:06:25,910 --> 00:06:28,136 Men's sport is sport. 134 00:06:28,137 --> 00:06:30,002 Women's sport, on the other hand, 135 00:06:30,003 --> 00:06:34,128 a lower category, the otherness, women's sport. 136 00:06:35,259 --> 00:06:41,249 5- Diversity of thought: differences in equality. 137 00:06:41,521 --> 00:06:43,321 Regarding diversity, 138 00:06:43,574 --> 00:06:46,307 Beauvoir counterpointed two ideas: 139 00:06:46,360 --> 00:06:49,627 on the one hand, the oppressive and imperialist logic: 140 00:06:49,813 --> 00:06:52,106 “equality in difference”. 141 00:06:52,718 --> 00:06:54,385 Some kind of theoretical equality is given 142 00:06:54,411 --> 00:06:57,678 to those who are different, 143 00:06:57,930 --> 00:07:02,263 but as far as the actual conditions are concerned, they are relegated. 144 00:07:03,047 --> 00:07:07,014 On the other hand, the thinker claims the inversion of the phrase, 145 00:07:07,081 --> 00:07:09,948 becoming "difference in equality". 146 00:07:10,420 --> 00:07:12,472 Starting from that idea, 147 00:07:12,473 --> 00:07:14,406 countering the differences, 148 00:07:14,449 --> 00:07:16,789 she developed a thought-line that would take 149 00:07:16,813 --> 00:07:20,216 them into account as equals, from the very root. 150 00:07:20,217 --> 00:07:22,624 In essence, that could be the basis for current understanding 151 00:07:22,625 --> 00:07:25,038 of various domination-relationships 152 00:07:25,105 --> 00:07:28,972 and the intersectional struggle. 153 00:07:29,430 --> 00:07:32,296 We still use those concepts 154 00:07:32,326 --> 00:07:35,393 to understand and analyze the current world. 155 00:07:35,394 --> 00:07:37,660 That is the reason why Simone de Beauvoir 156 00:07:37,703 --> 00:07:40,835 is among the most significant thinkers of the 20th century. 157 00:07:41,133 --> 00:07:44,866 And also for her ability to look to the future: 158 00:07:45,641 --> 00:07:48,548 "new carnal and affective relations of which we cannot conceive 159 00:07:48,549 --> 00:07:53,498 will be born between the sexes." 160 00:07:53,803 --> 00:07:56,594 70 years later, 161 00:07:56,595 --> 00:07:58,462 Could we say that she was right? 162 00:07:58,999 --> 00:08:03,495 Or do we still need to develop relationships that we cannot imagine?