English subtitles for clip: File:Dorothee Bär speaking in front of the Love Hate ambigram at Brandenburg Gate.webm

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00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:15,400
[Dorothee Baer in a blue "Make Europe Great Again" shirt]: Thank you very much for the opportunity to make a speech in the most magnificent ambience

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It's usually a few feet away in the Bundestag or the Federal Chancellery.

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in front of the Brandenburg Gate it has a special component. dear Mia Florentine Weiss, dear guests

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The most dangerous thing - a week before the european elections - is to take such a scenery for granted.

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We are at a place where it has not been taken for granted for a long time to be allowed to stand here, to speak, to walk through the Brandenburg Gate.

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Those are achievements that you simply take for granted. As I see so many children, I have three small children at home myself

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i grew up as a child in a divided germany in lower franconia in the so called zonenrandgebiet

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The freedom to travel and the peace we have had for decades are not self-evident. That is why I find the work of Mia Florentine Weiss so great, because it shows us the infinite love that we also need for Europe.

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but on the other hand also that if you don't care that hate can develop very quickly.

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For me, the day fits into a European week that I started in Bavaria, which continued in Berlin and then in Paris at the meeting of digital ministers, where we said not only the cooperation of the G7 of the European countries is important

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we have also invited other partners who share our values. unfortunately on a tragic occasion New Zealand after the Christchurch attac

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we need a common charter of understanding against hatred on the net. Against the dissemination of videos of assassinations.

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we have had positive examples of how digitalisation is helping us to grow together, how it is helping us to cross these borders

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the indian digital minister told us that many people are afraid. with us it is also the case that "AI is very bad and robots take over".

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the indian colleague: We have 22 official languages and hundreds of dialects. We also laugh about the many dialects in Germany, but i hope that you understand franconian today. this is understood by the saxons as well as the north german

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the indian colleague: AI helps us to tear down language barriers, language borders, a possibility which did not exist before digitalisation.

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that's why we called these different actors to one table and will continue. i'll be in Canada in two weeks.

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it's important that we work together in Europe. we look at other countries in the world that stand for democracy.