Template talk:Created with/ml

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@Sarang, could you clarify why this template is (and templates for other languages also) added to category:Translation required? Is there anything wrong in the current translation? What is the purpose of new Template:Created with .../pt-br, Template:Created with .../zh-hans templates? (@Sreejithk2000)--Praveen:talk 13:21, 17 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Praveenp, I will give this clarification within the next days. In short, I am working on an expansion and upgrading; the template should do in future much more, but in most languages I am not fit to do it by myself. I did it at de, en, es, fr, it, nl, pt; I am not totally sure that everything is correct....
The template should give a more detailled information whether raster or vector graphics, and an information about the "topic" - this I will explain next, but you can see what that is in the templates I mentioned as "done".
The different languages need a very different treatment, depending on grammatical genders and flections, the easiest solution is in English - but as far as I know other languages require more effort. I do not know enough, therefore I need the help of people fit in languages.
For every language "xx" exist one template "Created with .../xx" working together with the corresponding template "Created with/xx". When you check the Template:Created with .../ml you can see the passing of the parameters.
When you check the examples at the bottom of the demonstration Template:Created with ... in the "done" languages, you can see how it should work - finally also in ml and the other languages: more information is given when a vector graphics is W3C-invalid or uncheckable, when it is too large to show the source, and the topic it belongs to.
The most essential advantage will be that not every "Created with xyz_tool" template will have an own set of some or many "Created with xyz_tool/xx" language templates, but only one "Created with .../xx" will exist for all tools. You can see what we have now when you look at the I18n table, and the start of some explanation at Category talk:Created with ... I18nTemplates. -- sarang사랑 15:54, 17 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]