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Creates formatted lists of links to taxon of rank strictly higher than genus (like order, family or tribe).

Please use the Latin plural form of the taxon rank as the first parameter.

Note: if you want to edit this template, first try your modifications on {{Taxa/sandbox}}.You can then test your edits in {{Taxa/testcases}}.
When the new version is ready, you can move it to the main template.




Included subfamilies (for Mammal Species of the World (2005),  29 March 2012):
Lycaeninae, Miletinae, Polyommatinae, †Theclinae

{{Taxa|familiae|Amphizoidae|Aspidytidae (family)|Dytiscidae|Hygrobiidae|Meruidae (insects)|Noteridae|†Coptoclavidae|accessdate=2012-03-29}}

Included families (Retrieved on 29 March 2012):
Amphizoidae, Aspidytidae (family), Dytiscidae, Hygrobiidae, Meruidae (insects), Noteridae, †Coptoclavidae

Note: prefixing a name with "†" will add the symbol before it to designate it as extinct.
Note: in case of disambiguated category (like Aspidytidae (family)) provide the name with parentheses




  • First parameter is the taxa rank. This rank should be written in Latin and plural should be used if there are multiple taxa.
The accepted ranks are:
Singular Plural Comment
Cladus Cladi
Regnum Regna
Phylum Phyla
Divisio Divisiones
Classis Classes
Cohors Cohortes
Ordo Ordines
Sectio Sectiones zoology (between family and ordo)
Familia Familiae
Tribus Tribus
Sectio Sectiones botanic (between species/series and genus)
Virus Vira Only for virus rank strictly under genus (species...)
The ranks that are NOT accepted are:
Forbidden Rank Please prefer
Genera {{Genera}} or {{Genera2}}
Subgenera {{Genera|rank=subgenus}} or {{Genera2|rank=subgenus}}
Species {{Species}} or {{Species2}}
Nothospecies {{Subspecies|rank=nothospecies}} or {{Subspecies2|rank=nothospecies}}
Subspecies {{Subspecies}}
Varieties {{Subspecies|rank=varietas}}
Cultivars {{Subspecies|rank=cultivars}}
Formae {{Subspecies|rank=formae}}
Subformae {{Subspecies|rank=subformae}}
Note: If you provide an invalid rank, Category:Pages with incorrect biology template usage will be added

Optional parameters

  • Use |source=<WebSiteShortName> to display the source of this genus list. See Taxasource/doc for the complete list of managed WebSiteShortName
    • Use |name=<TaxonName> with |source= to specify the taxon name if the current category/gallery name is not exactly the taxon name (In article "Vanda (Orchidaceae)" use name=Vanda)
    • Use |source2=<WebSiteShortName2> to provide additional sources (DEPRECATED: <WebSiteShortName> can contain multiple sources separated by &)
    • Use |ref=<reference> if your source is not managed by {{Taxasource}} (|ref2= is also managed)
  • Use |accessdate=<yyyy-mm-dd> to provide the date of the retrieval of the data
  • Use |extant=yes to specify that none of the listed taxa are extinct
  • Use |inline=y to make it all one line (and it should wrap correctly if it takes up more than one line in the browser)
  • Use |note=<note> to add a note at the bottom of the list (such as "This list may be incomplete" or further clarification on the sources used to create the list).
    • Use |note2=<note2> to add a second note.
  • Use |title=<title> to replace the auto-generated (and auto-translated) "Included <rank>:" part with custom text.

Optional per-taxon parameters

  • for extinct taxon:
    • Use |†<taxonName>| to display that <taxonName> is extinct (|<taxonName>|<taxonName>=†| is Deprecated)
  • for disambiguation (like Proboscidea which category is Category:Proboscidea (Martyniaceae)):
    • Use |<taxonName> (<disamb>)|
    • If there are a lot of taxon, you can put all disambiguation at the end of {{Taxon}}:
      • Use |<taxonName>| then |<taxonName>=(<disamb>)|
        For example:
  • for a note on a taxon:
    • Use |<taxonName> note: A small note| to display a note on a specific taxon
      • For example:
        {{Taxa|ordines|Oegophiurida|Phrynophiurida note:(&#61;[[:Category:Euryalida|Euryalida]])}} (note: &#61; displays =)

Usage examples


See also

  • concurrent templates for other ranks: