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Public domain
This is an image of a page or pages from a collective work such as a newspaper, magazine or encyclopedia that is in the public domain in its country of origin and in the United States. All the pictures, legible text and other creative elements in the page image(s) are either known to be in the public domain, or are assumed to be in the public domain if the collective work was published more than 120 years ago.
Template documentationview · edit · history · purge ]
This documentation is transcluded from Template:PD-collective-work/doc.

The PD-collective-work template creates a license message on page images from collective works such as newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias or anthologies that are in the public domain, and where all individual contributions (text and images) are illegible or known to be in the public domain.

The template automatically sets the following categories: Collective works or Collective works of [Country]


{{PD-collective-work |country= }}

Use this template for images of pages from collective works where all pictures and legible text are known to be in the public domain. Also provide a US license tag such as {{PD-1996}}.
Use {{Collective work}} for page images of public domain collective works that may include non-free content, such as pages published less than 120 years ago with pictures or legible text where you do not know the death date of all the authors.

Template parameters

countrye.g. France, Germany, UK, United States, etc.emptyoptional

Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: the File namespace

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: all users

Placement: In the "Permission" parameter of the {{Information}} template (or the respective parameter of similar templates) or in the "Licensing" section

Relies on:
{{PD-collective-work/country}} normalizes common variants of country name, e.g. "UK" becomes "the United Kingdom"
{{PD-collective-work/setcats}} sets the categories in the file namespace based on the absent/present country name

See also

See Commons:collective work for more details.


العربية  English  español  македонски

This template is localized through {{Autotranslate}}. The layout of the template can be found under Template:PD-collective-work/layout.

To add your language to the list of languages supported by this template, please copy the code of Template:PD-collective-work/en (or any other language version you prefer to translate) and replace the text strings in there (the form below can be used to create a translation, the English version is preloaded in the edit box). Please change the parameter lang from en (or whatever language you are translating) to the language code of your language.