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To standardise certain Wikipedia:Navigational templates. These templates are often used for (but not limited to) US Government officials.



The template uses these fields: title, list, summary, category, margin, color, image, listclass.

Use the following code for this template:

| title = Title here
| list = item_1_here, item_2_here, item_3_here
| listclass = Optional class here which could be hlist
| summary = Optional description text
| category = Optional category_here
| margin = optional size of left/right margins in px, em or % for centering the box horizontally (default is auto)
| color = optional color_here (default is #ccccff)
| image = optional image_here (default is empty)

Mandatory arguments

  • title: a title for the navigation box; may include links
  • list: a list of links to related articles; links maybe separated, for instance, by commas, bullets, or pipe symbols.
  • summary: this parameter is aimed at vocal and Braille-based user agents and should give a brief textual description of the box contents; ordinary quotation marks around or within the provided text are not allowed; if quoting is needed you may use curly quotes: and .

Default values


The default margin is auto, which makes the box centered by default. Its width is not constrained and will adapt to the content and the available space on the window. If you want to maximize the width of the box, so that it fits the width of the parent block (but without covering floatting elements), set margin to 0: the list content will still be centered in the box using blank margins inside the box insteead of outside of it. Avoid using excessive margin values.

The color parameter defaults to the color showed in the title row above.


Example 1
The following code:
| title = The first 25 Presidents of the United States
| summary = A list of the first 25 US Presidents
| category = 
| list = [[George Washington|Washington]]{{·}} [[John Adams|J Adams]]{{·}} [[Thomas Jefferson|Jefferson]]{{·}} [[James Madison|Madison]]{{·}} [[James Monroe|Monroe]]{{·}} [[John Quincy Adams|JQ Adams]]{{·}} [[Andrew Jackson|Jackson]]{{·}} [[Martin Van Buren|Van Buren]]{{·}} [[William Henry Harrison|W Harrison]]{{·}} [[John Tyler|Tyler]]{{·}} [[James K. Polk|Polk]]{{·}} [[Zachary Taylor|Taylor]]{{·}} [[Millard Fillmore|Fillmore]]{{·}} [[Franklin Pierce|Pierce]]{{·}} [[James Buchanan|Buchanan]]{{·}} [[Abraham Lincoln|Lincoln]]{{·}} [[Andrew Johnson|A Johnson]]{{·}} [[Ulysses S. Grant|Grant]]{{·}} [[Rutherford B. Hayes|Hayes]]{{·}} [[James Garfield|Garfield]]{{·}} [[Chester A. Arthur|Arthur]]{{·}} [[Grover Cleveland|Cleveland]]{{·}} [[Benjamin Harrison|B Harrison]]{{·}} [[Grover Cleveland|Cleveland]]{{·}} [[William McKinley|McKinley]]
| margin =
| color = 
| image = [[File:Seal Of The President Of The Unites States Of America.svg|60px|U.S. presidential seal]]
The first 25 Presidents of the United States
Washington · J Adams · Jefferson · Madison · Monroe · JQ Adams · Jackson · Van Buren · W Harrison · Tyler · Polk · Taylor · Fillmore · Pierce · Buchanan · Lincoln · A Johnson · Grant · Hayes · Garfield · Arthur · Cleveland · B Harrison · Cleveland · McKinley U.S. presidential seal
Example 2
Removing the image argument and providing color = teal and margin = 10% the result changes to:
The first 25 Presidents of the United States
Washington · J Adams · Jefferson · Madison · Monroe · JQ Adams · Jackson · Van Buren · W Harrison · Tyler · Polk · Taylor · Fillmore · Pierce · Buchanan · Lincoln · A Johnson · Grant · Hayes · Garfield · Arthur · Cleveland · B Harrison · Cleveland · McKinley

See also
