English : Sumo bout between Mankajō (left) and Gōtenyū (right). Mankajō was the eventual winner of this unusually long match on day twelve of the 2007 May honbasho.
English : Mayer and Bettle explain what Creative Commons is and how it works. A short promotional animation created for Creative Commons Australia and the Queensland University of Technology (QUT).
English : NASA's Swift satellite has acquired the highest-resolution view of the neighbouring spiral galaxy M31. Also known as the Andromeda Galaxy, M31 is the largest and closest such galaxy to our own. It's more than 220,000 light-years across and lies 2.5 million light-years away in the constellation Andromeda. Dense clusters of hot, young, blue stars sparkle in the disk beyond the galaxy's smooth, redder central bulge. Star clusters are especially plentiful along a ring about 150,000 light-years across.
English : Universal Newsreel (23rd August 1946): Navy's Biggest Airplane - Burbank, CA: The wraps are taken off the new Lockheed "Constitution", 168-passenger plane built for the Navy and soon ready for test flights. The 92-ton dreadnaight was able to fly to Tokyo in 19 hours.
English : Simulation of the interactions between two galaxies as they pass by each other. The simulation contains 5000 Stars, the galaxies are simulated as scaled down version. The initial conditions resemble the Whirlpool Galaxy although no physical data from this galaxy was used in the simulation.
English : Universal Newsreel (1933): USA extends formal recognition after 16 years - This historic clip commemorates the belated formal recognition of the communist government of the Soviet Union in 1933, 16 years after the revolution. It also makes note of the fact that Soviet attempts to establish relations were rejected by the Wilson administration in 1918.
English : Zooming into the Hubble Deep Field. The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) is an image of a small region in the constellation Ursa Major, constructed from a series of observations by the Hubble Space Telescope. It covers an area 2.5 arcminutes across, two parts in a million of the whole sky, which is equivalent in angular size to a 65 mm tennis ball at a distance of 100 metres.
English : Oxalis triangularis (Purple Shamrock) is a classic example of a plant which responds with movement to external stimulus. The leaves open and close in response to varying light levels with the result that they are open during during the day and close at night. This is true movement (i.e. not growth) and is non-directional with respect to the stimulus making it an example of nastic movement towards light: photonasty.
One image captured every 30 seconds for about 1.5 hours, played back at 25 frames per second; ~750x actual speed. The exposure time was progressively increased through the video so the drop in ambient light levels are not seen.