Template:Flickr album

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from Flickr album "[1]" by [2].

Usage: {{Flickr album

 |  [1|albumID=] Flickr albumID
 |  [2|album=] album name
 |  [3|userID=] Flickr userID
 |  [4|name=] real name
  <!-- [optional]
 |  [5|location=] location
 |  [6|description=] description
 |  [7|page=] pageNo on Flickr album
 |  [8|near=] nearby photoID
 |  pageEnd= End of page range (pageNo on Flickr album)
 |  genericID=genericID(placeholder for the general purpose IDs (e.g., LBJ Library uses DIGnnnnn (n is a number) as a prefix for photos in their Flickr albums)
 |  verbose={yes|no} (default: "yes"; If "no" was given, following three options (pre,from,header) were blanked)
 |  pre=preceding separator(default: "<hr style="background:#EEE;"/>"; If "&thinsp;" or "no" was given, blanked)
 |  from=preceding word(default: "from "; If "&thinsp;" or "no" was given, blanked)
 |  header=header(default: "Flickr album"; If "&thinsp;" or "no" was given, blanked)
 |  tail=added additional info on the tail
{{Flickr album|albumID|album|userID|name|<!-- location -->|<!-- description -->|<!-- genericID= -->|<!-- page= -->|<!-- near= -->|<!-- verbose=no -->|<!-- pre=no -->|<!-- from=no -->|<!-- header=no -->|<!-- tail= -->}}