This file was awarded first place in Picture of the Year 2006
This is a Featured picture. Click here for more information.
This formerly was a Featured picture on Wikimedia Commons -->. Click here for more information.
This is a picture of the day. Click here for more information.
This is a Quality image. Click here for more information.
This is a Valued image. Click here for more information.


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Sample uses

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.


 This is a featured picture on the Pollakk language Wikipedia (Ilustracja na medal) and is considered one of the finest images.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Featured picture

Wikimedia Commons

This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images.

Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.


WMFThis image and its creator were featured on the Wikimedia Foundation blog on 1 April 2012.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Picture of the year
Picture of the year
Featured picture

Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia

Din l-istampa kisbet il-kandidatura għall-Premju Stampa tas-Sena 2007.
This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images.

WMFThis image and its creator were featured on the Wikimedia Foundation blog on 1 April 2012.

Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Former Featured picture

Wikimedia Commons

This formerly was a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and was considered one of the finest images.
 Din l-istampa hi mgħammrha mid-dimensjonijiet fir-rapport 8:5, 16:10, jew 16:9, u b'hekk hi adattata għall-isfond tad-desktop ta' kompjuter bi skrin kbir.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Former Featured picture

Wikimedia CommonsWikipedia

This formerly was a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and was considered one of the finest images.
 Din l-istampa hi mgħammrha mid-dimensjonijiet fir-rapport 8:5, 16:10, jew 16:9, u b'hekk hi adattata għall-isfond tad-desktop ta' kompjuter bi skrin kbir.

 This is a featured picture on the Pollakk language Wikipedia (Ilustracja na medal) and is considered one of the finest images.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Former Featured picture

Wikimedia CommonsWikipedia

This formerly was a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and was considered one of the finest images.
 Din l-istampa hi mgħammrha mid-dimensjonijiet fir-rapport 8:5, 16:10, jew 16:9, u b'hekk hi adattata għall-isfond tad-desktop ta' kompjuter bi skrin kbir.

 This is a featured picture on the Irlandiż language Wikipedia (Íomhánna roghnaithe) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Pollakk language Wikipedia (Ilustracja na medal) and is considered one of the finest images.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Former Featured picture

Wikimedia CommonsWikipedia

This formerly was a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and was considered one of the finest images.
 Din l-istampa hi mgħammrha mid-dimensjonijiet fir-rapport 8:5, 16:10, jew 16:9, u b'hekk hi adattata għall-isfond tad-desktop ta' kompjuter bi skrin kbir.

 This is a featured picture on the Irlandiż language Wikipedia (Íomhánna roghnaithe) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Pollakk language Wikipedia (Ilustracja na medal) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Ċiniż language Wikipedia (特色图片) and is considered one of the finest images.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Quality image
Quality image

Wikimedia Commons

Din l-istampa hi 'Stampa ta' kwalità u hi kkunsidrata adekwata għar-rekwiżiti tal-linji gwida għall-istampi ta' kwalità.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Valued image
Valued image

Wikimedia Commons

This is a Valued image and is considered to meet the Valued image criteria.

Jekk taħseb li dan il-fajl għandu wkoll jidher fil-vetrina ta' Wikimedia Commons, kun liberu illi tinnominah.
Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Featured picture
Quality image
Quality image

Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia

This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images.
Din l-istampa hi 'Stampa ta' kwalità u hi kkunsidrata adekwata għar-rekwiżiti tal-linji gwida għall-istampi ta' kwalità.
 Din l-istampa hi mgħammrha mid-dimensjonijiet fir-rapport 8:5, 16:10, jew 16:9, u b'hekk hi adattata għall-isfond tad-desktop ta' kompjuter bi skrin kbir.

WMFThis image and its creator were featured on the Wikimedia Foundation blog on 1 April 2012.

Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.

Picture of the year
Picture of the year
Picture of the day
Picture of the day
Featured picture
Quality image
Quality image
Valued image
Valued image

Wikimedia CommonsWikimediaWikipedia

Din l-istampa kisbet l-ewwel post għall-Premju Stampa tas-Sena 2006.
Din l-istampa kisbet il-Premju Stampa tas-Sena tal-[[Template:Potd/1-#|Template:Headings/Month (en) , 1]].
This is a featured picture on Wikimedia Commons (Featured pictures) and is considered one of the finest images.
Din l-istampa hi 'Stampa ta' kwalità u hi kkunsidrata adekwata għar-rekwiżiti tal-linji gwida għall-istampi ta' kwalità.
This is a Valued image and is considered to meet the Valued image criteria.
 Din l-istampa hi mgħammrha mid-dimensjonijiet fir-rapport 4:3 jew 5:4, u b'hekk hi adattata għall-isfond tad-desktop ta' kompjuter bi skrin 4:3.

WMFThis image and its creator were featured on the Wikimedia Foundation blog on 1 April 2012.

 This is a featured picture on the Ażerbajġani language Wikipedia (Seçilmiş şəkillər) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Katalan language Wikipedia (Imatge del mes) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Ċek language Wikipedia (Obrázek týdne) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This formerly was a featured picture on the Ġermaniż language Wikipedia (Exzellente Bilder) and was considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured sound on the Ingliż language Wikipedia (Featured sounds) and is considered one of the finest sound files.
 This formerly was a featured sound on the Spanjol language Wikipedia (Recursos destacados) and was considered one of the finest sound files.
 This is a featured picture on the Persjan language Wikipedia (نگاره‌های برگزیده) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Franċiż language Wikipedia (Image de qualité) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Irlandiż language Wikipedia (Íomhánna roghnaithe) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Ebrajk language Wikipedia (תמונות מומלצות) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Kroat language Wikipedia (Slika tjedna) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Ungeriż language Wikipedia (Kiemelt képek) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Indoneżjan language Wikipedia (Gambar pilihan) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Ġappuniż language Wikipedia (秀逸な画像) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Ġorġjan language Wikipedia (რჩეული ფოტოები) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Litwan language Wikipedia (Rinktinė iliustracija) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Malayalam language Wikipedia (തിരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ചിത്രങ്ങൾ) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Malay language Wikipedia (Gambar pilihan) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Odia language Wikipedia (ବଛା ଛବି) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Pollakk language Wikipedia (Ilustracja na medal) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Portugiż language Wikipedia (Imagens em destaque) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Rumen language Wikipedia (Imagini de calitate) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Sloven language Wikipedia (Izbrane slike) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Żvediż language Wikipedia (Utvalda bilder) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Tamil language Wikipedia (இன்றைய சிறப்புப் படம்) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Tajlandiż language Wikipedia (ภาพคัดสรร) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Tork language Wikipedia (Seçkin resimler) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Vjetnamiż language Wikipedia (Hình ảnh chọn lọc) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Ċiniż language Wikipedia (特色图片) and is considered one of the finest images.
 This is a featured picture on the Kantoniż language Wikipedia (正圖) and is considered one of the finest images.

Jekk għandek stampa ta' kwalità simili li tista' tiġi pubblikata taħt liċenzja adattata, tellagħha, ippubblikaha taħt liċenzja, u innominaha.