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This licensed work is provided under the terms of the Adaptive Public License as first compiled by its author. Any use, public display, public preformance, reproduction or distribution of, or preparation of derivative works based on, the licensed work constitutes recipient's acceptance of this license and its terms, whether or not such recipient reads the terms of the license. "Licensed Work" and "Recipient" are defined in the license. A copy of the license is located here.

Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.

Template documentationview · edit · history · purge ]
This documentation is transcluded from Template:APL/doc.

APL license


{{APL |author= }}

Template parameters


Additional information

The template is intended to be used in the following namespaces: no namespace specified

The template is intended to be used by the following user groups: no user group specified


العربية  Deutsch  English  français  magyar  日本語  македонски  Nederlands  polski  português  português do Brasil  русский  українська  中文

This template makes use of {{Autotranslate}} and the translate extension. The layout of the template can be found under Template:APL/layout.

This template will categorize into Category:APL.