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Genus Cuphophyllus/ Camarophyllus


Species of the genus Cuphophyllus/ Camarophyllus are related to each other unspecified (Matheny et al. 2006). Therefore the taxa belong to a separate genus not to Hygrocybe.

Source: P. Brandon Matheny et al.: Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview. Hygrophoroid clade (III). Mycologia 98(6). 2006. p. 982-995.

Cuphophyllus instead of Camarophyllus


Although Camarophyllus is the older and more common name, but there is a dispute about the type species of the genus: Some mycologists think Agaricus camarophyllus - a Hygrophorus species - is the type species. But this would make the genus Camarophyllus to a synonym of Hygrophorus. To prevent this situation the less critical taxon Cuphophyllus is recommended.

Source: Eric Strittmatter: Discussion about the genus name (german). At: 15. November 2010.