Sky Map 7

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Sky Map 7

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Sky Map 7
Sky Map 7
English Sky Map 7 is a collection of 26 printable sky charts with a magnitude limit of 7.0, complete with tables of peculiar stars and deep sky objects.
Specifications of the 26 sky charts Every maps are drawn to be printed in A3 format paper. They have 2 sides:
  • a front side with the main map, complete with legend and bibliography;
  • a back side with a list of deep sky objects that are shown in the map, a close-up map of a small area of particular interest, and a cover.
Last 4 papers The last 4 papers have a list of Double and Variable star plotted in all the maps, a map of the OB associations and a map of the Milky Way galaxy.
Magnitude limits
  • Magnitude limit for the stars: 7.0
  • Magnitude limit for open clusters: 8.0
  • Magnitude limit for globular clusters: ~9.0
  • Magnitude limit for planetary nebulae: 11.0
  • Magnitude limit for bright nebulae: ~9.0
  • Magnitude limit for galaxies: 11.0.
Number of double stars 216
Number of wide-angle double stars 18
Number of variable stars 44
Number of deep-sky objects 762

Arrangement of charts

Union table of the 26 maps of Sky Map 7.


Paper 1

Paper 1 - 00h; +90°.
Centre on the North Celestial Pole.
Paper 1 - Back side.
Detailed map: The North Celestial Pole.

Paper 2

Paper 2 - 00h; +45°.
Central constellation: Andromeda.
Paper 2 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Cassiopeia Arc.

Paper 3

Paper 3 - 03h; +45°.
Central constellation: Perseus.
Paper 3 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Pleiades cluster.

Paper 4

Paper 4 - 06h; +45°.
Central constellation: Auriga.
Paper 4 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Auriga core.

Paper 5

Paper 5 - 09h; +45°.
Central constellation: Lynx.
Paper 5 - Back side.
Detailed map: The M81 group.

Paper 6

Paper 6 - 12h; +45°.
Central constellation: Ursa Major.
Paper 6 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Coma star cluster.

Paper 7

Paper 7 - 15h; +45°.
Central constellation: Bootes.
Paper 7 - Back side.
Detailed map: Mizar and M101 galaxy group.

Paper 8

Paper 8 - 18h; +45°.
Central constellation: Hercules.
Paper 8 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Lyra core.

Paper 9

Paper 9 - 21h; +45°.
Central constellation: Cygnus.
Paper 9 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Cygnus core.

Paper 10

Paper 10 - 00h; 0°.
Central constellation: Pisces.
Paper 10 - Back side.
Detailed map: Objects around Eta Ceti.

Paper 11

Paper 11 - 03h; 0°.
Central constellation: Cetus.
Paper 11 - Back side.
Detailed map: Galaxies in Fornax.

Paper 12

Paper 12 - 06h; 0°.
Central constellation: Orion.
Paper 12 - Back side.
Detailed map: Orion Belt and Sword.

Paper 13

Paper 13 - 09h; 0°.
Central constellation: Hydra.
Paper 13 - Back side.
Detailed map: open cluster in Puppis.

Paper 14

Paper 14 - 12h; 0°.
Central constellation: Virgo.
Paper 14 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Virgo galaxy cluster.

Paper 15

Paper 15 - 15h; 0°.
Central constellation: Virgo.
Paper 15 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Antares region.

Paper 16

Paper 16 - 18h; 0°.
Central constellation: Ophiuchus.
Paper 16 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Sagittarius core.

Paper 17

Paper 17 - 21h; 0°.
Central constellation: Aquarius.
Paper 17 - Back side.
Detailed map: Objects around Epsilon Aquarii.

Paper 18

Paper 18 - 00h; -45°.
Central constellation: Phoenix.
Paper 18 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Small Magellanic Cloud.

Paper 19

Paper 19 - 03h; -45°.
Central constellation: Eridanus.
Paper 19 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Fornax galaxy cluster.

Paper 20

Paper 20 - 06h; -45°.
Central constellation: Pictor.
Paper 20 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Large Magellanic Cloud.

Paper 21

Paper 21 - 09h; -45°.
Central constellation: Vela.
Paper 21 - Back side.
Detailed map: The Carina Arc.

Paper 22

Paper 22 - 12h; -45°.
Central constellation: Centaurus.
Paper 22 - Back side.
Detailed map: Objects around Lambda Centauri.

Paper 23

Paper 23 - 15h; -45°.
Central constellation: Lupus.
Paper 23 - Back side.
Detailed map: Field around Proxima Centauri.

Paper 24

Paper 24 - 18h; -45°.
Central constellation: Corona Australis.
Paper 24 - Back side.
Detailed map: Objects around NGC 6231.

Paper 25

Paper 25 - 21h; -45°.
Central constellation: Indus.
Paper 25 - Back side.
Detailed map: Galaxies in Grus.

Paper 26

Paper 26 - 12h; -90°.
Centre on the South Celestial Pole.
Paper 26 - Back side.
Detailed map: The South Celestial Pole.

Table and special maps

Paper 27

Paper 27 - Table of constellations, table of variable stars.
Paper 27 - Table of the 40 brightest stars.

Paper 28

Paper 28 - Table of double stas (II part).
Paper 28 - Table of the wide angle/optical double stars, Table of double stars (I part).

Paper 29

Paper 29 - Map of the OB associations.
Paper 29 - Table of the OB associations.

Paper 30

Paper 30 - Map of the Milky Way galaxy.
Paper 30 - map of the Orion Spur.