Deutsch: Das Pantanal ist eines der größten Binnenland-Feuchtgebiete der Erde. Das Pantanal befindet sich im mittleren Südwesten von Brasilien in den Bundesstaaten Mato Grosso und Mato Grosso do Sul sowie dem Mato-Grosso-Plateau – kleine Teile des Pantanals reichen noch in den Osten der sich jeweils westlich anschließenden Nachbarstaaten Paraguay und Bolivien.
English: The Pantanal is the world’s largest wetland area, a flat landscape, with gently sloping and meandering rivers. It floods during the wet season, submerging over 80% of the area, and nurturing the world's richest collection of aquatic plants. The Pantanal is mostly found within Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul, which are states of Brazil. There are also small portions which are within Bolivia, and a small amount in Paraguay. In total, the Pantanal covers over 200,000 square kilometers.
Português: O Pantanal é um ecossistema com cerca de 230 mil km², situado no sul de Mato Grosso e no noroeste de Mato Grosso do Sul, ambos Estados do Brasil, além de também englobar o norte do Paraguai e leste da Bolívia.