Paintings in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Marseille

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Musée des beaux-arts de Marseille   wikidata:Q83013
Musée des beaux-arts de Marseille
Native name Musée des Beaux-Arts de Marseille
Palais Longchamp, Marseille
Coordinates 43° 18′ 16″ N, 5° 23′ 38″ E Link to OpenStreetMap Link to Google Maps Edit this at Wikidata
Established 1800: established, 1869: present location
Authority file
institution QS:P195,Q83013

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image label creator inception inventory number genre main subject depicts Joconde work ID
Hercule et Omphale 16th century MI 1152 mythological painting
Portrait de femme âgée No/unknown value 18th century MI 1382 portrait
Still life with ram's head and hanging fish No/unknown value 17th century
Women in a Park with Children, Swans and a Dog Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1882 623 000PE013787
The Flamingos Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1870 BA 1412 000PE013781
Portrait de Madame Pascal Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1871 61.2.1 portrait 000PE013785
The painter Fernand Viola Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1858 L 63.1.1 portrait 000PE013786
Women in a Park at the Edge of the Water with a Child and a Dog Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1870 L 61.2.3 000PE013783
En Algérie Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1878 BA 1411 000PE013782
Village festival Agostino Carracci
Annibale Carracci
16th century 6 000PE014728
Souvenir des environs de Tripoli. Alberto Pasini 1865 BA 287
Le chasseur indien tenant son arc Alexandre-François Desportes 1740 471
INV 3894
MR 1481
Chasseur et pêcheur indiens Alexandre-François Desportes 1740 472
INV 3896
MR 1483
Vue prise sur le chemin à Maladetta Alexis Daligé de Fontenay 158 000PE014853
Quai du Rhône à Avignon Alfred Casile 1883 BA 613
Marat ayant une conversation animée avec Danton et Robespierre Alfred Loudet 1882 602
MRF D 2005-1
history painting interior view
Maximilien Robespierre
Georges Danton
Jean-Paul Marat
Masks on the Morning of Ash Wednesday Alfred Stevens 1853 223 000PE014297
La Régalade Alphonse Moutte 1882 BA 610
Le Débarquement des blés à Marseille Alphonse Moutte 1876 BA 486
Giuseppe Fravega Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson 1795 286 portrait 000PE014028
Philoctète blessé dans l'île de Lemnos Antoine-Jean Gros 485 mythological painting 000PE014001
Mrs Fravega or Mrs Meuricoffre Antoine-Jean Gros 1793 285 portrait 000PE014002
Portrait de l'armateur François Bruguière Antoine-Jean Gros 1796 D 47.1
12 RF
portrait 000PE014821
Portrait de l'armateur Bruyère Antoine-Jean Gros 1796 RF 1944 12 portrait
Le rocher Faupillat au Trayas Armand Guillaumin 1895 938 000PE014819
Marie-Madeleine au pied de la croix Ary Scheffer 220 religious art 000PE014385
Effet de soleil couchant sur la Méditerranée Auguste Aiguier 1858 123 000PE013499
Le Départ de Léonidas Auguste Couder 19th century INV 3381
Intérieur avec fond de paysage. Auguste de Forbin 1831 BA 332
Kircheninneres Auguste de Forbin 1838 BA 389
La recette Augustin Théodule Ribot 1865 893 000PE014544
Q105346982 Augustin Théodule Ribot 1862 894 000PE014542
Le Mitron - Théodule Ribot Augustin Théodule Ribot 1419 000PE014543
Q105346984 Augustin Théodule Ribot 1420 000PE014541
Interior with Marine Background Canaletto 18th century 380 000PE013652
View of Venice Canaletto 18th century 307 Veduta Venice
Cardinal Alderano Cybo Carlo Maratta 17th century BA 346 portrait Alderano Cybo Alderano Cybo 000PE013859
Portrait en pied de Madame Goldschmidt Carolus-Duran 1874 L 76.1.2 portrait 000PE013659
Venise, la nuit Charles Cottet 1250 000PE016724
Sea coast Charles François Grenier de Lacroix 710 000PE013923
Bords de mer Charles François Grenier de Lacroix 1766 902 000PE013922
Marine Charles François Grenier de Lacroix 269 000PE013924
Le rêve Charles Joshua Chaplin 1857 BA 137 000PE014189
Le Christ en croix Charles Le Brun 259 religious art Crucifixion of Jesus Jesus 000PE013900
Amphitrite Charles Le Brun 442
INV 3039
MR 1938
mythological painting 000PE014799
Le char du soleil Charles de La Fosse 251 000PE013921
L'Amour Charles-André van Loo 1750 728 000PE014697
Portrait équestre Charles-André van Loo 184 000PE014699
Porus Defeated by Alexander Charles-André van Loo 18th century C 239 history painting 000PE014696
La lettre surprise Charles-Antoine Coypel 1733 218 000PE014176
Les Graves de Villerville Charles-François Daubigny 1859 142 000PE014165
Saint Jérôme Charles-Joseph Natoire 1480 religious art Jerome Jerome 000PE016968
Marché oriental Eugène Fromentin 1852 1252 000PE024861
Präsentation im Tempel Eustache Le Sueur 1652 225 religious art Presentation of Jesus at the Temple 000PE014797
Portrait de femme Eva Gonzalès BA 797 portrait woman woman 000PE014024
Eine Karavanserei in Trabzon, Türkei Fabius Brest 1850s 304 000PE013635
Tears of Saint Peter Francisco de Zurbarán 1650 342 religious art Saint Peter 000PE014434
Paysage animé Francisque Millet 17th century RF 1964 13
Monseigeur de Belzunce pendant la peste de 1721 à Marseille François Gérard 1824 No/unknown value Great Plague of Marseille 000PE015230
Portrait en pied de Louis XVIII François Gérard 163 portrait Louis XVIII of France 000PE014044
L'atelier du peintre François Marius Granet 1820 361 000PE014017
Thémistocle blessé François Marius Granet 856 000PE014014
Une liseuse François de Troy 233 000PE014715
The French Actor Joseph-Jean-Baptiste Albouy, stage name Dazincourt François-André Vincent 1792 622 portrait Dazincourt 000PE014477
La marchande de tisane. Françoise Duparc BA 407
Jeune Femme à l'ouvrage ; dite autrefois La Tricoteuse. Françoise Duparc 18th century BA 406
Harbor Quay in Marseille Félix Ziem 1858 BA 240 Marseille
sailing ship
Cleopatra Félix Ziem BA 931 woman 000PE014438
Fishermen in a Boat Félix Ziem BA 922 000PE014447
Venice, the Bucentaure Félix Ziem BA 928 boat
Fantasia at the banks of the Bosphorus Félix Ziem 1874 BA 939 Arabs
Bosporus Strait
Hercules at the crossroads Gaspar de Crayer 2nd millennium 87 mythological painting 000PE024857
Tobie restoring the sight to his father Gioacchino Assereto L. 85.10 religious art
Christ and the woman who has committed adultery Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1721 1725
MNR 84
religious art Jesus and the woman taken in adultery
St Sebastian between St Roch and St Margaret Giovanni Cariani 1520s 295 religious art Sebastian
Margaret the Virgin
Elijah and the Raven Giovanni Lanfranco 1625 MI 1167
Cato of Utica Bidding Farewell to his Son Guercino 1630s 2 history painting Cato the Younger 000PE014740
Deer by Water Gustave Courbet 1861 281 animal art 000PE013699
Paysage aux lavandières Gustave Courbet 1856 906 000PE013700
Portrait of André Grangier Gustave Courbet 1855 1260 portrait 000PE013701
Le Dernier banquet des Girondins Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux 1850 205
D 1992.1
history painting banquet
Judith et Holopherne Henri Regnault 1869 303 religious art Judith and Holofernes 000PE014563
Italian Garden Hubert Robert 1764 D 53.14
Landscape Hubert Robert 18th century 53 1 4 architectural view door
Paysage fantaisie. Hubert Robert BA 455
Building the Ark of Noah Jacopo Bassano 16th century D 802 1 19 religious art Genesis flood narrative 000PE014745
Bataille Jacques Courtois 139 000PE013705
Saint Roch interceding with the Virgin Jacques-Louis David 1780 D 2009.0.24 religious art intercession Roch
Madonna and Child
Le Martyre de saint Paul à Lystre Jean Baptiste de Champaigne 1667 86 religious art stoning
Paul the Apostle
Catholic priest
Portrait d'un magistrat Jean Daret 1638 BA 88 portrait 000PE014678
Esculape ressuscitant Hippolyte Jean Daret 1636 1989.2.1
Déploration sur le corps du Christ Jean Daret 1636 L 85.2 religious art
Diane découvrant la grossesse de Callisto Jean Daret 1642 L 75 2 3 000PE015243
La rencontre d'Eliezer et Rébecca Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1800 458 religious art Eliezer
View Taken in Riva Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1850 138 barque
Le Petit Pont Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1860 1387 000PE014183
Le bouleau Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865 905 000PE013693
Self Portrait Old Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1804 1235 self-portrait Jean-Baptiste Greuze 000PE014009
A Man Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1804 443
D 873.1.3
MI 197
portrait man 000PE014822
La lapidation de Saint Etienne Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre 1745 BA 206 religious art 000PE014629
Fleurs Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer 621 000PE013799
Vase d'or avec des raisins Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer 653
D 893.1
INV 6735
Nature morte avec oiseaux morts et insectes Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1713 739 000PE013757
La reconnaissance d'Oreste et Iphigénie en Tauride Jean-Baptiste Regnault 1787 438
INV 7383
MR 2356
mythological painting 000PE014562
La bouillie Jean-François Millet 1861 299 000PE013801
Le chevalier Rose, intendant de la santé, à la Tourette Jean-François de Troy 340 000PE014714
Portrait du comte Armand Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant 1897 1385 portrait 000PE013687
Embarkation of the expeditionary corps of Menorca at the port of Marseille under the orders of Marshal of Richelieu Jean-Joseph Kapeller 1756-03-26 1881 000PE013935
Combat naval Jean-Joseph Kapeller 18th century 344 000PE013936
Portrait de la duchesse de Châteauroux Jean-Marc Nattier 1740 BA 195 portrait 000PE013766
Venus and Love Jean-Marc Nattier 18th century 689 000PE013765
A Storm Joseph Vernet 1748 BA 390 landscape painting
marine art
sailing ship
Head of a Roman Way in Bithynia, Amasra Jules Laurens 19th century BA 755 landscape painting Bithynia
Angélique et Médor Laurent de La Hyre 309 000PE013959
Christ after the Flagellation Louis Cretey 17th century religious art
Mary Magdalene in extasy Louis Finson 1613 BA 90 religious art 000PE014677
Self-portrait Louis Finson 1613 BA 464 self-portrait Louis Finson 000PE014676
Mary Magdalen in extasy Louis Finson 1612 BA 90 religious art
Samson and Delilah Louis Finson 1610s 1987.10.1 religious art Samson and Delilah
Die Liebe angekettet von den Grazien Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée 177 000PE013917
King David Matthias Stom 1635 BA 108 religious art David David
Nature morte aux coquillages Meiffren Conte 17th century RF 1952 7
Les hautes plaines Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1862 899 000PE014140
Sous-bois Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1854 502
BA 502
The Visitation Nicolas Labbé 1640 L 84.08 religious art Visitation Visitation
Portrait d'un gentilhomme Nicolas de Largillière 691 portrait 000PE013909
Apollon et Marsyas Noël Coypel BA 446 mythological painting Apollo and Marsyas
The Justice of Trajan Noël Hallé 1765 445 history painting Justice of Trajan Trajan 000PE014817
La Roque d'Anthéron Paul Guigou 1867 1397 000PE013985
Lavandière au ruisseau Paul Guigou 1858 793 000PE013991
Les collines d'Allauch Paul Guigou 1862 505 000PE013992
Les pins au bord de la Durance Paul Guigou 1869 1398 000PE013984
Petite route dans les pins Paul Guigou 1860 1396 000PE013986
Plan d'Orgon Paul Guigou 1871 1269 000PE013989
Vue de Triel-sur-Seine Paul Guigou 1865 1270 000PE013988
Vue du village de Saignon Paul Guigou 1855 597 000PE016236
Les Catalans à Marseille Paul Guigou 1869 1271 000PE013987
The Boar Hunt Peter Paul Rubens 1610s 103 horse
Sus scrofa
The Adoration of the Shepherds Peter Paul Rubens 1619 BA 102 religious art adoration of the shepherds Christ Child 000PE014418
Resurrection of Christ Peter Paul Rubens 241 religious art Resurrection of Jesus Resurrection of Jesus
Head of a woman (Suzanne Fourment) Peter Paul Rubens 17th century
383 portrait Suzanne Fourment Suzanne Fourment 000PE014412
Bergerie Philip James de Loutherbourg 1764 693 000PE013881
Une caravane Philip James de Loutherbourg 1764 692 000PE013882
Self-portrait Philippe Henri Coclers van Wyck 1778 BA 695
L'apothéose de Marie-Madeleine Philippe de Champaigne 1656 BA 84 religious art 000PE014765
L'assomption Philippe de Champaigne 1656 BA 85 religious art Assumption of Mary 000PE014778
Portrait de femme Pierre Mignard I 711 portrait woman woman 000PE013807
Le retour de la chasse Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1859 BA 214 000PE014590
Marseille, colonie grecque Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1869 884 000PE014589
Marseille, porte de l'Orient Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1869 885 000PE014588
La statue aux deux vases rouges Raoul Dufy 1908 D 66.2.4
AM 4214 P (91)
A Mother and her Son Robert Lefèvre 1810 997.2.1 portrait
La Vierge et l'enfant Simon Vouet 700 religious art 000PE014467
Virgin and Child with a Rose Simon Vouet 1637 397 religious art Madonna and Child Mary
Christ Child
Étude de torse Simon Vouet 353 000PE013943
The Usurer Stanislas Torrents BA 963
The Thinker Stanislas Torrents 1164 000PE014906
Henri DIDIER Thomas Couture BA 264 portrait 000PE014181
The Cleopatra's Handmaid Théodore Chassériau 1845 1352
RF 3871
Portrait of the Duchess of Orleans Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun 1789 D 49.6 portrait woman
Louise Marie Adélaïde de Bourbon
End of auto-generated list.


