Paintings by Karl von Blaas

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Portrait of Elizabeth Vorontsova née Branicka (1792-1880). 1852 painting by Karl von Blaas National Museum in Warsaw 128897
128897 MNW
1852 museum storage woman
Heinrich Clemens Freiherr Purtscher von Eschenburg painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere 5216 1868 Belvedere
Franz Xaver Freiherr Purtscher von Eschenburg 1850 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere 5217 1850 Belvedere
Saint Catherine 1850 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere 5522 1850 Belvedere
Leonie Countess Lanckorońska, née Countess Potocka, with her son Karl 1852 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere 5983 1852 Belvedere Karol Lanckoroński
Jacob's homecoming 1841 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2277 1841 Belvedere
The Battle of Kolin 1757 1865 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2389 1865 Belvedere
The raid near Hochkirch in 1758 1866 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2471 1866 Belvedere
The surrender of Belgrade in 1789 1868 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2472 1868 Belvedere
The Battle of Caldiero in 1805 1870 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2473 1870 Belvedere
Episode after the Battle of Novara 1849 1871 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2474 1871 Belvedere
Boucquoi's victory at Zablat (Budweis) 1619 1866 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2607 1866 Belvedere
Prince Eugene's march to Bosnia in 1697 1864 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2608 1864 Belvedere
Leopold the Glorious as patron of the arts and sciences 1860 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2611 1860 Belvedere
Charlemagne reprimands the neglectful students 1855 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2715 1855 Belvedere church interior
Allegory of Bravery 1859 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2716 1859 Belvedere
Allegory of Self-Control (Moderation) 1859 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2717 1859 Belvedere
Allegory of Power 1859 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2718 1859 Belvedere
Allegory of art 1859 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2719 1859 Belvedere
Leopold the Saint rejects the imperial crown 1860 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2721 1860 Belvedere
Friedrich Barbarossa enfeoffs Heinrich Jasomirgott and Heinrich the lion 1860 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2722 1860 Belvedere
Rudolf I of Habsburg at the corpse of Ottokar near Dürnkrut in 1278 1868 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2723 1868 Belvedere
Battle of Albrecht I. over the Semming 1292 1868 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2724 1868 Belvedere
Emperor Maximilian I and Georg von Frundsberg 1868 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2725 1868 Belvedere
Emperor Charles V and King Francis I at Pavia 1525 1868 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2726 1868 Belvedere
The storming of Schweidnitz in 1761 1860 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2727 1860 Belvedere
Johann de Werth's raid near Tuttlingen in 1643 1866 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2728 1866 Belvedere
The Battle of St. Gotthard 1664 1865 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2729 1865 Belvedere
The Battle of Levenc 1664 1865 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2730 1865 Belvedere
The defense of Vienna against the Turks in 1683 1865 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2731 1865 Belvedere
The Battle of Zenta in 1697 1863 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2732 1863 Belvedere
The Storming of Ofen 1686 1865 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2733 1865 Belvedere
The Battle of Turin 1706 1864 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2734 1864 Belvedere
Entry of Charles III. in Madrid 1710 1865 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2736 1865 Belvedere
The attack on Berlin in 1757 1865 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2738 1865 Belvedere
The storming of Schweidnitz in 1761 1866 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2739 1866 Belvedere
The Battle of Piacenza 1746 1867 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2740 1867 Belvedere Battle of Piacenza
The surrender of Linz in 1742 1867 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2741 1867 Belvedere
First promotion to the Military Maria Theresa Order in 1758 1868 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2742 1868 Belvedere
The Battle of Würzburg in 1796 1870 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2743 1870 Belvedere
Archduke Karl of Austria at the Battle of Aspern 1870 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2744 1870 Belvedere
The meeting at Ebelsberg in 1806 1870 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2745 1870 Belvedere
The Battle of Mount Isel 1809 1869 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2746 1869 Belvedere
The Battle of Leipzig in 1813 1871 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2747 1871 Belvedere
The capture of Vicenza in 1848 1869 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2748 1869 Belvedere
Entry of Emperor Franz I (II) of Austria into Vienna in 1814 1869 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2749 1869 Belvedere
Field Marshal Josef Graf Colloredo-Mels 1870 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2750 1870 Belvedere
Field Marshal Josef Wenzel Prince Liechtenstein 1870 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere 2751 1870 Belvedere
Emperor Maximilian I. 1870 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2752 1870 Belvedere
Self-portrait 1884 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere
Kunsthistorisches Museum
2753 1884 Belvedere
Emperor Franz Joseph I in the gala uniform of an Austrian field marshal 1850 painting by Karl von Blaas Belvedere Lg 1098 1850 Belvedere
Portrait of Aleksandra Potocka (1818-1892) 1852 painting by Karl von Blaas National Museum in Warsaw 128888
128888 MNW
1852 museum storage Aleksandra z Potockich Potocka
Portrait of Aleksandra Potocka (1818-1892) in profile. 1852 painting by Karl von Blaas National Museum in Warsaw 128899
128899 MNW
1852 museum storage Aleksandra z Potockich Potocka
The well 1859 painting by Carl von Blaas Bratislava City Gallery A 976 1859 Bratislava City Gallery
Portrait of a man 1838 painting by Karl von Blaas Moravian Gallery in Brno Z 1067 1838 Moravian Gallery in Brno man
Portrait of a young lady 1838 painting by Carl von Blaas Moravian Gallery in Brno Z 1066 1838 Moravian Gallery in Brno
The Miraculous Translation of the Body of Saint Catherine of Alexandria to Sinai 1860 painting by Karl von Blaas Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1992.288 1860 Harvard Art Museums
Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria painting by Karl von Blaas No/unknown value 1885 Franz Joseph I of Austria
Antiope and grove on a mountain near the sea painting by Carl von Blaas (1815-1894) Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
1877 Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Montecuccoli in the Battlefield of Saint Gotthard, August 8, 1664. painting by Karl von Blaas Schwarzenberg Palace 18th century
Sitting Italian girl with roses painting by Karl von Blaas No/unknown value 19th century private collection girl
Ciociaro costume
Andreas Hofers Gefangennahme Tyrolean State Museum 1890-12-31
End of auto-generated list.