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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:User:Yug/char-summary/doc


Based on:         [[Module:User:Wyang/char-summary]] → [[Module:User:Justinrleung/char-summary]] → [[Module:User:Yug/char-summary]]
Frequency lists:
Kangxi radicals :
Output:           [[User:Yug/kangxi-rads]]
See also:         [[:Commons:User:Yug/hz2]], [[:Commons:User:Yug/MOOC]], [[:Commons:Template:Hanzigallery]]
require ('strict')

local concat = table.concat
local insert = table.insert
local split = mw.text.split
local match = mw.ustring.match
local format = mw.ustring.format
local codepoint = mw.ustring.codepoint
local titleNew =
local export = {}

-- The 214 Kangxi radicals (U+2F00 to U+2FDF), associated with their CJK unified ideographs.
local radicals_list = {
	[  1] = {'⼀', '一'},
	[  2] = {'⼁', '丨'},
	[  3] = {'⼂', '丶'},
	[  4] = {'⼃', '丿'},
	[  5] = {'⼄', '乙'},
	[  6] = {'⼅', '亅'},
	[  7] = {'⼆', '二'},
	[  8] = {'⼇', '亠'},
	[  9] = {'⼈', '人'},
	[ 10] = {'⼉', '儿'},
	[ 11] = {'⼊', '入'},
	[ 12] = {'⼋', '八'},
	[ 13] = {'⼌', '冂'},
	[ 14] = {'⼍', '冖'},
	[ 15] = {'⼎', '冫'},
	[ 16] = {'⼏', '几'},
	[ 17] = {'⼐', '凵'},
	[ 18] = {'⼑', '刀'},
	[ 19] = {'⼒', '力'},
	[ 20] = {'⼓', '勹'},
	[ 21] = {'⼔', '匕'},
	[ 22] = {'⼕', '匚'},
	[ 23] = {'⼖', '匸'},
	[ 24] = {'⼗', '十'},
	[ 25] = {'⼘', '卜'},
	[ 26] = {'⼙', '卩'},
	[ 27] = {'⼚', '厂'},
	[ 28] = {'⼛', '厶'},
	[ 29] = {'⼜', '又'},
	[ 30] = {'⼝', '口'},
	[ 31] = {'⼞', '囗'},
	[ 32] = {'⼟', '土'},
	[ 33] = {'⼠', '士'},
	[ 34] = {'⼡', '夂'},
	[ 35] = {'⼢', '夊'},
	[ 36] = {'⼣', '夕'},
	[ 37] = {'⼤', '大'},
	[ 38] = {'⼥', '女'},
	[ 39] = {'⼦', '子'},
	[ 40] = {'⼧', '宀'},
	[ 41] = {'⼨', '寸'},
	[ 42] = {'⼩', '小'},
	[ 43] = {'⼪', '尢'},
	[ 44] = {'⼫', '尸'},
	[ 45] = {'⼬', '屮'},
	[ 46] = {'⼭', '山'},
	[ 47] = {'⼮', '巛'},
	[ 48] = {'⼯', '工'},
	[ 49] = {'⼰', '己'},
	[ 50] = {'⼱', '巾'},
	[ 51] = {'⼲', '干'},
	[ 52] = {'⼳', '幺'},
	[ 53] = {'⼴', '广'},
	[ 54] = {'⼵', '廴'},
	[ 55] = {'⼶', '廾'},
	[ 56] = {'⼷', '弋'},
	[ 57] = {'⼸', '弓'},
	[ 58] = {'⼹', '彐'},
	[ 59] = {'⼺', '彡'},
	[ 60] = {'⼻', '彳'},
	[ 61] = {'⼼', '心'},
	[ 62] = {'⼽', '戈'},
	[ 63] = {'⼾', '戶'},
	[ 64] = {'⼿', '手'},
	[ 65] = {'⽀', '支'},
	[ 66] = {'⽁', '攴'},
	[ 67] = {'⽂', '文'},
	[ 68] = {'⽃', '斗'},
	[ 69] = {'⽄', '斤'},
	[ 70] = {'⽅', '方'},
	[ 71] = {'⽆', '无'},
	[ 72] = {'⽇', '日'},
	[ 73] = {'⽈', '曰'},
	[ 74] = {'⽉', '月'},
	[ 75] = {'⽊', '木'},
	[ 76] = {'⽋', '欠'},
	[ 77] = {'⽌', '止'},
	[ 78] = {'⽍', '歹'},
	[ 79] = {'⽎', '殳'},
	[ 80] = {'⽏', '毋'},
	[ 81] = {'⽐', '比'},
	[ 82] = {'⽑', '毛'},
	[ 83] = {'⽒', '氏'},
	[ 84] = {'⽓', '气'},
	[ 85] = {'⽔', '水'},
	[ 86] = {'⽕', '火'},
	[ 87] = {'⽖', '爪'},
	[ 88] = {'⽗', '父'},
	[ 89] = {'⽘', '爻'},
	[ 90] = {'⽙', '爿'},
	[ 91] = {'⽚', '片'},
	[ 92] = {'⽛', '牙'},
	[ 93] = {'⽜', '牛'},
	[ 94] = {'⽝', '犬'},
	[ 95] = {'⽞', '玄'},
	[ 96] = {'⽟', '玉'},
	[ 97] = {'⽠', '瓜'},
	[ 98] = {'⽡', '瓦'},
	[ 99] = {'⽢', '甘'},
	[100] = {'⽣', '生'},
	[101] = {'⽤', '用'},
	[102] = {'⽥', '田'},
	[103] = {'⽦', '疋'},
	[104] = {'⽧', '疒'},
	[105] = {'⽨', '癶'},
	[106] = {'⽩', '白'},
	[107] = {'⽪', '皮'},
	[108] = {'⽫', '皿'},
	[109] = {'⽬', '目'},
	[110] = {'⽭', '矛'},
	[111] = {'⽮', '矢'},
	[112] = {'⽯', '石'},
	[113] = {'⽰', '示'},
	[114] = {'⽱', '禸'},
	[115] = {'⽲', '禾'},
	[116] = {'⽳', '穴'},
	[117] = {'⽴', '立'},
	[118] = {'⽵', '竹'},
	[119] = {'⽶', '米'},
	[120] = {'⽷', '糸'},
	[121] = {'⽸', '缶'},
	[122] = {'⽹', '网'},
	[123] = {'⽺', '羊'},
	[124] = {'⽻', '羽'},
	[125] = {'⽼', '老'},
	[126] = {'⽽', '而'},
	[127] = {'⽾', '耒'},
	[128] = {'⽿', '耳'},
	[129] = {'⾀', '聿'},
	[130] = {'⾁', '肉'},
	[131] = {'⾂', '臣'},
	[132] = {'⾃', '自'},
	[133] = {'⾄', '至'},
	[134] = {'⾅', '臼'},
	[135] = {'⾆', '舌'},
	[136] = {'⾇', '舛'},
	[137] = {'⾈', '舟'},
	[138] = {'⾉', '艮'},
	[139] = {'⾊', '色'},
	[140] = {'⾋', '艸'},
	[141] = {'⾌', '虍'},
	[142] = {'⾍', '虫'},
	[143] = {'⾎', '血'},
	[144] = {'⾏', '行'},
	[145] = {'⾐', '衣'},
	[146] = {'⾑', '襾'},
	[147] = {'⾒', '見'},
	[148] = {'⾓', '角'},
	[149] = {'⾔', '言'},
	[150] = {'⾕', '谷'},
	[151] = {'⾖', '豆'},
	[152] = {'⾗', '豕'},
	[153] = {'⾘', '豸'},
	[154] = {'⾙', '貝'},
	[155] = {'⾚', '赤'},
	[156] = {'⾛', '走'},
	[157] = {'⾜', '足'},
	[158] = {'⾝', '身'},
	[159] = {'⾞', '車'},
	[160] = {'⾟', '辛'},
	[161] = {'⾠', '辰'},
	[162] = {'⾡', '辵'},
	[163] = {'⾢', '邑'},
	[164] = {'⾣', '酉'},
	[165] = {'⾤', '釆'},
	[166] = {'⾥', '里'},
	[167] = {'⾦', '金'},
	[168] = {'⾧', '長'},
	[169] = {'⾨', '門'},
	[170] = {'⾩', '阜'},
	[171] = {'⾪', '隶'},
	[172] = {'⾫', '隹'},
	[173] = {'⾬', '雨'},
	[174] = {'⾭', '靑'},
	[175] = {'⾮', '非'},
	[176] = {'⾯', '面'},
	[177] = {'⾰', '革'},
	[178] = {'⾱', '韋'},
	[179] = {'⾲', '韭'},
	[180] = {'⾳', '音'},
	[181] = {'⾴', '頁'},
	[182] = {'⾵', '風'},
	[183] = {'⾶', '飛'},
	[184] = {'⾷', '食'},
	[185] = {'⾸', '首'},
	[186] = {'⾹', '香'},
	[187] = {'⾺', '馬'},
	[188] = {'⾻', '骨'},
	[189] = {'⾼', '高'},
	[190] = {'⾽', '髟'},
	[191] = {'⾾', '鬥'},
	[192] = {'⾿', '鬯'},
	[193] = {'⿀', '鬲'},
	[194] = {'⿁', '鬼'},
	[195] = {'⿂', '魚'},
	[196] = {'⿃', '鳥'},
	[197] = {'⿄', '鹵'},
	[198] = {'⿅', '鹿'},
	[199] = {'⿆', '麥'},
	[200] = {'⿇', '麻'},
	[201] = {'⿈', '黃'},
	[202] = {'⿉', '黍'},
	[203] = {'⿊', '黑'},
	[204] = {'⿋', '黹'},
	[205] = {'⿌', '黽'},
	[206] = {'⿍', '鼎'},
	[207] = {'⿎', '鼓'},
	[208] = {'⿏', '鼠'},
	[209] = {'⿐', '鼻'},
	[210] = {'⿑', '齊'},
	[211] = {'⿒', '齒'},
	[212] = {'⿓', '龍'},
	[213] = {'⿔', '龜'},
	[214] = {'⿕', '龠'},

local function hexcodepoint(s, i, j)
	return 'U+' .. format('%04X', codepoint(s, i, j), 16)

function export.main(frame)
	local result = {
		'{|class="wikitable sortable" style="font-size:80%;line-height:normal;text-align:center"',
		'|+ Priority list for ancient Chinese characters <small>(see source code in [[Module:User:Yug/char-summary]])</small>.',
		'|-class="sort-top" style="font-size:smaller"',
		-- Columns group at start of header row.
		'!scope="col" rowspan="2" style="width:54px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:16px"| Han<br /> etymology',
		-- Column group for ancient styles.
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Shang<br/> oracle<br /> bone',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Shang<br/> bronze',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Western<br /> Zhou<br/> bronze',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Spring &amp;<br /> Autumn<br/> bronze',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Warring<br/>  States<br/> bronze',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Shu<br /> slip/silk',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Qin<br /> slip',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| <em>Liushutong</em><br /> big seal',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px"| <em>Shuowen</em><br /> seal',
		-- Column group for modern styles.
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Clerical<br /> Han',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Clerical<br /> Qing',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px"| Mingti<br /> Kangxi',
		'!scope="col" style="width:40px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:16px"| Kangxi<br /> radical',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Caoshu<br /> cursive',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Xingshu<br /> semi-cursive',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Kaishu<br /> (SVG)',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px"| Kaishu<br /> (PNG)',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Red<br /> order',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px"| Animated<br /> order',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:120px;font-weight:normal"| B&W<br /> order',
		'!scope="col" style="width:40px;padding-left:1px;padding-right:16px"| CJK<br /> unified',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Songti',
   		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Mandarin',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Sichuanese',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Cantonese',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Taishanese',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Gan',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Sixian',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Meixian',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Jin',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Min<br /> Bei',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Min<br /> Dong',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Hokkien',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Teochew',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Wu',
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" style="width:40px;font-weight:normal"| Xiang',
		-- Column-group at end of header row.
		'!scope="col" class="unsortable" rowspan="2" style="width:54px"| Sources',
		'|-class="sort-top" style="font-size:smaller"',
		'!scope="col" colspan="11" style="background:#DDF"| (ancient styles)',
		'!scope="col" colspan="11" style="background:#CFC"| (modern styles)',
	local tick  = '|style="font-size:30px;background:#C8C"| ✓'
	local cross = '|style="font-size:30px;background:#FCC"| ✘'
	for n, s in ipairs(radicals_list) do
		local krd, ch = s[1], s[2]
		insert(result, '|-')
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-oracle'         .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-oracle'         .. '.svg]]') -- Shang oracle bone
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-bronze-shang'   .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-bronze-shang'   .. '.svg]]') -- Shang bronze
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-bronze'         .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-bronze'         .. '.svg]]') -- West Zhou bronze
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-bronze-spring'  .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-bronze-spring'  .. '.svg]]') -- Spring & Autumn bronze
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-bronze-warring' .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-bronze-warring' .. '.svg]]') -- Warring States. bronze
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-silk'           .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-silk'           .. '.svg]]') -- Shu slip/silk
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-slip'           .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-slip'           .. '.svg]]') -- Qin slip
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-bigseal'        .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-bigseal'        .. '.svg]]') -- Liushutong Big seal
		insert(result, '|style="background:#DFD"| [[File:' .. ch .. '-seal'           .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-seal'           .. '.svg]]') -- Shuowen seal
		insert(result, '|style="background:#FEC"| [[File:' .. ch .. '-clerical-han'   .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-clerical-han'   .. '.svg]]') -- Clerical Han
		insert(result, '|style="background:#FEC"| [[File:' .. ch .. '-clerical'       .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-clerical'       .. '.svg]]') -- Clerical Qing
		insert(result, '|style="background:#DFD"| [[File:' .. ch .. '-mingti-kangxi'  .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-mingti-kangxi'  .. '.svg]]') -- Mingti Kangxi
		insert(result, '!scope="row" data-sort-value="' .. format('%03d', n) .. '"| [[:Category:Radical ' .. format('%03d', n) .. '|<kbd style="font-size:87%">' .. format('%03d', n) .. '</kbd><br /> <big style="font-size:150%;font-family:\'Noto Serif TC\',serif">' .. krd .. '</big><br /> <kbd style="font-size:87%">' .. hexcodepoint(krd) .. '</kbd>]]') -- Kangxi radical
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-caoshu'         .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-caoshu'         .. '.svg]]') -- Caoshu cursive
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-xingshu'        .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-xingshu'        .. '.svg]]') -- Xingshu semi-cursive
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-kaishu'         .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-kaishu'         .. '.svg]]') -- Kaishu regular (SVG)
		insert(result, '|style="background:#DFD"| [[File:' .. ch .. '-kaishu'         .. '.png|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-kaishu'         .. '.png]]') -- Kaishu regular (PNG)
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-red'           .. '.png|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-red'           .. '.png]]') -- Red order
		insert(result, '|style="background:#DFD"| [[File:' .. ch .. '-order'         .. '.gif|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-order'         .. '.gif]]') -- Animated order
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-bw'            .. '.png|120x40px|' .. ch .. '-bw'            .. '.png]]') -- B&W order
		insert(result, '|style="background:#EEE" data-sort-value="' .. hexcodepoint(ch) .. '"| <kbd style="font-size:87%">[[:Category:Radical ' .. format('%03d', n) .. '-0|' .. format('%03d', n) .. '.0]]</kbd><br /> [[:Category:' .. ch .. '|<big style="font-size:150%;font-family:\'Noto Serif TC\',serif">' .. ch .. '</big><br /> <kbd style="font-size:87%">' .. hexcodepoint(ch) .. '</kbd>]]') -- Unified ideograph
		insert(result, '| [[File:' .. ch .. '-songti'         .. '.svg|40x40px|' .. ch .. '-songti'         .. '.svg]]') -- Songti
		insert(result, '|style="background:#DFD;font-size:85%;text-align:left"| [' .. ch .. ' sinica&nbsp;TW]<br /> [' .. ch .. ' hanziyuan&nbsp;CN]') -- Sources
--[==[ Disabled for now: too many fetched pages (214), or could be slow
		local content = titleNew(ch):getContent()
		local sections = split(content, '%-%-%-%-')
		local found = nil
		for _, section in ipairs(sections) do
			if match(section, '== *Chinese *==') then
				found = section
		insert(result, found and match(found, '{{Han ety[lm]}}') and tick or cross) -- Han etym.
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|m=[^%s|]'    ) and tick or cross) -- Mandarin
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|m%-s=[^%s|]' ) and tick or cross) -- Sichuanese
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|c=[^%s|]'    ) and tick or cross) -- Cantonese
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|c%-t=[^%s|]' ) and tick or cross) -- Taishanese
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|g=[^%s|]'    ) and tick or cross) -- Gan
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|pfs=[^%s|]'  ) and tick or cross) -- Sixian
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|gd=[^%s|]'   ) and tick or cross) -- Meixian
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|j=[^%s|]'    ) and tick or cross) -- Jin
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|mb=[^%s|]'   ) and tick or cross) -- Min Bei
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|md=[^%s|]'   ) and tick or cross) -- Min Dong
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|mn=[^%s|]'   ) and tick or cross) -- Hokkien
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|mn%-t=[^%s|]') and tick or cross) -- Teochew
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|w=[^%s|]'    ) and tick or cross) -- Wu
		insert(result, found and match(found, '|x=[^%s|]'    ) and tick or cross) -- Xiang
	insert(result, '|}')
	return concat(result, '\n')

return export