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used for testing of several modules


--The function "tincture" converts valid tincture names to hexadecimal colorcodes
--  e.g. 'argent' will give '#FFF'; when not found it tries afterwards with module:convCSS
--The function "convert" converts a valid hexadecimal colorcode into three decimal numbers: 
--	#bbccdd gives 187|204|221,  while #FF0 will give 255|255|0 
--The function "tbcgen" generates a complete 5-parameter string 
--Invalid color codes will give invalid or unpredictable results, or LUA errors.

local p = {}

-- local / global function: convert  h → d: #rrggbb or #rgb to dec_table {rr, gg, bb}
local function convert ( arg )
	local hex  =  arg or '#000';
    if  mw.ustring.sub ( hex, 1,  1) ~= '#' then 
        error ('value "' .. hex .. '" cannot be converted to decimal')
	local dec  =  {};
	for i = 1, 3 do
		if #hex == 4 then
			dec [i] = tonumber ( string.sub (hex, i+1, i+1)..string.sub (hex, i+1, i+1), 16 )
			dec [i] = tonumber ( mw.ustring.sub (hex, 2*i, 2*i + 1), 16 )
	return dec;
end -- function convert

-- global=args[1], local=frame
function p.tincture ( frame )
	local args = frame.args
	local inp = ''
	if  args then
        inp   =  mw.text.trim ( args[1] or 'glo' )
	elseif  frame then
         inp  =  mw.text.trim ( frame   or 'loc' )
--	else inp  = 'Tinct wo'
	if  mw.ustring.sub ( inp, 2, 2 ) == ')' then 
		inp = mw.ustring.sub ( inp, 3 )
	local low  =  ( string.lower ( inp ) );
	if  mw.ustring.sub ( inp, 1, 1 ) == '#' then
		if  #inp ==  4  then
			return inp;
		elseif   mw.ustring.sub ( low, 2, 2 ) ==  mw.ustring.sub ( low, 3, 3 )
			and  mw.ustring.sub ( low, 4, 4 ) ==  mw.ustring.sub ( low, 5, 5 )
			and  mw.ustring.sub ( low, 6, 6 ) ==  mw.ustring.sub ( low, 7, 7 )  then
			local  upc  =  ( string.upper ( inp ) );
			return '#'  .. mw.ustring.sub ( upc, 2, 2 ) 
						.. mw.ustring.sub ( upc, 4, 4 ) 
						.. mw.ustring.sub ( upc, 6, 6 );
			return inp; 
	local out  =  '';
	if     low == 'argent'    then  out = '#FFF'
	elseif low == 'argent-d'  then  out = '#E7E7E7'
	elseif low == 'azure'     then  out = '#0F47AF'
	elseif low == 'carnation' then  out = '#F2A772'
	elseif low == 'céleste'   then  out = '#89C5E3'
	elseif low == 'celeste'   then  out = '#89C5E3'
	elseif low == 'cendrée'   then  out = '#999'
	elseif low == 'gules'     then  out = '#DA121A'
	elseif low == 'naranja'	  then  out = '#EB7711'
	elseif low == 'or'        then  out = '#FCDD09'
	elseif low == 'purpure'   then  out = '#9116A1'
	elseif low == 'sable'     then  out = '#000'
	elseif low == 'tawny'     then  out = '#9D5333'
	elseif low == 'vert'      then  out = '#078930'
-- colours less common:	
	elseif low == 'brunâtre'  then  out = '#3F1FFF'
	elseif low == 'sanguine'  then  out = '#BC3F4A'
	elseif low == 'murrey'    then  out = '#C54B8C'
	elseif low == 'orange_t'  then  out = '#FC7A11'
		local convc = require( "Module:convCSS" )
		out  =  convc.main ( low )
	return out;
end -- function tincture

-- global=args[1], local=frame
function p.decode ( frame )
	local args = frame.args
	local str = ''
	if  args then
       str   =  mw.text.trim ( args [1], charset ) 
	elseif  frame then
       str   =  mw.text.trim ( frame, charset ) 
	if  mw.ustring.sub ( str, 2, 2 ) == ')' then 
		str = mw.ustring.sub ( str, 3 )
    if  mw.ustring.sub ( str, 1, 1 ) == '#' then 
         return '#' .. mw.ustring.sub( str, 2, #str );
    elseif mw.ustring.sub ( str, 1, 1 ) == '*' then 
         return '*' .. mw.ustring.sub( str, 2, #str );
    elseif mw.ustring.sub ( str, 1, 1 ) == ':' then 
         return ':' .. mw.ustring.sub( str, 2, #str );
    elseif mw.ustring.sub ( str, 1, 1 ) == ';' then 
         return '&#59;' .. mw.ustring.sub( str, 2, #str );
         return str;
end -- function decode

---- Global functions --------------

-- global function with 1 parm   for Igen/cbox with "#"
function p.tindec ( frame )
	local gpar = frame.args;
	local hcod = p.tincture ( gpar[1] );
	return p.decode ( hcod );
end -- function tindec

-- global function with 1 parm   for Igen/cbox
function p.stripe ( frame )
	local gpar = frame.args;
	if  mw.ustring.sub ( gpar[1], 2, 2 ) == ')' then
		return  mw.ustring.sub ( gpar[1], 1, 1 )
		return ''
end -- function stripe

-- global function with 1 parm   for template:F
function p.remprf ( frame )
	local gpar = frame.args;
	if  mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 1, 2) == '()'
	 or mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 1, 2) == '<>'
	 or mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 1, 2) == '[]'
	 or mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 1, 2) == '{}'
	 or mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 1, 1) == mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 2, 2) 
	and mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 1, 2) ~= '[['
	and mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 1, 2) ~= '{{' then
		return mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 3 )        --  remove that prefix
		return gpar[1]
end -- function remprf

-- global function with 1 parm  --  remove 2-byte prefix
function p.rem2bp ( frame )
	local gpar = frame.args;
	return mw.ustring.sub (gpar[1], 3 )
end -- function rem2bp
-- global with 2 parms: count occurencies of pattern in string
function p.count ( frame ) 
	local gprm = frame.args; -- global parms
--	local strg = mw.text.trim ( gprm[1] or ' ' ) or ' ' ;
--	local pttn = mw.text.trim ( gprm[2] or ' ' ) or ' ' ;
	local strg = gprm[1] or ' ';
	local pttn = gprm[2] or ' ';
	local addp = #pttn - 1;
	local cunt = 0;
    for i = 1, #strg-addp do
    	if mw.ustring.sub( strg, i, i+addp) == pttn
    		then cunt = cunt + 1;
	return cunt		-- number of occurrencies
end	-- function count

-- global with 2 parms
function p.tbcgen ( frame )
    local args = frame.args;
    local arg1 = args[1] or '#000000';
	local tbctab = {};
	local hexcod = '';
	hexcod = p.tincture ( arg1 );
	decval = convert ( hexcod ); 
	tbctab [1]   = '0';
	tbctab [2]   = decval [1];
	tbctab [3]   = decval [2];
	tbctab [4]   = decval [3];
	tbctab [5]   = p.decode ( args[2] or 'couleur' );
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Tbc', args =  tbctab };

-- for template: ColorString 
--	two different possibilities for parent parameter input:
--	  first parameter has the format aaa/bbb/ccc... (also with html-reserved characters!)
-- 	  second parameter: the name of the template to be performed (default: Igen/cbx)
--	or
--	  parameters in the format aaa|bbb|ccc... (allows to specify items like URLs with slashes)
--  In any case the template to be performed can be specified with "t="
--	returns [to the template] the parameters in the format aaa|bbb|ccc...
--  parent-global parms  "ppar" for ColorString
function p.cstring ( frame )
	local pparms = mw.getCurrentFrame(): getParent().args;
	local argstr = mw.text.trim( pparms[1] ) or 'aa/bb/cc'; 
	local argtit = mw.text.trim( pparms.t or 'Igen/cbx' );
	local argtab = mw.text.split( argstr, "/" );
	if  mw.text.trim( argtab[1] ) == mw.text.trim( pparms[1] ) then
		argtab = pparms
	return mw.getCurrentFrame(): expandTemplate { title = argtit, args = argtab };
end -- function cstring

-- global function colortst (1 param)
function p.colorts ( frame )
	local args = frame.args;
	local hcod = p.tincture ( args[1] );
	local dtab = convert ( hcod )
	local xsum = dtab [1] + dtab [2] + dtab [3]
	local par1 = 'b'
	local tsum = tostring ( xsum )
	if #tsum < 3 then tsum = '0' .. tsum end
	if #tsum < 3 then tsum = '0' .. tsum end
	tsum = '&nbsp;'..tsum..' '
	if xsum < 408 then par1 = 'w' end
	local otab = {}
	table.insert(otab, frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Color', args = { par1, tsum , hcod, hcod } });
	return  table.concat (otab)   --   args[1]
end -- function colorts

-- function of Ud:PerfektesChaos (layout: Ud:Sarang), 
-- generates a table of 16 × 16 × 16 = 4096 elements
function p.colortab ()
	local iR, iG, iB,  hR, hG, hB,  h, s, g
	local r    = "___NOTOC__"
	for iR = 0, 15 do
		hR = string.format( "%X", iR )
		r = r .. "\n=== " .. hR .. "xx"
		r = r .. " ===\n<table width='100%' border='0' style='text-align:center'>"
		for iG = 0, 15 do
			hG = string.format( "%X", iG )
			r    = r .. "\n<tr>"
			for iB = 0, 15 do
				hB = string.format( "%X", iB )
				h = hR .. hG .. hB
--				s = contrast( '#'..h )
--				s = '#' .. string.format( "%X", 15 - iR ) .. string.format( "%X", 15 - iG ) .. string.format( "%X", 15 - iB )
--				if iR * 2 + iG * 7 + iB < 75 
--				if iR * 3 + iG * 10 < 98 
				if iR + iG  + iB < 24 
					then	s = "FFF"	else	s = "000"	end
				g = h
				if	mw.ustring.find("0369CF", hR) ~= nil and
					mw.ustring.find("0369CF", hG) ~= nil and
					mw.ustring.find("0369CF", hB) ~= nil then
					g = "'''" .. g .. "'''"
				r = r .. string.format( "\n<td title='#%s' style='background:#%s;color:#%s'>%s</td>",  h, h, s, g )
			end -- for iB
			r = r .. "\n</tr>"
		end -- for iG
		r = r .. "\n</table>"
	end -- for iR
	return r
end -- function colortab

return p;