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This is the documentation page for Module:Biology

Module:Biology (talk · edit · hist · links · doc · subpages · tests / results · sandbox · all modules)

This module is used by Module:BiologyList, Module:Taxonavigation, Module:Wikidata4Bio to share code
  • debug utilities: addDebug(), getDebug()
  • string testers: startsWith(), endsWith(), contains(), isTrue(), isNilOrEmpty()
  • string modifiers: upperFirstLowerOthers(), upperFirst(), trimOrNullify()
  • namespace utilities: getCurrentNamespace(), isCurrentNamespaceACategory(), isCurrentNamespaceACategoryOrAGallery(), isCurrentNamespaceACategoryOrAGalleryOrATemplate(), suppressCategory()
  • error utilities: incorrectBiologyTemplateUsage()
How to improve and test this module
  1. develop your modification in Module:Biology/sandbox, the sandbox of this module
  2. verify your changes in Module_talk:Biology/sandbox/testcases
  3. if needed improve the testcases Module:Biology/sandbox/testcases
  4. propagate your changes in Module:Biology
  5. verify again your changes in Module_talk:Biology/testcases
  6. if needed improve the testcases Module:Biology/testcases
See also