Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach - Xenia Orchidacea - vol. 2

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Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 - 1889)
"Xenia Orchidacea - Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Orchideen"
Zweiter Band (volume two)
Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, (1874)

Quarto (27, 5 x 21 cm), with 100 (partly hand-coloured) copper engravings, after drawings by Reichenbach, Wendland, Giraud, Kraenzlin and others.
The colouring of the coloured plates is confined to the flowers.
Text in German and Latin

Plates volume 2


Images courtesy Missouri Botanical Garden and Biodiversity Heritage Library.
Scientific names according to Royal botanical gardens, Kew: World checklist of selected families.