Group portrait paintings
- See also: Family portraits
16th century
A. Sánchez Coello. King Philip II of Spain banqueting with his family and courtiers (The Royal feast). 1579
1592. Rowland Lockey after Hans Holbein the Younger. Thomas More and his family.
17th century
Anonim. The Somerset House Conference, 1604
Rubens. Four philosephers. 1611
Portrait of the Artist with his Family by Jacob Jordaens. C. 1615
Frans Hals - Banket van de officieren van de Sint-Joris-Doelen. 1616
Rembrandt - The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp. 1632
Zurbarán. The Defence of Cádiz against the English. 1634
The Company of Frans Banning Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch, known as the Night Watch (1642)
1656-1657. Velazquez. Las Meninas
Crimean falconer by Daniel Schultz the Younger. 1664
18th century
Antoine Watteau. Les Acteurs de la Comédie-Française. 1711-12
William Hogarth. Captain Lord George Graham, 1715-47, in his Cabin. 1745
William Hogarth - The Marriage of Stephen Beckingham and Mary Cox. 1729
Michel Van Loo. The Family of Philip V (1743)
The ´Hen Picturé (Johan Pasch d.ä.). 1747
The Portraits of the Academicians of the Royal Academy, 1771-72, oil on canvas, The Royal Collection by Johan Zoffany
The Tribuna of the Uffizi (1772-78); Zoffany, Johann
Allegory of Catherine II's Victory over the Turks (Stephano Torelli). 1772
Boilly réunion d'artiste chez Isabey. 1798
19th century
1800-1801. Goya. Family of Charles IV of Spain and His Family.
Jacques-Louis David - The Coronation of Napoleon (1805-1807)
Johann Erdmann Hummel. Schachpartie. 1818-9
Declaration of Independence (1819), by John Trumbull
Orest Kiprensky, 1831
Constantin Hansen. A Group of Danish Artists in Rome. 1837
Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux. Les Gentilshommes du duc d’Orléans dans l’habit de Saint-Cloud. 1839
Courbet. L'Atelier du peintre. 1855
Empress Eugénie Surrounded by her Ladies-in-Waiting (Winterhalter). 1855
Fantin-Latour. Homage to Delacroix. 1864
George Peter Alexander Healy. The Peacemakers. 1868
James Tissot - The Circle of the Rue Royale. 1968
20th century
Maurice Denis. Homage to Cezanne. 1900
Ilya Repin - Ceremonial Sitting of the State Council on 7 May 1901 Marking the Centenary of its Foundation
William Orpen. A Peace Conference at the Quai d'orsay. 1919
William Howard Robinson. A Welsh Victory at the National Sporting Club. 1919
Boris Kustodiev. Group portrait of the "Mir Iskusstva" artists. 1920
General Officers of World War I by John Singer Sargent. 1922
Statesmen of World War I by Sir James Guthrie. 1930