Flowers of the Sierra Nevada (United States)

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For flowers that belong to more common taxa, please consult individual sub-galleries:

  • Monocots of the Sierra Nevada (e.g., grass, sedge, rush, lily, iris, onion, butcher-broom, orchid)
  • Rosids of the Sierra Nevada (e.g., rose, buckthorn, evening primrose, flax, geranium, gooseberry, mallow, mustard, pea, saxifrage, St. John's wort, stonecrop)
  • Asterids of the Sierra Nevada (e.g., borage, broomrape, buckwheat, cactus, carrot, dogbane, gentian, goosefoot, heath, honeysuckle, mint, nightshade, penstemon, phlox, pink, primrose, purslane, snapdragon, sunflower)

Examples across all taxa


Poppy family (Papaveraceae)


Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) monks-hood, delphinium, columbine, clematis, meadow rue
