File talk:Scientology INCOMM Security Breach 1995 part 2 of 3.ogv

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Aaron: One reason they were very suspicious of the tapes that I had and the partition where you go through to get your stamp to go on the isle was sealed off and two armed guards took position behind me and had machine guns pointed at me, and they remained there until I finished answering the questions. And I answered the questions and I was allowed to go through. When I got outside, uhm, I was met by a man I didn't know, he was clearly NOT a Scientologist, uhm, and, he knew who I was, I don't know how he knew that, and he took me to a bar called The Talk of The Town. And I stayed there because the ship wasn't, hadn't docked yet, it was to dock at midnight.

Midnight came, and I was walking up the gangplank, uh, up the ship, and Greg Wilhere pops out. And, now, he's the Inspector General at the time, second only to David Miscavige in the Sea Org. He popped out, shook my hand, said "Thanks for coming aboard" and just rushed me into the place. There was no introduction to the Captain or anything, I was just taken straight in. I was taken into the uhm, into the uh, the offices, and Greg Wilhere briefed me that he had been on the ship during security checking, that Marty Rathbun was on the ship, uh, going through conditions and handlings, which I found shocking because the idea that Marty Rathbun would have doubts on the Sea Org... was just unreal for me. I mean, the man was a solid icon of the tech. It blew me away to hear that.

But anyway, Greg Wilhere told me that he had security checked the entire ship, and he told me that they believed that the REAL security breach they were REALLY after was actually on the ship, and he told me to take caution in my mission. So I immediately grabbed, there were two computer operators on the ship: uh, one for the ship, and then one just for the IAS. And, I forget the name of the man for the ship, but I'll never forget the man from the IAS, uh, it was, his name was Viet Le Quang.

What happened was, I went to uh, the offices, the pier offices and there I had the encryption done, uh, by the ship operator. And I quizzed him for a time and finally he admitted that there was a way to breach this encryption tape and he told me the exact procedure for it. I asked him if Viet Le Quang would know this, and he said he would. So what I did is I then called in Viet Le Quang, into the offices, and put him through the same procedure, and quizzed him. And he wouldn't admit that there was a way to breach the encryption tapes. So finally I told him how to do it, based off of what the operator had not only told me, but shown me, and Viet Le Quang doubted it, went red in the face, and said "Oh, I don't think you can really do that."

Bang! That was it. HCO Bring order, you're under house arrest. Picked up the phone: "Security, HCO Bring order NOW, computer room." Bang! Security comes, collects up Viet, Viet Le Quang and off he goes. I immediately tell the computer operator not to leave the office; I then go and see Greg Wilhere, I tell Greg Wilhere what happened, he goes "Right. Go to your cabin and wait there." So I went to my cabin, waited there.

Three hours later, Greg Wilhere has messengers come and get me, I come and see, uh, Greg, and listen what he told me. Now this is paranoia, ok! You have to believe... the... this is what he told me, ok. You cannot reconcile this event. He told me that Viet Le Quang had a history, that he had just discovered on sec check, that he had worked for the NSA, he worked for the FBI and possibly even the CIA. This is what he told me.

It blew me away because Greg Wil- Greg Wilhere just told me he sec checked everybody on the ship! So how did he miss that? This is Greg Wilhere! But, you don't question it, Greg Wilhere just told me "We're gonna, we're gonna fix up Viet Le Quang" and I said "Well, he should be beached" and he goes "No, he knows something right now" and I said "Well, we'll beach him afterwards" and Greg said "We certainly will". So I left it at that, you know. What do I do now on the mission? You know, this was not in the mission orders. He said to wait there in my cabin again, so I waited in the cabin.

He called me back to the office and told me I was not to leave the ship, there was to be no communication back to Los Angeles at all, that I was to only make one call to the RTC Reports Officer and that was via a mobile phone, ok? And no communications were to be gone off the ship with my name on it. Ok, I called up the RTC Reports Op. and he said "find the solution to the security breach". So I came up with one, which involved another encryption tape, being kept in a file safe room which was kept in a Class, uh, the OT8 Course, uh, folder room on the ship, and that the um, the security would have to escort the uh, computer operator daily to go grab the encryption tape. A, a pretty weak solution, but my other follow-ups included a honeypot idea, and a tracking system for INCOMM to deploy against future hacks. Uh, that's quite a lengthy explanation on that, and I gave that, uhm, in writing to Greg Wilhere, and he kept it.

What then happened is uh, over the next day I spent on the ship, uhm, I don't recall a great deal of what happened, I, I, I simply, I just don't. I was given a tour of the ship by the Deputy Commanding Officer of CMO on the ship, and post that I was told and given a call on the mobile by somebody, not the RTC Reports Officer, just to go leave the ship, which was just still in port in Aruba, and there would be a car waiting for me and I was to leave. Ok? And that was to happen around 6 or 7am or something like that.

What then happened is I went back to my cabin, and in the middle of the night the Deputy Commanding Officer of CMO Ship came to my cabin and she told me to put, that the package of my uniform had arrived from the airport, and sh- her first question was "Why wasn't it carry-on luggage?" and I told her because I had the briefcase, and they wouldn't let me take two packages on board the airline; so it had to be stowed under, even though it only weighed two kilograms. Uhm, she said it'd been returned and she wanted wear it. And I said I couldn't do that, it was a, it was a confidential mission, nobody was supposed to know that I'm even a Messenger. And she said, uhm "Well, I think it would be a good idea if you did wear this uniform and walk around the ship."

She appealed to my ego, because she said "Well, this could slap the crew and get them better producing." I mean, it appealed to my ego because at the time, uh, Greg Wilhere himself was on the ship. If that guy isn't going to get you producing, noth- no-ones going to get you producing. But, she got to my ego, so I did. I walked around the ship, and did this, and then I went out on their, the deck early in the morning, and I had a Cuban cigar on the deck to celebrate the end of the mission. The, the, uh, the following, that morning-

Oh, oh, while I was on the deck of the ship, a photo was taken of me from one of the uh, from the top deck. I didn't know who took the photo, it was a polaroid shot. I just heard this woman saying "Got you..." I assumed it was the DCO, the Deputy Commanding Officer on the ship, uh, for CMO, but I didn't know. And I never saw her again.

Uhm, what then happened is I then went back to the cabin, showered, went out to the airport, and took a whole series of planes to Los Angeles; but before I got back to Los Angeles, the same man that was on the, uhm, plane flight from Miami to Aruba was on the flight that I took to Houston. And he confronted me. And I uh, I decided I had to deal with this, he was getting aggressive. I had tapes that were given to me by Greg Wilhere to take back to Los Angeles; I didn't know what was on the tapes. So, I confronted him in a bar, uh, at the Houston airport - it was a stopover - and I don't remember what happened. I, I just do not know what happened.

The next thing I know, I'm in Los Angeles, I'm at the airport and there's no car waiting for me. I call up External Communications at the Hollywood Guarantee Building and go "Hey! It's Aaron. Where my car?" And they're like "Sorry, sir, what car?" "I've landed! Where's my car to get back to the building?" Like, "Sorry sir, I didn't receive any request to pick you up." "Ok, well can you come and get me?" "Ok." They come out, get me, they drive me back.

When I get back, I don't go to my berthing straight away, I go straight to the building to report the mission completion, and uhm, I get to the building, walk in the front door, I go up to level uh, s- level six, where CMO was located at that particular time. Or no, level seven. Level seven or six... seven. And uhm... my security card doesn't work any more. Well that's strange! So I wait, and wait for a Messenger to walk out the door, and they're like "Oh, Aaron, you're back! Where have you been, I had no idea." I walk in the door, and uh -