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File:Desert planet that is orbiting brown dwarf star 1 1 1 1.png

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Desert planet that is orbiting brown dwarf star


English: Desert planet that is orbiting brown dwarf star. Light coming from brown dwarf is violet.
Source Own work
Author Merikanto
Python 3 source code

///////////////////////////////////////////7 // // desert planet, here orbiting brown dwarf - M5 star // hazy // POV-Ray 3.7 source code

// 02.11.2023 0000.0001

  1. include "colors.inc"
  2. include "textures.inc"
  3. include "functions.inc"
  1. declare PI=3.1416;

background { color 0 }

light_source { <1, 0, 0>*1000*1000*1000*1000 //https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349555554_Digital_color_codes_of_stars/link/609d4c09458515c2658c7c6e/download //https://zenodo.org/records/5293307

// //color rgb <228 , 32 , 59>/255 // 200k //color rgb <228 , 34 , 58 >/255 // 300 k //color rgb < 125, 40, 171>/255 // 400 k //color rgb <88,32,166>/255 // 500 K brown dwarf faintest known //color rgb < 80, 31 , 165>/255 //750k brown dwarf //color rgb <79, 32 , 166>/255 // 1000 k brown dwarf color rgb <85, 27 , 155>/255 // 1500 K brown dwarf //color rgb <179 , 117 , 195>/255 // 2000 K brown dwarf

//color <1.0,0.491,0.144> // #M 9.5 V

//color <1.0,0.641,0.289>*1 // M 5.5V

//color <1.0,0.635,0.327> // M2 V // color <1.0,0.636,0.354> // M0v //color <1.0,0.696,0.47 > // K5 V // color <1.0,0.872,0.753> //K0V //color <1.0,0.931,0.905> // G2 V //color <0.869,0.871,1.0> // F5V //color <0.725,0.773,1.0> // F0V //color <0.606,0.69,1.0>*2 // A6V //color <0.49,0.601,1.0 > // A0V //color <0.371,0.501,1.0 > // B1V // color <0.361,0.489,1.0> // O1 V }

// desert planet                          

global_settings {

   assumed_gamma 1.0


default { finish { ambient 0.000002 diffuse 0.7 } }

camera { location <1,0,-1>*30000 angle 30

look_at 0 // 4k reso // up 9*y // right 16*x


 #declare Earth_Radius=1;
  1. declare Media_Intensity=30;

//#declare Media_Emission=0.065*10;

  1. declare Media_Eccentricity=0.56;
  2. declare Atmosphere_Top=0.04;

//#declare Cloud_Brightness=0.42; //#declare Light_Intensity=4.1;

  1. declare atm_samples= 40;

  1. declare Polar1=

texture { pigment {

  color rgb <1,1,1>*2


  normal {
    scale 0.05   
    //  scale 5
     octaves 15
      turbulence 0.1
      bump_size 0.1 



  1. declare land1= texture {

pigment {

     //  agate
   //    granite


 scale 30
       octaves 15
       turbulence 0.1         

       [0.0 colour rgb  <152, 141, 136>/(256*2) ]    
       [0.2 colour rgb <216, 137, 105>/(256*1.2) ]
     //  [0.3 colour rgb   <254, 222, 183>/256 ]
             [0.4 colour rgb  <241, 208, 167>*1.05/256 ] 
          [0.90 colour rgb  <241, 208, 167>*1.05/256 ]    
      //       [0.95   colour rgb <30, 45, 160>/(255*3)   ]      
 normal {
       scale 5
       octaves 15
       turbulence 0.1
 normal {
    scale 0.01   
    //  scale 5
     octaves 15
      turbulence 0.1
      bump_size -0.03 



  1. declare land2= texture {

pigment {

 // agate
       scale 0.05   
    //  scale 5
     octaves 15
      turbulence 0.2   
      //   [0.0 colour rgb  <241, 208, 167>*1.05/256  ]
        //          [1.0 colour rgb  <241, 208, 167>/500  ]
    //   [0.0 colour rgb  <152, 141*0.8, 136*0.8>/(256*1.2) ]    
       [0.2 colour rgb <216, 137, 105>/(256*1.2) ]
     //  [0.3 colour rgb   <254, 222, 183>/256 ]
      //       [0.4 colour rgb  <241, 208, 167>*1.05/256 ] 
       //   [0.90 colour rgb  <241, 208, 167>*1.05/256 ]    
   //          [0.95   colour rgb <30, 45, 160>/(255*3)   ]      
   //   bump_size -0.1 


normal {
//  wrinkles
   scale 0.1
   //  agate
    //   scale 1   
    //  scale 5
     octaves 15
      turbulence 0.2
      bump_size -0.5 


  1. declare Desert1= texture {
    granite scale 2

// wrinkles scale 1

//  agate

scale 3

warp { turbulence 0.1}

scale 1/3

//    scale 5
     octaves 15
  //   turbulence 0.2
   texture_map {  
       [0 land2]
   //    [0.3 land1]
    //  [0.6 land2]
       [1 land1]



  1. declare Desert2= texture {
 //   granite
 // wrinkles scale 0.3
//warp { turbulence 0.1}

scale 0.1

//    scale 5
     octaves 15
  //   turbulence 0.2
   texture_map {  
  //     [0 land2]
     //  [0.2 land2]
    //   [0.3 land1]
      [1 land1]



  1. declare DesertPlanet1=object {
    sphere{0, 1 }
    texture {
// granite 

// agate wrinkles // gradient y

   // turbulence 0.04
    texture_map {
    [0.0 Desert1]
    [1 Desert2]
  //  scale 2
   // translate y*1
   //  rotate x*30 
     // rotate <30, 0, -45>
    // translate y*-0.5
   //  scale 7000
    normal {
    //  wrinkles  
    turbulence 0.2
    scale 0.5
    bump_size -0.05
   //      }


        #declare Clouds0 = pigment {
     turbulence 1
     color_map {
       [0.0 color White filter 1]
       [0.5 color White filter 1]
       [1.0 color White filter 1]
     #declare Clouds1 = pigment {
     scale 0.05
     turbulence 0.3
     color_map {
       [0.0 color White filter 0]
       [0.5 color White filter 1 ]
       [1.0 color White filter 0]
   // ok
 #declare Clouds2 = texture {pigment {
   // crackle
  //  scale 0.1
   turbulence 6   
        omega 1
   lambda 0
   octaves 20
//   color_map {
     //   scale 1000
   color_map {
     [0.0 color White filter 1]
     [0.2 color White filter 1]
     [1.0 color White filter 0]
      normal {
   // crackle
  //  scale 0.1
   turbulence 6   
        omega 1
   lambda 0
   octaves 20
   // meybe nok
 #declare Clouds3 = texture { pigment {
   turbulence 6  
   octaves 32
   lambda 4
  // omega 0.75  
  scale 10   
   color_map {
          [0.0 color White*1.5 filter 0]
     [0.05 color White filter 1 ]
      [0.95 color White filter 1 ]
     [1.0 color White*1.4 filter 0]
 normal {
   turbulence 6  
   octaves 32
   lambda 4
  // omega 0.75  
  scale 10  
// ok
 #declare Clouds4 = pigment {
   turbulence 0.1 
   omega 1.5
   lambda 0.5
   octaves 60
   color_map {
   //  [0.0 color White filter 1]
   //  [0.5 color White]
   //  [1.0 color White filter 1]
          [0.0 color White filter 1]
    [0.25 color White filter 1 ]   
     [1.0 color White*1.5]
// ok
 #declare Clouds5 = texture { pigment {
   turbulence 0.1 
   omega 1.5
   lambda 0.5
   octaves 60
   color_map {
   //  [0.0 color White filter 1]
   //  [0.5 color White]
   //  [1.0 color White filter 1]
          [0.0 color White filter 1]
    [0.1 color White filter 1 ]   
     [1.0 color White*1.5 filter 0]
   normal {
   turbulence 0.1 
   omega 1.5
   lambda 0.5
   octaves 60
 #declare CloudArea = texture {
 //  pigment {
     gradient y  
    //   onion
//     sine_wave
    turbulence 0.2
     //scale 0.2
   //  scale <10,10,10>
     texture_map {  
       [0.00 Clouds0 scale 1]
    //         [0.00 Clouds3 scale 1]
     [0.5 Clouds2]
   //    [0.50 Clouds5 scale 1 ]
 //     [1.00 Clouds1]
     //  [1.00 Clouds4 scale 1]
      [1.00 Clouds0 scale 1]
 //  }
//  finish { 
  //ambient 0.000002
//  diffuse 0.9
 // phong 0.1
 // specular 0.4
  //reflection 0.0
//  }
  1. declare CloudsLayer1 = sphere
   0, 1
   texture {


 #declare Density1= 	density{ 

spherical ramp_wave

#declare mm = 0.0; #declare nn = 1.0;

#declare deltamm=0.01;

           #declare pp= 1.0;
           #declare rr=1.00; 
            color_map {
           #while(mm <= 1.0)

           #declare  rr=nn/2  ; 
           #declare ex2=exp(-(nn-0.2)*10)*7;
           #declare rr=ex2;
           #declare cc=<rr,rr,rr*1.8>;   
           #declare qq=mm*Atmosphere_Top;
           [qq rgb cc]
           #declare mm=mm+deltamm;  
           #declare nn=nn-deltamm;

} // en

// Atmosphere 2: density function   

  1. declare Density2=density { function
    exp(-6.7*(sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) -1.00001)/0.05 )/1000 
  1. declare Mat_Atm =
 material {
   texture {
     pigment {
       color rgbt <1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0>
   interior {
     media {
       method 3
      //    scattering { 5 color rgb  <0.2, 0.4, 1>*Media_Intensity*1/5000 eccentricity Media_Eccentricity }
          //    scattering { 5 color rgb  <0.73, 0.65*0.8, 0.46/2>*Media_Intensity*1/15000 eccentricity Media_Eccentricity }

scattering { 5 color rgb <pow(460/650, 4), pow(460/555, 4), 1>*Media_Intensity*1/15000 eccentricity Media_Eccentricity }

        //  emission  <0.2, 0.4, 1>/1000000
      //   emission  <0.73, 0.65*0.8, 0.46/2>/500000
       //    scattering { 5 color rgb  <0.2, 0.4, 1>*Media_Intensity*30 eccentricity Media_Eccentricity }
     //     emission  <0.2, 0.4, 1>/50000
       // samples 20,20
         samples atm_samples  // increase = more precise
 //intervals 1
       density { 
     //    Density2
  1. declare atmos1=difference {
 sphere {
   <0,0,0>, 1
 sphere { 
   <0,0,0>, 1
   scale (Earth_Radius+0.001)/(Earth_Radius+Atmosphere_Top)
 material { Mat_Atm }
 scale Earth_Radius+Atmosphere_Top
 hollow on


  1. declare atmos2=difference {
 sphere {
   <0,0,0>, 1.00
 sphere { 
   <0,0,0>, 1.00
   scale (Earth_Radius+0.001)/(Earth_Radius+Atmosphere_Top)
 material { Mat_Atm }
 scale Earth_Radius+Atmosphere_Top
 hollow on


  1. declare Desert_Planeta1=union


   object {
  object { CloudsLayer1  scale 1.005}
     object { atmos1 scale 1.000}


object {
   rotate <30, 0, -45>*-1
   scale 7000


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Creative Commons CC-Zero This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
The person who associated a work with this deed has dedicated the work to the public domain by waiving all of their rights to the work worldwide under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

File history

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current19:28, 2 November 2023Thumbnail for version as of 19:28, 2 November 20231,600 × 1,200 (528 KB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Uploaded own work with UploadWizard

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