L’eau-forte est un procédé de gravure en taille douce indirecte sur métal à l’aide d’un mordant, l’acide nitrique (étendu d’eau : l’aqua-fortis). La plaque métallique (cuivre ou zinc) est préalablement recouverte par un vernis (vernis mous) qui protège le métal. Seules les zones où le vernis est retiré (tracé par un outil) seront mordues (gravées) dans le bain d'eau-forte. La matrice définitive est obtenue par la dilution du vernis résiduel protecteur. Le titrage de l'estampe est identique au procédé de la gravure en taille douce directe (burin et pointe sèche).
Etchings are made using an intaglio method of image making in which the image is incised into the surface of a metal plate using an acid. The acid eats the metal, leaving behind roughened areas, or if the surface exposed to the acid is very narrow, burning a line into the plate. The process is believed to have been invented by Daniel Hopfer (circa 1470-1536) of Augsburg, Germany.
This technique should not be confused with engraving.
Print and Etchings table
Zinc etching technique
Etching technique
Etching in metal. Not related to this topic.
Hirschvogel Burg 1546
Hirschvogel Self Portrait 2
Hirschvogel Bear Hunt
Hirschvogel Ewer
Hirschvogel Hunter
Hirschvogel Sandals
Hirschvogel Sigismund
Hirschvogel Lazarus 1545
Hirschvogel Temptation
Hirschvogel Self Portrait
Hirschvogel Cleopatra
Hirschvogel Geometry
Hirschvogel Satyr
Daniel Hopfer
Daniel hopfer 01
Daniel hopfer 02
Daniel hopfer 03
Daniel hopfer 04
Daniel hopfer 05
Daniel hopfer 06
Goya War1
Goya War2
Goya War3
Goya War4
Goya Tauromachia1
Goya Tauromachia2
Goya Tauromachia3
Goya Tauromachia4
Frans Balthazar Solvyns
Sitar 1
Sitar 2
Sitar 3
Cruikshank - The Last Chance (Oliver Twist)
Cruikshank - Fagin in the condemned Cell (Oliver Twist)
Whitlock the second or another tarnish of British Valor, 29 September 1808
Grand Expedition or the Commanders in Chief Watching each others Motions!!, September 1809
King Richard burlesqued or King Jocys flight from the battle of Vittoria, 13 July 1813
Comparative Anatomy or Bone-ys new Conscripts filling up the Skeletons of the Old Regiments, November 1813
Delusion a New Farce, 8 December 1813
The Allied Bakers or, The Corsican Toad in the hole, 1 April 1814
The Corsican Shuttlecock or a pretty Play thing for e/y Allies, 10 April 1814
Snuffing out Boney!, 1 May 1814
Little Boney gone to Pot, 12 May 1814
Peace & Plenty or good News for John Bull!, 25 May 1814
A View of the Grand Triumphal Pillar, 1815
Royal Methodists in Kent & Sussex, or: The Dissenters too powerful for the Established Church!, 1816
Results of the Northern Excursion – or Strong Symtoms of the "Scotch Fiddle" –, 8 September 1822
Old Bumblehead the 18th trying on the Napoleon Boots – or, Preparing for the Spanish Campaign, 17 February 1823
Willem and Johannes Blaeu
Joan Blaeu-Norvegia Regnum ca. 1662
Joan Blaeu-Insula Qvæ Ioanne Mayen nomen sortita est
John Bull
John Bull offering Little Boney fair play
John Bull, baited by the dogs of excise
Halifax Nova Scotia Government House
Halifax view from davis mill
Quelques eau-forte en couleur
Allan Osterlind Flamencotänzerin
Comedy of Society, by Jacques Villon, Honolulu Museum of Art
Jeune fille et enfant de Rosporden, Émile Dezaunay
Le Coup de Vent, eau-forte, en couleur, Malo-Renault
Miscellaneous etchings
Judge Thumb
Tom Paine's nightly pest
Minions of the moon
Torun oblezenie 1655, akwaforta, 1697
Nasrani menorah
Washington Gates Franklin Laurens Jones 1784
Encampment of the convention army at Charlotte Ville in Virginia
Friedrich Nietzsche drawn by Hans Olde
Very slippy-weather
Tiddy-Doll, the great French gingerbread-baker
Britania's assassination, or -- the republican amusement
Cincinnatus in retirement
Monstrous craws, at a new coalition feast
Franz Ferdinand
Smelling out a rat
Visiting the sick
The father of the gang turned Kings evidence
A Birmingham toast, as given on the 14th of July
Charon's Boat
Jean François Millet, Les Glaneuses, post 1857