Epipactis species list

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List of the 51 accepted Species of the Genus Epipactis Zinn (1757)



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  1. Epipactis africana Rendle, J. Bot. 33: 252 (1895)
  2. Epipactis alata Aver. & Efimov, Rheedea 16: 4 (2006)
  3. Epipactis albensis Nováková & Rydlo, Preslia 50: 162 (1978)
  4. Epipactis atromarginata Seidenf., Komarovia 5: 48 (2007)
  5. Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser, Prim. Fl. Galic. 2: 220 (1809)
  6. Epipactis autumnalis Doro, J. Eur. Orch. 39: 571 (2007)


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  1. Epipactis bugacensis Robatsch, Ber. Arbeitskreis. Heimische Orchid. 7: 13 (1990)


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  1. Epipactis condensata Boiss. ex D.P.Young, Jahresber. Naturwiss. Vereins Wuppertal 23: 106 (1970)


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  1. Epipactis dickasonii Ormerod, Taiwania 57: 120 (2012)
  2. Epipactis dunensis (T.Stephenson & T.A.Stephenson) Godfery, J. Bot. 64: 68 (1926)


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  1. Epipactis exilis P.Delforge, Naturalistes Belges 85: 246 (2004)


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  1. Epipactis fageticola (C.E.Hermos.) Devillers-Tersch. & Devillers, Naturalistes Belges 80: 302 (1999)
  2. Epipactis flaminia P.R.Savelli & Aless., Webbia 49: 26 (1994)
  3. Epipactis flava Seidenf., Dansk Bot. Ark. 32: 116 (1978)


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  1. Epipactis gigantea Douglas ex Hook., Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 202 (1839)
  2. Epipactis greuteri H.Baumann & Künkele, Mitt. Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchid. Baden-Württemberg 13: 344 (1981)
  3. Epipactis guegelii Robatsch, J. Eur. Orch. 28: 767 (1996 publ. 1997)


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  1. Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz, Stirp. Austr. Fasc., ed. 2, 2: 467 (1769)
  2. Epipactis heraclea P.Delforge & Kreutz, Naturalistes Belges 84: 22 (2003)
  3. Epipactis humilior (Tang & F.T.Wang) S.C.Chen & G.H.Zhu, Novon 13: 423 (2003)


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  1. Epipactis ioessa Bongiorni, De Vivo, Fori & Romolini, J. Eur. Orch. 39: 554 (2007)


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  1. Epipactis kleinii M.B.Crespo & M.R.Lowe & Piera, Taxon 50: 854 (2001)


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  1. Epipactis leptochila (Godfery) Godfery, J. Bot. 59: 146 (1921)
  2. Epipactis lusitanica D.Tyteca, Orchidophile (Asnières) 84: 218 (1988)


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  1. Epipactis mairei Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 4: 55 (1919)
  2. Epipactis meridionalis H.Baumann & R.Lorenz, Mitt. Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchid. Baden-Württemberg 20: 656 (1988)
  3. Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw., Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 21: 232 (1800)
  4. Epipactis muelleri Godfery, J. Bot. 59: 106 (1921)


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  1. Epipactis nordeniorum Robatsch, Mitt. Abt. Bot. Landesmus. "Joanneum" Graz 20: 32 (1991)


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  1. Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz, Stirp. Austr. Fasc., ed. 2, 2: 463 (1769)
  2. Epipactis papillosa Franch. & Sav., Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 519 (1878)
  3. Epipactis persica (Soó) Hausskn. ex Nannf., Bot. Not. 1946: 2 (1946)
  4. Epipactis phyllanthes G.E.Sm., Gard. Chron. 12: 660 (1852)
  5. Epipactis placentina Bongiorni & P.Grünanger, Mitt. Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchid. Baden-Württemberg 25: 460 (1993)
  6. Epipactis pontica Taubenheim, Die Orchidee (Hamburg) 26: 68 (1975)
  7. Epipactis purpurata Sm., Engl. Fl. 4: 41 (1828), nom. cons.


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  1. Epipactis rechingeri Renz, Die Orchidee (Hamburg) 24: 253 (1973)
  2. Epipactis rivularis Kranjcev & Cicmir, Naturalistes Belges 87(Orchid. 19): 78 (72-81; fi (2006)
  3. Epipactis royleana Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 461 (1840)


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  1. Epipactis savelliana Bongiorni, De Vivo & Fori, J. Eur. Orch. 39: 156 (2007)
  2. Epipactis stellifera Di Antonio & Veya, Candollea 56: 204 (2001)


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  1. Epipactis tallosii A.Molnár & Robatsch, J. Eur. Orch. 28: 789 (1996 publ. 1997)
  2. Epipactis taurica Fateryga & Kreutz, J. Eur. Orch. 44: 201 (2012)
  3. Epipactis thunbergii A.Gray in M.C.Perry, Exp. Jap. 2: 319 (1856)
  4. Epipactis troodi H.Lindb., Årsbok-Vuosik. Soc. Sci. Fenn. 20B(7): 11 (1942)
  5. Epipactis turcica Kreutz, Eurorchis 9: 61 (1997)
  6. Epipactis turcomanica K.P.Popov & Neshat., Izv. Akad. Nauk Turkmensk. S.S.R., Ser. Biol. Nauk 1982 (4): 16 (1982)


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  1. Epipactis ulugurica Mansf., Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 1060 (1934)


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  1. Epipactis veratrifolia Boiss. & Hohen. in P.E.Boissier, Diagn. Pl. Orient. 13: 11 (1854)


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  1. Epipactis xanthophaea Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 12: 341 (1922)

List of the 21 accepted Nothospecies of the Genus Epipactis Zinn (1757)

  1. Epipactis × barlae A.Camus in E.G.Camus & A.A.Camus, Iconogr. Orchid. Europe: 486 (1929) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis microphylla
  2. Epipactis × barreana B.Baumann & H.Baumann, Mitt. Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchid. Baden-Württemberg 20: 39 (1988) = Epipactis helleborine subsp. latina × Epipactis muelleri
  3. Epipactis × breinerorum Batoušek, J. Eur. Orch. 29: 645 (1997) = Epipactis helleborine subsp. helleborine × Epipactis greuteri
  4. Epipactis × bruxellensis P.Delforge, Naturalistes Belges 77(4): 221 (1996) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis phyllanthes
  5. Epipactis × cardonneae J.M.Lewin, Orchidophile (Asnières) 146: 74 (2001) = Epipactis atrorubens × Epipactis kleinii
  6. Epipactis × conquensis Benito & C.E.Hermos., Estud. Mus. Cienc. Nat. Álava 13: 112 (1998) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis kleinii
  7. Epipactis × gerbaudiorum P.Delforge, Naturalistes Belges 78: 187 (1997) = Epipactis helleborine subsp. tremolsii × Epipactis provincialis
  8. Epipactis × gevaudanii P.Delforge, Naturalistes Belges 78: 179 (1997) = Epipactis bugacensis subsp. rhodanensis × Epipactis helleborine
  9. Epipactis × graberi A.Camus in E.G.Camus & A.A.Camus, Iconogr. Orchid. Europe: 487 (1929) = Epipactis atrorubens × Epipactis microphylla
  10. Epipactis × hanseniorum Batoušek, J. Eur. Orch. 41: 512 (2009) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis. nordeniorum
  11. Epipactis × heterogama M.Bayer, Mitt. Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchid. Baden-Württemberg 18: 196 (1986) = Epipactis atrorubens × Epipactis muelleri
  12. Epipactis × liestalensis A.Camus in E.G.Camus & A.A.Camus, Iconogr. Orchid. Europe: 486 (1929) = Epipactis atrorubens × Epipactis purpurata
  13. Epipactis × nicolosii M.P.Grasso & Grillo, Orchidophile (Asnières) 162: 223 (2004) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis meridionalis
  14. Epipactis × pupplingensis K.P.Bell, Jahresber. Naturwiss. Vereins Wuppertal 23: 116 (1970) = Epipactis atrorubens × Epipactis palustris
  15. Epipactis × reinekei M.Bayer, Mitt. Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchid. Baden-Württemberg 18: 202 (1986) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis muelleri
  16. Epipactis × robatschii Gévaudan & P.Delforge, Naturalistes Belges 85: 74 (2004) = Epipactis atrorubens × Epipactis bugacensis
  17. Epipactis × schmalhausenii K.Richt., Pl. Eur. 1: 284 (1890) = Epipactis atrorubens × Epipactis helleborine
  18. Epipactis × schulzei P.Fourn., Fl. Compl. Plaine Franç.: 514 (1928) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis purpurata
  19. Epipactis × soguksuensis Kreutz, Eurorchis 9: 71 (1997) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis turcica
  20. Epipactis × stephensonii Godfery, Monogr. Ic. Br. Nat. Orchid.: 76 (1933) = Epipactis helleborine × Epipactis leptochila
  21. Epipactis × vermionensis B.Baumann & H.Baumann, Mitt. Arbeitskreis Heimische Orchid. Baden-Württemberg 20: 48 (1988) = Epipactis exilis × Epipactis helleborine

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