Commons talk:Wiki Loves Switzerland 2020

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Hello there, I just posted my photo for the Wiki loves Switzerland 2020 Photo competition but I wasn’t sure whether my photo will be recognized as an entry for the competition because I didn’t upload into the wikimedia ch page. I could not find this page. I just uploaded as per how others that are not participating in this competition would also upload photos. I’ve put in the title that the photo is for WLS 2020. Can you please let me know of this was the correct way to participate? Thank you. MarikoUG

Bonjour, J'ai pris connaissance de votre concours. J'ai rédigé un article sourcées sur le château d'Erguël dans wikipédia. A la place de tout recommencer et pour reprendre l'esprit communautaire de partage de la connaissance; ne pourrait-on pas simplement réactivé la page ? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 15:13‎, 26 October 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Improving communication around Wikimedia competitions and projects in Switzerland


Already in August 2019, before WLM 2019 was held in Switzerland, I had to inquire via the contact form of Wikimedia Switzerland in order to find out whether this competition would be held at all. After WLM 2019 was finished, only the international selection was published, but not a ranking of the national winners. I contacted you again (see here) and wished to improve the communication about WLM in Switzerland and especially to inform as early as possible about WLM 2020. According to your feedback (see here), an announcement should have been made. Although WLM usually takes place in September, I have not yet been able to find such an announcement anywhere. My enquiry, from the beginning of October 2020 (see here), as to why WLM 2020 did not take place in Switzerland, has remained unanswered to date. As I have now only recently learned, Wiki Loves Switzerland will be held for the first time from 15 October 2020 to 30 November 2020. This competition seems to be a very good thing, which I welcome. Even though the call for entries for Wiki Loves Switzerland refers to WLM 2019, I don't know at the moment whether WLM 2020 has not been held solely because of Wiki Loves Switzerland.
But my main problem remains another: As with WLM, I only found out about Wiki Loves Switzerland at the last minute.
Photography is my hobby and I could probably write articles as well. However, the time I have for this, apart from my job and family, is limited. In the meantime, I will hardly have time to participate in Wiki Loves Switzerland 2020. Although I would like to contribute more to Wikimedia Switzerland projects as far as time permits. However, in order to provide contributions of a certain quality and not just random products, I am dependent on early information about planned competitions and projects.
I would therefore once again like to ask you to provide better and above all early information about your competitions and projects. In my opinion, this might be a way to win more people for a cooperation with Wikimedia.
I have the following questions:

  • What are the real reasons why WLM 2020 was not held in Switzerland?
  • What competitions and projects Wikimedia Switzerland is planning in the next few years?
    • In particular: Will WLM 2021 be carried out in Switzerland?
    • In particular: Will Wiki Loves Switzerland 2021 be carried out in Switzerland?
  • How many months before competitions are held can you already provide basic information about them?
  • Where can I (already now and possibly in the future) get early information about planned competitions of Wikimedia Switzerland?

I have sent this request both via contact form to Wikimedia Switzerland (in German) and placed it on the discussion pages of both WLM Switzerland 2019 and Wiki Loves Switzerland 2020 (in English). Thank you. Chme82 (talk) 16:35, 2 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

@Chme82: Thank you for you message and I confirm that everything you say is correct and this is the problem we have had in the past too: not being able to organize or to plan because we don't have so much freedom to decide. The biggest problem is that Wiki Loves Monuments or Wiki Loves Earth are competitions organized by Wikimedia Switzerland but under guidelines of other Wikimedia entities not connected with Wikimedia Switzerland and in this case it's difficult for us to plan or to adapt. In the past we had a budget for one photo contest per year but we have selected it based on the guidelines we received some months before the start of the competitions form the two international team. After a lot of year we realized that for us is complicated to plan a photo contest in those conditions because, even if the topic is well known, the organization of the international team conditionates a lot our planning. For instance the deadline to give the final selection of photos is not defined in January but it's defined some weeks before the start of the contest and it impacts on other activities we have already planned at the start of the year and for this reason it's difficult to follow an acceptable roadmap and to respect some deadlines. Wikimedia CH supports another photo contest under the education program which is Wiki Science competition and Wimedia CH is the main organizer and we define the timeline and the topics two years before the contest and in this contest we are having very good results. Following the model of Wiki Science competition we supposed to delink ourselves from the decision of an international team and to open a Swiss contest in the 2020 that will be done every year. This year is a general contest (picture representing Switzerland) but next year we will focus on anothe topic connected to Switzerland. It's a compromise: we lose a well known format like Wiki Loves Monuments, but we can plan better a photo contest matching our general planning (we do a lot of projects, not only a photo contest).
  • At that point I can answer to your last questions: surely we will not do a Wiki Loves Momuments or a Wiki Loves Earth 2021 but we may do a Wiki Loves Switzerland focused on monuments or on nature.
  • You are giving us a good suggestion because we can already announce now the topic of Wiki Loves Switzerland for the following two years.
  • If someone from the community would organize a Wiki Loves Monuments or Wiki Loves Earth, we would be very happy and we can provide budget and support, but for our association we need to plan in advance.
Thank you. --Ilario (talk) 09:54, 3 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]
@Ilario: Thank you, even if a bit late (as I have said before: I don't have that much time for Wikimedia at the moment), for your feedback. I can now better understand why it can be difficult to hold WLM and WLE annually in Switzerland. In addition, looking at WLS 2021, I have somewhat better planning options.
  • What would appeal to me personally as a topic for WLS 2021 would be the industrial and economic history of Switzerland - especially the regional one. Exciting articles could certainly be written on this topic, or existing ones could be supplemented, and interesting visual material (especially historical material) could be collected. If one were to include the influence of rural economic life on the landscape, interesting contributions on the subject of nature would also be possible. Chme82 (talk) 16:20, 15 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Delete uploaded file


I made a mistake naming the file and now I would actually like to remove the image that I selected. I am aware that this will automatically disqualify the image.

How can I delete it? Vicky Baker (talk) 19:36, 5 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

You can't delete it yourself, but you can request a renaming, look at your talk page. --Achim (talk) 22:39, 5 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Langues nationales


Il est écrit que vous voulez que ce soit traduit dans toutes les langues nationales. Où sont les articles en romanche ?

Merci Lily1909 (talk) 23:12, 21 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]



What is actually happening here? Has the jury met? Was there a result of the competition?

Wie geht es hier eigentlich weiter? Hat die Jury getagt? Gab es ein Ergebnis des Wettbewerbs?

--Watzmann Talk 19:10, 28 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Ilario and Flor WMCH: Wisst ihr, was aus dem Wettbewerb geworden ist? Wie ist der aktuelle Status? Do you know what happened to the competition? What is the current status? --Watzmann Talk 10:06, 30 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Watzmann: Am 12. Juni wurde das Siegerbild beim WikiSwiss Award vorgestellt: [1] Schade, dass es hier noch nicht präsentiert wurde und man es auf Commons mühsam suchen muss. --Pakeha (talk) 20:58, 30 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]