Commons talk:Photo challenge/2015 - January - Outliers

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Off topic ?


Hi. I guess some are out of topic again... --Llann .\m/ (Lie 2 me ...) 23:44, 7 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I would say that File:Le combat des titans.jpg and File:Techfeast 2014 Mumbai.JPG might be on topic. The first one has two "candles" thatt's burning, and one thsat does not. While the second image mentioned has four "human" statues, and one formed like a ball. Josve05a (talk) 03:35, 8 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, may be it's not really clear as I said when we picked up this theme (don't find back) and wanted more explanations. Can we summarize "Outlier" as "One different of the others" or "Exception" (as I translated in French)? If I opened a talk about that it's to refine the theme and because I think these pics don't match but if some says they're OK they're OK...
So what do I see on this pics? Nothing looking like what I think I understood about "Outiler" but may be I'm wrong. Comparing the other images where I see 3 or 4 (or more) similar things and 1 or 2 different,
  1. on Prag-8 00008 (2) I only see 3 lights on in a dark street and none off;
  2. I think Le combat des titans is only a montage of 3 pics of the same things in 3 different steps;
  3. Black ant in fur shows an ant on a cat;
  4. Baum2 shows only a broken branch in the dark;
  5. Mumbai Elephanta Seagulls is only a close-up of a flying seagull;
  6. Techfeast 2014 Mumbai shows 4 statues looking in the same direction doing the same thing: pulling a rope;
  7. Dogs and boats... I really don't see an "outlier".
Your opinions? --Llann .\m/ (Lie 2 me ...) 15:27, 8 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I wasn't thinking of your reasons for selecting them... I understand those well enough ;-> - but perhaps those who submitted them could tell us there reasons for doing so? ::@5u5311, Catinmotion, Cherishsantosh, Madelgarius, and Wald1siedel: , and Zlouiemark45546 - could you help us understand your interpretations of the theme?
Best wishes, Anna reg (talk) 14:02, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
[Copied from User talk:Wald1siedel #Commons talk:Photo challenge/2015 - January - Outliers]
Dear Anna, I will try to explain it in English. I did nominate the picture because it shows mostly white boats and this one lonely white dog, both offshore. I know this picture on first sight does not show the only black head between redheaded matches, but I thought in a more hidden way it represents the topic of the challenge. Anyway, if the picture does not explain itself it should be taken out of the challenge. I don't mind. Yours, Wald1siedel (talk) 15:23, 9 January 2015 (UTC))[reply]
Well I received a message from Anna reg asking me to explain the link I see between my picture (wich is Le combat des titans.jpg and not those mentionned in her message). I did not read the section in english but the one in french: "Exception, la différence, l'extravagance, montrant une personne ou une chose qui détonne, qui dépasse, qui est différente des autres, qui "nage à contre-courant"." "Une chose qui détonne, qui dépasse", I don't know how to translate it. Between a candle and an Ice cube, anyone would expect that the candle will win by melting the ice. Unexpectedly, the ice melting down blows the candle. An allegory in fact. And despite the fact that this picture will be kept or not I dedicate it as a tribune for the victory of our value... We are all Charlie. (my apologises for my english). --Madelgarius (talk) 17:20, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Bonjour Madelgarius.
C'est la définition anglaise du thème qui est traduite en français (par moi) et c'est cette traduction qui est en cause (plus que ta photo). Tu la cite en entier, puis, pour expliquer ta photo tu la tronques, en omettant ce qui, justement, marque cette différence : "[...], qui est différente des autres" ; il manque, à mon avis, dans ta photo cette notion de comparaison qui permet de dire qu'une des choses de la photo est différente des autres choses de cette même photo comme, par exemple, un mouton qui a toute sa laine dans un troupeau de moutons tondus, un chien parmi des chats, un nain au milieu de géants, un cabriolet dans une file de berlines, un "textile" sur une plage de naturistes... Il faut que cette différenciation soit visible sur la photo, sinon, comme la mouette ci-dessus, il n'y a pas moyen de savoir si c'est une exception.
C'est d'ailleurs exprès pour éviter les erreurs d’interprétation que nous choisissons méticuleusement des sample images qui servent à illustrer la définition...
Je dois préciser que, si j'interpelle les participants, c'est pour aller vers une traduction plus pointue, moins floue, de ce thème, pour éviter les mauvaises interprétations (et il y en a tous les mois), pas pour évincer leurs photos à tout prix.
En espérant avoir été assez clair. --Llann .\m/ (Lie 2 me ...) 21:16, 9 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
im deleting my submission. i know my submission dont stand a chance in winning cuz its offtopic. sorry to bother Zlouiemark45546 (talk)
Colin wrote on the general talk page that for him, Le combat des titans and Black ant in fur are okay and I think the picture description for 2008 11 30 025 Weinberg explains very well that the one protruding stamen is the odd one out... --Anna reg (talk) 14:12, 14 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I'd be fine with removing Prag-8 00008 (2), Baum2, and Mumbai Elephanta Seagulls;
Techfeast 2014 Mumbai and Dogs and boats are a bit more controversial, and I think we could keep Le combat des titans, Black ant in fur, and 2008 11 30 025 Weinberg. Anna reg (talk) 16:34, 14 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]