Commons talk:Copyright rules by territory/Myanmar

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@Aymatth2, Clindberg, JWilz12345, and A1Cafel: Yesterday I checked WIPO Lex, and I've found Myanmar Copyright Law (Law No. 15/2019 of May 24, 2019), by now they only have a Burmese text [1], and did searches and I can't find any proper English translation of this edition. Can somebody please help me to know what are changed by this amendment? Does our Myanmar CRT page need updates? --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 23:29, 19 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Also @Ninjastrikers: I only a bit familiar with this Burmese user because of some language edition requests works. --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 23:31, 19 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Can't find an English version. Google Translate... let's just say doesn't work too well with Burmese yet. There is a summary here and another here; they don't mention any big changes. Some of the summaries say the term used to be 30pma, though, and our page had 50pma. Nothing mentions a freedom of panorama section, but they may not have been concentrating on it, more focusing on libraries. They may have removed fair dealing. Carl Lindberg (talk) 01:36, 20 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I just saw only a few report or commemtary-type articles (no full English translation found), like [2] and [3] (edit: already mentioned by Clindberg). JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 01:49, 20 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
I have added a pointer to the new law. But yes, the machine translation is true awful. From page 15 of the PDF version after removing some of the line breaks to help the translation software:

17. Although there is no registration under this law in relation to artefacts or works of art:

(A) Registration of Protection of Economic Rights Act:

(1) 50 years after the death of the famous Kalaypin in the original work;

(Ii) 50 years from the date of his death, even if it is the work of the original master, if it is the work of the joint original artist or artist.

(Iii) 50 to 50 years from the year the work was made, 50 years after the completion of the work, or 50 years from the time the work was performed, in order to make the work available to the public with the permission of the original artist.

(4) Anonymous. Anonymity 50 to 50 years from the date of the official commencement of the census, if any publication or art form is published. However, before the end of the period, the original author will be re-elected.

I do not want to guess what that means, although it sounds like a 50-year term remains. We need an official English translation Aymatth2 (talk) 12:52, 20 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
About the FOP situation, well I'm no idea which clause might be related, Ninjastrikers commented me at my Meta-Wiki talk page (they said that Wikimedia sites are blocked by Myanmar ISPs due to political situation) that they just modified the my:Template:PD-Myanmar and requesting to modify the enwiki edition, and tried to tell me some Burmese words that may affect the FOP, by a simple Ctrl+F search:

၁၃။ မူလေန်တီးမှုများပေေ်ေည့် ောဒပ ေို့မဟုတ် ေနုပညာလက်ရာများကို ေကာေကွယ်ဒပးရမည်။ အဆိုြါလက်ရာမျေားတွင် ထအာက်ထြာ်ပြြါလက်ရာမျေား ြါဝင်သည်-

(ဆ) ဒရးဆွဲပခင်း၊ ဒရးပခေ်ပခင်း၊ ဒဆးပခယ်ပခင်း၊ ပန်းပုထုပခင်း၊ ထုဆေ်ေွန်းလုပ်ပခင်း၊ ထွင်းထုပခင်း၊ ဒရာင်ေုံေန်မှန် ဒကျာက်မျက်ရတနာေေည်တို့ပေင့် ေီပခယ်ပခင်းပပုထားေည့် လက်ရာ၊ ေေ်ေားပေင့်ပပုလုပ်ေည့် လက်ရာ၊ ေိုးထိန်းေတတ်ပညာပေင့်ပပုလုပ်ေည့် လက်ရာ၊ ေတ္တုထည်၊ ဒပမထည်၊ လက်ဝတ်ရတနာ၊ လက်မှုပေ္စည်း၊ ဒရှးဒခတဝတ်ေ ်းရငးေား ် ုံ၊ တိုင ် ရိုးရာေဝတ်ေထည်နှင့် ဆင်ယင်ထုံးေွဲ့မှုများ၊


၂။ ဤဥပဒေတွင်ပါရှိဒော ဒောက်ပါေကားရပ်များေည် ဒော်ပပပါေတိုင်း ေဓိပ္ပာယ်ေက် ဒရာက်ဒေရမည် -

( ဋ ) စာဖပ သို့မဟုတ် အနုပညာလက်ရာ ဆိုေည်မှာ ပုေ်မ ၁၃ နှင့် ြုေ်မ ၁၅ တို့တွင် ဒော်ပပထားဒော ောဒပ ေို့မဟုတ် ေနုပညာလက်ရာများနှင့် ဆင့်ပွားလက်ရာများကို ဆိုေည်။
( ဗ ) အသုံးချအနုပညာလက်ရာ ဆိုေည်မှာ လက်မှုပညာပေင့်ပပုလုပ်၍ပေေ်ဒေ၊ ေက်မှုနည်းပညာပေင့် ထုတ်လုပ်၍ပေေ်ဒေ ေေုံးဝင်ဒေရန် ဒဆာင်ရွက်ထားဒော ေို့မဟုတ် ေေုံးဝင်ေည့် ပေ္စည်းတေ်ခုခုတွင် ပါဝင်ဒပါင်းေပ်ထားဒော ေနုပညာေန်တီးမှုလက်ရာကို ဆိုေည်။
(လ) ရိုးရာဓပလ့အပမွအနှစ်ပ ာ် ေချေ်များ ဆိုသည်မှာ ေိထတွ့ကိုင်တွယ်၍ရသည်ပြစ်ထစ၊ မရသည်ပြစ်ထစ ရိုးရာယဉ်ထကျေးမှုနှင့် အသိြညာမျေားကိုထြာ်ပြထသာ၊ ပြသထသာ၊ ထြါ်လွင်ထစထသာ ထအာက်ြါထြာ်ပြချေက်တစ်ခုခု သို့မဟုတ် ယင်းတို့၏ ထြါင်းစြ် ထြာ်ပြချေက်မျေားြါဝင်ထသာ အသွင်ြုံစံတစ်ခုခုကို ဆိုသည် - ... (၄) ေိထတွ့ကိုင်တွယ်၍ရထသာထြာ်ပြချေက်မျေား (အနုြညာအရ သီးပခားြန်တီးေုတ်လုြ်ပခင်း မျေား)ပြစ် ကထသာ ထရးဆွဲပခင်း၊ အလှဆင်ပြုလုြ်ေားသည့် ြုံစံလက်ရာ၊ ခန္ဓာကိုယ် ထြါ်တွင် ထဆးပခယ်ပခင်းအြါအဝင် ထဆးပခယ်ပခင်း၊ ြန်းြုေုပခင်း၊ ေုဆစ်သွန်း လုြ်ပခင်း၊ အိုးေိန်းအတတ်ြညာပြင့်ပြုလုြ်သည့် လက်ရာ၊ ထကေည်၊ ထပမေည်၊ ထရာင်စုံြန်မှန် သို့မဟုတ် ထကျောက်မျေက်ရတနာစသည်တို့ပြင့် စီပခယ်ပခင်း၊ သစ်သား ပြင့်ပြုလုြ်သည့် လက်ရာ၊ သတ္တုေည်၊ လက်ဝတ်ရတနာ၊ ထကျောက်ြုံနှိြ်ပခင်း၊ ရက်လုြ်ပခင်းပြုေားသည့် လက်ရာ၊ ဇာေိုးြန်းေိုးအတတ်ပြင့်ပြုလုြ်သည့် လက်ရာ၊ အဝတ်အေည်မျေား၊ ြန်ေည်မျေား၊ ထကာ်ထဇာမျေား၊ ထရှးထခတ်ဝတ်စုံမျေား၊ လက်မှု ြစ္စည်းမျေား၊ တူရိယာြစ္စည်းမျေားနှင့် ဗိသုကာြုံစံမျေား၊ ရိုးရာအထမွအနှစ် လက်ထရးစာ မျေားပြစ်ထသာ ထြစာ၊ ြုရြိုက်စာ၊ ထကျောက်စာ၊ အုတ်ခွက်စာ၊ ထခါင်းထလာင်းစာ၊ နံရံထဆးထရးမင်စာမျေား။


၁၂။ ဤဥြထေြါပြဋ္ဌာန်းချေက်မျေားသည် ထအာက်ထြာ်ပြြါ စာထြ သို့မဟုတ် အနုြညာလက်ရာ မျေားကိုလည်းထကာင်း၊ ထြျော်ထပြသူနှင့်ထြျော်ထပြတင်ဆက်မှု၊ ြိုနိုဂရမ်ေုတ်လုြ်သူနှင့် ြိုနိုဂရမ်၊ ေုတ်လွှင့် ချေက်နှင့် ေုတ်လွှင့်သည့်အြွဲ့အစည်းတို့ကိုလည်းထကာင်း အကာအကွယ်ထြးပခင်းနှင့် သက်ဆိုင်ထစ ရမည်-

(က) စာထြ သို့မဟုတ် အနုြညာလက်ရာသည်- ... (၄) နိုင်ငံထတာ်တွင် ထဆာက်လုြ်ေားသည့် ဗိသုကာလက်ရာနှင့် နိုင်ငံထတာ်တွင် တည်ရှိထသာ အထဆာက်အဦတစ်ခု သို့မဟုတ် အပခားအထဆာက်အအုံ ြုံစံတွင် ြါဝင်ထြါင်းစြ်ေားသည့် အနုြညာလက်ရာပြစ်ပခင်း။

I agree with Clindberg that machine translation tools are not good for understanding them, Google only translate them as a lot of nonsense "I'm not sure what to do...". --Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 02:09, 23 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Let me correct and translate the protection period and types from the law.

13. Original creations, such as literature or art, must be protected. These works include the following:

(A) book, Brochures, Poetry, novels, articles, computer programs and other writing
(B) quotes, lecture, speech, sermons and other talks
(C) plays and musical works; acting only with gestures, dance arrangements and other literary or artistic performances on stage.
(D) music and artwork with or without lyrics
(E) audiovisual works including filmmaking
(F) architectural work
(G) drawing, writing, painting, Sculpting, engraving, paintings decorated with colored glass, gems, etc. woodwork, pottery, metal works, earthenware, jewelry, handicrafts, ancient costumes, Ethnic traditional clothing, and wears
(H) stone printing, Weaving work; gold embroidery and other fine works of art.
(I) photographic work.
(J) applied artwork
(K) textiles
(L) cartography, drawings, mappings, sketches, project and 3D art related to geographical location, topography, architecture or science

14. Although literature or artwork is not registered under this law

(A) The protection period for economic rights is as follows:
(1) 50 years from the date of death in addition to the period of the author's lifetime.
(2) 50 years from the date of death, including the period of the last original author's lifetime, in the case of a literary or artistic work of the joint original authors;
(3) In the case of audio, visual work, or film production work, 50 years from the year in which it was made available to the public with the permission of the original author, or 50 years from the year in which the work was made if it was not made available to the public.
(4) 50 years from the date of the official commencement of publication for literary or artistic works by an anonymous author or by name under a pseudonym. However, before the expiration of this period, if the identity of the original author is revealed, the protection period is same as specified in sub-sections (A-1) and (A-2).
(5) except for matters not protected under section 16; If it is literature or artwork of a government department or government agency; The government created a work of literature or art as the first copyright holder, the protection period is 50 years from the date of the work was made available to the public, or the date of the first publication.
(6) In the case of applied artwork, 25 years from the date of creation.

16. Although described in sections 13, 14, and 15, the work of literature and art or related rights shall not be protected for any of the following;

(A) imagination; procedures, manuals, mathematical concepts; Findings or facts
(B) various facts which may be classified as news of the relevant day or printed information
(C) constitution and laws
(D) by-laws, rules and regulations, notices, orders, instructions and procedures issued by government organizations, departments and agencies.
(E) Court judgments and orders.
(F) Government official translation and aggregation of information from sub-sections (C) to (E).

- NinjaStrikers «» 19:24, 19 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Page content update


@Aymatth2, Clindberg, JWilz12345, A1Cafel, Ninjastrikers, and Liuxinyu970226: The main page (and Template:PD-Myanmar) have not yet been updated to reflect the new law(s). Is the above the entirety or majority of what is applicable here? Additionally, I managed to find an unofficial translated version(s) of the law (not sure if it's all of it though) here, as well as one for the Trademark Law here and patents here. HapHaxion (talk / contribs) 18:33, 25 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@HapHaxion: sorry for late reply. On reading of the unofficial translation of the law you provided, I cannot see a freedom of panorama provision. If so, it is very unfortunate. JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 07:57, 22 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Ninjastrikers: (if you can ping other Burmese Wikimedians), it appears Burma/Myanmar may become one of the red countries on FOP map. I can hardly see any provision at Chapter 12 (Sections 24–23) that states that photographic reproduction of architectural and artistic works permanently located in public spaces is not an infringement of copyright. JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 07:59, 22 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Pinging some active Burmese wikimedians: @Pho Sai, @EmeraldRange, @Albert Poliakoff, @နေနီဝန်း, @Taung Tan, @Htanaungg NinjaStrikers «» 13:27, 22 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
From a quick run through of the Burmese Chapter 24, the crux of it seems to be that persons are free to distribute for self-use unless a, b, c. I guess Wikipedia doesn't count as "self-use" (i.e. personal use). Chapter 28 is interesting, it provides large provisions for reproduction to libraries and archives, but the Burmese wording of စာကြည့်တိုက် မော်ကွန်းတိုက် makes it, in my opinion, limited to more traditional institutions. EmeraldRange (talk) 16:34, 22 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@EmeraldRange: so it appears Myanmar becomes a no-FOP country sadly. The law didn't inherit the British colonial-era FOP from 1914 that stated "It is not an infringement of copyright to make or publish paintings, drawings, engravings or photographs of (1) a work of sculpture or artistic craftsmanship permanently situated in a public place, or (2) an architectural work of art (except that architectural drawings or plans may not be copied)." By the way (also pinging @Ninjastrikers: ) my apology for one typo; that should have been Sections 24–33 (not 24–23); I happened to pass by this forum page while compiling select countries' FOP statuses for meta:Pilipinas Panorama Community/Freedom of Panorama#Freedom of Panorama statuses internationally (ASEAN + APEC section), and I was in a rush to finish the section (ASEAN + APEC and EU countries). JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 01:37, 23 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I have already updated the CRT page as per the translation provided by Lincoln Legal Services (Myanmar) Ltd.. It is fortunate that laws and translations of laws are among works of Myanmar that are not protected, therefore there is no need to conduct paraphrasing. Pinging @Liuxinyu970226: for the update. JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 03:12, 23 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
+1 Liuxinyu970226 (talk) 03:13, 23 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]
The English translation of the law is now available on WIPO page and also on Myanmar Law Information System. NinjaStrikers «» 05:12, 20 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@JWilz12345, @Liuxinyu970226, @EmeraldRange, @HapHaxion, The 2019 copyright law became effective on 31 October 2023 according to SAC's notification 218/2023.([4], [5]) Therefore, can we restore deleted Myanmar FOP cases just for next two years, as per section 90? NinjaStrikers «» 09:11, 15 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah reading Section 90 in Burmese and English, if Wikimedia recognizes SAC's claim to legal authority, then it we can restore those images for 2 years until 31 October 2025. EmeraldRange (talk) 18:41, 15 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Ninjastrikers@EmeraldRange No point in restoring, as those files are already unfree by virtue of the actual law, regardless of retroactivity. Worse, there is no more valid protection for U.S. Wikimedia users from U.S. lawsuits (courtesy of {{Not-free-US-FOP}}) for images of non-architectural Burmese monuments still under sculptors' or muralists' copyrights. The said tag is only usable if a country has a valid commercial freedom of panorama. Non-commercial FoP is invalid, more so no-FoP like Myanmar post-2019. JWilz12345 (Talk|Contrib's.) 14:19, 9 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]