Commons:Wikistories for Commons/Office hours with WikiCommons community members

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October 2022 Office hours


The WMF Inuka team organised three office hours with the Commons community members to:

  • share the Wikistories on Commons design explorations them
  • talk about our Wikistories proposal plans
  • answer question about the proposed project
  • get feedback from the Commons community.



Oct 31, 2022 | Wikistories office hour 3rd session


7 participants:

Deck used : WMF Inuka team Design exploration.pdf


  • Is Wikistories on mobile? How can we try the tool in Wikipedia?
    • Go to the English wikipedia site on the beta cluster:
    • Make sure you are logged in and enable the Wikistories beta feature
    • Switch to the mobile view by using the “Mobile view” link at the bottom of any page
    • On article pages, just below the title, you should see the “Create Wikistory” link as well as thumbnails of existing stories linked to that article. The Cat article is a good place to start.
  • What are the requirements to have it on another Wikipedia? Like Igbo Wikipedia? What's the process?
    • We have to have consensus with the Community before being deployed.
  • Can you organise a workshop for the Igbo community?
    • Yes we can..we will also be at Indaba and will be running a workshop..
  • Question for a participant: any connection with Oral citation discussion discussed in Wikimedia summit?
    • Wikistories can be used to tell the stories related to culture..I see some connection

Oct 29, 2022 |. Wikistories office hour 2nd session


9 participants:

Deck used: WMF Inuka team Design exploration.pdf

Notes Feedback/Questions from participants

  • Can someone else change the caption of a story if the person does not agree with statements of the Wikistory?
  • Is there a way to share if a text is used in different there a link to link different stories to each other…to make it easier for stories to be written? For example in Wikipedia articles..there can be different articles that can help you get started with the article
    • Reply: They can take a URL of a story and embed it inside an article…there should be a way of linking different stories together…
  • What happens when someone tries to create a story using file:the Garden of earthly delights.jpg ..large images sizes and resolution?
    • Reply: Providing gesture support ..making swipe gesture available
  • Given the fairly limited commons are we thinking of support?
    • Reply:It is a media wiki extension and comes with all support that comes with media wiki extension… individual wikistories has a page on media wiki and its support thereof..currently discussing with community to discuss editorial practises….story can also have information box at the bottom to parts of stories that have been edited etc…still in
  • Will Wikistories have version history and talk page?
    • Reply: Its a media wiki extension... yes it will have version history and talk page
  • What about localisation in different languages... when creating a story?
    • Reply: You are free to choose captions in any languages on commons...
  • How will readers discover the "Wikistories"? Via Wikipedia? Via Google?
    • Reply: a couple of points on commons; on wiki(homepage, category pages, gallery pages , might also be discoverable on Wikipedia, image file itself..where the image has been used..) wiki(search engines maybe in future,
  • What extension works? SVG, webp?
    • Reply: Videos not supported for now…maybe for future versions…but I can get back with more information.
  • Looks like there will be communities emerging on Wikistories and there will be rules and procedures coming up…for example they may not want stories about some topics…also on the usage of references...what kind of communities will emerge?
    • Reply: We are looking at GLAM and they may have some practises already that we can learn from…
      • One risk - or chance - of having Wikistories on Commons: the community deciding on rules for Wikistories will be the Commons community….
  • Some stories can maybe contribute to the notability of an article…there might be some conflict for Wikistorians and commons community…since Wikistorians maybe have some conflict to abide with commons community rules..the rules might have to be decided by communists since its the larger community and embedded on commons platform…we have had scenarios of commonsists deleting some images etc…
  • By the way: the open letter about Wikimedia Commons: commons:think big - open letter about Wikimedia Commons#Notes
    • We think Wikistories is one way to address some of the things that were mentioned in the open letter…
  • Any plans for a dedicated workshop on Wikistories on Commons?
    • It should be done...also introduce it in campaigns, photo campaigns across the movement as well..We should be able to do it once we get started with the prototype testing phase and so on..
  • Project is very interesting since youngsters are interested in creating instagram stories…how can we motivate them to create Wikistories and attract the new generation..would be great to organize a Wikistories workshop and introduce to new users..I believe lots of people will be able to join this.
  • Would be helpful to have a video for Wikistories on Commons for people to understand the proposal…the invitation for this was not so easy to understand what this is all about…
  • Should also be localised in different languages as well for people to easily understand.
  • Will the stories be on Onwiki? Are the stories stored in video files format? Or can we add background music to the stories?
    • Reply: Sound …can be a possibility in the future..
    • WIKIMED is using similar type of tool to create short videos to explain different types of diseases… (meta:VideoWiki)
  • See village pump announcements for next office hours: commons:village pump/Archive/2022/10#Wikistories on Commons: a proposed visual content tool in WikiCommons

Oct 26, 2022 | Wikistories office hours 1st session


Attendees: 27 participants:

Deck used : WMF Inuka team Design exploration.pdf

Notes Participants feedback/questions

  • Is there a parameter for using photos? What kind of photos are allowed? Can I still just pick from Google or my drive..I remember you made an emphasis on the quality of the photos?
    • Practices/ rules of photos that are allowed on commons will still remain and yes, we recommend quality photos to tell a good story.
  • One of the participants suggest that we try introducing Wikistories in our presentation in relation to already existing tech products in the market, that will help people get a better feedback
    • The Inuka team clarified that we want to build something that resonates with the movement’s mission despite the concept being similar to other tech products and also still staying relevant. In other words, we want our visual knowledge to be factual and educational.
  • The participant explained further: my concern is transmitting the's one thing to have an idea and another thing to make people understand especially for those who are coming for the first time …we also have a problem of Wikimedia projects sounds alike..and so it may create confusion to community members on what and what the wiki does.
    • The concept of freedom of panorama does not exist in commons, in Africa, Middle east, Europe..and where it exists its limited…at the moment we don't filter things out like freedom of we should keep this in mind for this product ..not sure how we can improve that instead of making improvements to the upload to determine what is uploaded in commons is freely licensable..neither does Indonesia have freedom of panorama..
  • Upload process needs to support people so that they don't get disappointed when their photos get deleted. So, as a foundation we should look into that so that we don't run into challenges…
  • Freedom of Panorama is a major issue here in Ghana as well you are talking about it is it handled so people’s work get deleted..
    • The Inuka team replied: commons:freedom of panorama...its important that we keep this in mind but we might have to bear the consequences as many other projects
  • Can we get the link to the Wikipedia article used to demo the Wikistories in Indonesian Wikipedia “ The grape story”
  • Would be glad to if we have an illustration video on how to add the stories
    • Reply: Will put in the steps for how to test on beta and the video on our media wiki page.
  • Will it be a 24 hour duration as it is on Instagram?
    • Reply: No, does not have an expiry date