Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2023/Winners/Image sets

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People in Science · Microscopy images · Non-photographic media · Wildlife & nature · Astronomy · General category · Image sets ··· Winners

Wiki Science Competition 2023 had 818 files submitted by 94 uploaders in the image sets category.

Here are the finalists.

See round 2

Abandoned hospital, in Pripyat, Ukraine

  • Photos by Yuo7si

Argulus foliaceus

  • Photo by Dijana Blazekovic

Amino acid birefringence

  • Photos by user Aw1792300

Analysis of collagen expression in young salamanders via HCR FISH visualization

  • Photos by Lennart Rikk

Carrion crow (Corvus corone) being ringed and measured by Prof. Frédéric Jiguet at Jardin des plantes de Paris

  • Photos by Marie-Lan Taÿ Pamart

Cell culture (COS-7) colored with Phalloidin-FITC

  • Photos by Bioguy10
  • File inserted in the "image sets" category by the local organizers

Choffatella decipiens Schlumberger Em. Maync, 1950. Stage : Lower Cretaceous, Barremian - Aptian, Urgonian Facies. Location : South-East France

  • Photos by Benoit Potin

Cliff of Soprasasso

  • Photo by Elena Tartaglione
  • File inserted in the "image sets" category by the local organizers

Close-up of the compound eye of Drosophila melanogaster

  • Photo by Brandon Antonio Segura Torres & Priscilla Vieto Bonilla

Cnidaria disturbing the pycnocline in Gullmarn fjord at Sämstad

  • Photos by W.carter

Copernicus lunar crater

  • Photo by Amfeli

Conservation of endemic plants on the island of Fogo (Cape Verde)

  • Photos by Roguet Didier

Crystals formed during production of Chinese Song Dynasty "hare’s fur" and "oil spot" glazes on a ceramic tea bowl

  • Photos by Chandra L. Reedy

Depth map of both sides of a silver didrachm

  • Photos by Amfeli

Development of Ambystoma mexicanum axolotl

  • Photos by Brandon Antonio Segura Torres & Priscilla Vieto Bonilla

Dianthus hyssopifolius in Pyrenees National Park

  • Photos byTournasol7

Didymo algae (Didymosphenia geminata) observed under a scanning electron microscope

  • Photos by Brandon Antonio Segura Torres & Priscilla Vieto Bonilla

Diversity among pollinating insects

  • Photos by Federico Stefanelli

Emulsion of oil and water caused by differences in their chemical and physical properties

  • Photos by Сибиновска Ангела

Filamentous microalgae viewed under four different lighting conditions using an immersion optical microscope

  • Photos by Brandon Antonio Segura Torres & Priscilla Vieto Bonilla

Humpback whale tail at Ísafjarðardjúp

  • Photos by Giles Laurent

Final stage of the metamorphosis process, cocoon "hatching"

  • Photos by Sangpemotret

Icebergs at Jökulsárlón

  • Photos by Giles Laurent
  • File inserted in the "image sets" category by the local organizers

Investigating the composition of iron

  • Photos by Kristo Oks

Imperiled and vulnerable flora of Ohio

  • Photos by Liliumoryza


  • Photos by Artem Popovich
  • File inserted in the "image sets" category by the local organizers

LED filament light bulb under UV and normal light

  • Photos by W.carter

Microbial Collection

  • Photos by Stefania Rizzelli

Mite from the Pheroliodidae family, observed under a scanning electron microscope

  • Photos by Brandon Antonio Segura Torres & Priscilla Vieto Bonilla

Moth of the species Mythimna loreyi with proliferation of Penicillium fungi in its eyes

  • Photos by Brandon Antonio Segura Torres & Priscilla Vieto Bonilla

Nevis linear particle accelerator, a two-beam linear accelerator array designed to replicate conditions where stars form

  • Photos by by CUBIST DEBRIS

Nudibranchs in the sea of Anilao, Philippines

  • Photos by Diego Delso

Organisms found on water

  • Photos by Janek Lass

People learing to use Pollux testing equipment

  • Photos by Asticool
  • File inserted in the "image sets" category by the local organizers

Publication in the "Journal of Mathematics and the Arts"

  • Photos by Norbert Hungerbühler et al.
  • File inserted in the "image sets" category by the local organizers

Pure antiprotons in trap decays in a short time through the Kelvin-Helmoltz instability

  • Photos by Rcaravit

Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

  • Photos by Jg44.89

Reference collection work for archaeological dental calculus

  • Photos by Agnes Unt

Sealife in Mar Piccolo, Taranto

  • Photos by Giuseppe Denti

Small gastropod mollusks with very bright colors in the low Adriatic Sea

  • Photos by Federico Stefanelli

Specimen of Daphnia with autofluorescence observed under a confocal microscope in different channels

  • Photos by Brandon Antonio Segura Torres & Priscilla Vieto Bonilla

Stacked images of an European Bee-eater in flight

  • Photos by Giles Laurent

Synthetic images of the Moon using orthographic projections

  • Photos by Amfeli

Transverse sections of Magnoliophyta

  • * Photos by Oleroux1983

Tunnels, samples and equipment in Onkalo spent nuclear fuel repository

  • Photos by Kallerna

Ultrasounds showing nephrocalcinosis

  • Photos by Cerevisae
  • File inserted in the "image sets" category by the international organizers

Vitamin C birefringence

  • Photos by user Aw1792300

WEST tokamak. Cadarache, France

  • Photos by Hélène Roche et Christophe Roux / CEA IRFM

Wild Bearded Vulture

  • Photos by Giles Laurent

Wildlife Photographers in ghillie suits

  • Photos by Giles Laurent

Wildlife of Uganda

  • Photos by Thecodemachine