Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in Ukraine/Dimanland

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rate base authors
objects ids
10.0 1.0 6.0 3.0 1 65-203-0043
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 9 14-141-9001, 32-231-0004, 46-203-0009, 46-203-0012, 56-216-0041, 74-101-0001, 74-101-0005, 74-101-0006, 74-101-0058

Rating: 1.0

rate base authors
objects ids
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1 14-141-9001



Святогірський монастир

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 37 (9-) authors = 0.0, 481 (49-) images were of 1414170500, bonus = 0.0

Rating: 1.0

rate base authors
objects ids
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1 32-231-0004



Городище літописного міста Святополча

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 16 (9-) authors = 0.0, 121 (49-) images were of 3223181501, bonus = 0.0

Rating: 2.0

rate base authors
objects ids
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2 46-203-0009, 46-203-0012



Замок Конецпольських

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 64 (9-) authors = 0.0, 908 (49-) images were of 4620384801, bonus = 0.0



Костел Святого Йосифа

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 63 (9-) authors = 0.0, 908 (49-) images were of 4620384801, bonus = 0.0

Rating: 1.0

rate base authors
objects ids
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1 56-216-0041



Дубенський форт

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 57 (9-) authors = 0.0, 644 (49-) images were of 5621689101, bonus = 0.0

Rating: 10.0

rate base authors
objects ids
10.0 1.0 6.0 3.0 1 65-203-0043



Кургани (24)

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 9 (4-9) images were of 6520380501, bonus = 3.0

Rating: 4.0

rate base authors
objects ids
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 4 74-101-0001, 74-101-0005, 74-101-0006, 74-101-0058



Катерининська церква

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 80 (9-) authors = 0.0, 5668 (49-) images were of 74101, bonus = 0.0



Залізничний вокзал

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 33 (9-) authors = 0.0, 5668 (49-) images were of 74101, bonus = 0.0



П'ятницька церква

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 62 (9-) authors = 0.0, 5668 (49-) images were of 74101, bonus = 0.0



Спасо-Преображенський собор

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 63 (9-) authors = 0.0, 5668 (49-) images were of 74101, bonus = 0.0