Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2021 in Ukraine/Петро Халява/Дніпропетровська область

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Rating: 950.0

rate base authors
objects ids
21.0 1.0 10.0 10.0 11 12-207-0038, 12-207-0057, 12-207-0058, 12-207-0060, 12-207-9004, 12-242-0009, 12-242-0031, 12-242-0032, 12-242-0033, 12-242-0129, 12-242-0183
17.0 1.0 10.0 6.0 6 12-207-0028, 12-207-0029, 12-242-0029, 12-242-0030, 12-242-0102, 12-242-9001
14.0 1.0 10.0 3.0 1 12-242-0020
13.0 1.0 6.0 6.0 24 12-207-0030, 12-207-0040, 12-226-0001, 12-242-0004, 12-242-0007, 12-242-0010, 12-242-0011, 12-242-0015, 12-242-0016, 12-242-0017, 12-242-0018, 12-242-0019, 12-242-0025, 12-242-0027, 12-242-0028, 12-242-0035, 12-242-0036, 12-242-0044, 12-242-0060, 12-242-0120, 12-242-0164, 12-242-0211, 12-242-0216, 12-242-0245
12.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 9 12-207-0010, 12-207-0013, 12-207-0014, 12-207-0015, 12-207-0016, 12-207-0017, 12-207-9001, 12-226-0003, 12-226-0004
10.0 1.0 6.0 3.0 12 12-242-0006, 12-242-0021, 12-242-0024, 12-242-0037, 12-242-0038, 12-242-0039, 12-242-0043, 12-242-0074, 12-242-0176, 12-242-0195, 12-242-0196, 12-242-9002
8.0 1.0 6.0 1.0 4 12-207-0011, 12-207-0012, 12-226-0002, 12-242-0026
7.0 1.0 6.0 0.0 2 12-104-0060, 12-242-0051
4.0 1.0 3.0 0.0 4 12-104-0004, 12-104-0036, 12-104-0059, 12-242-0003
1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1 12-104-0001



Пам'ятник воїнам-землякам, увічнені 28 земляків, які загинули у роки Великої Вітчизняної війни

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1220755703, bonus = 10.0




Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 11 (10-49) images were of 1222685501, bonus = 1.0



Могила невідомого радянського військовополоненого

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 3 (1-3) images were of 1224255114, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0011 previous



Братська могила радянських військовополонених та німецького воїна

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224255119, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0035 previous



Пам'ятник воїнам-землякам. Увічнені 168 земляків, які загинули у роки Великої Вітчизняної війни

Rating = 8.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 3 (1-3) images were of 1224286101, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0015 previous



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 17.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224287801, bonus = 6.0



Могильник курганний «Чубаті могили» (4 кургани) (h=4,5 м, d=80 м; h=3,5 м, d=32 м; h=1,2 м, d=50 м; h=0,5 м, d=30 м)

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224287801, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0216 previous



Група могил червоноармійців та партизан громадянської війни: 2 братські могили

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 7 (4-9) images were of 1224286701, bonus = 3.0



Група могил радянських воїнів: 2 братські могили

Rating = 8.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 13 (10-49) images were of 1224255123, bonus = 1.0

12-242-0026 previous



Будинок земської школи

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1222655116, bonus = 6.0



Братська могила радянських воїнів і партизан

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224283409, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0038 previous



Братська могила радянських воїнів, які загинули при звільненні с. Чаплине восени 1944 року

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1224255111, bonus = 10.0



Будівля залізничного вокзалу. Пам'ятний знак на честь визволення ст. Чаплине від німецько-фашистських загарбників у вересні 1943 року

Rating = 8.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Братська могила радянських партизан

Rating = 17.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224287801, bonus = 6.0



Могильник курганний «Довга могила» (3 кургани) (h=4,5 м, d=70 м; h=1,2 м, d=40 м; h=1,2 м, d=40 м)

Rating = 17.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1224286703, bonus = 6.0



Братська могила учасників громадянської війни

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1224255400, bonus = 10.0



Могильник курганний (7 курганів) (h=3,5 м, d=50 м; h=1,5 м, d=35 м; h=1,2 м,d=30 м; h=1 м, d=30 м; h=1 м, d=30 м; h=0,5 м, d=20 м; h=0,5 м, d=20 м; h=0,5 м, d=20 м)

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1224283411, bonus = 10.0



Група могил радянських воїнів: 2 братські могили

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1224255124, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0027 previous



Меморіальний комплекс

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1220755703, bonus = 10.0



Могильник курганний (5 курганів) (h=5 м, d=70 м; h=3 м, d=50 м; h=2 м, d=40 м; h=1,5 м, d=40 м; h=1,2 м, d=40 м)

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224283410, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0060 previous



Могильник курганний (3 кургани) (h=1,5 м, d=50 м; h=1 м, d=60 м; h=0,3 м, d=20 м)

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 3 (1-3) images were of 1224255114, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0120 previous



Група могил радянських воїнів: 5 братських могил

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224283401, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0006 previous



Братська могила радянських льотчиків

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224283409, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0039 previous



Група могил радянських воїнів: 7 братських могил

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1224255101, bonus = 10.0



Братська могила 28 радянських воїнів

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1220755119, bonus = 6.0



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224283406, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0028 previous



Курган (h=6 м, d=80 м)

Rating = 7.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 143 (49-) images were of 1224255100, bonus = 0.0

12-242-0051 previous



5 братських могил радянських воїнів

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Група могил радянських воїнів: 3 братські могили

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1224283416, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0025 previous



Пам'ятник робітникам металургійного заводу (ДМК), які загинули у Великій Вітчизняній війні

Rating = 4.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3.0, 249 (49-) images were of 12104, bonus = 0.0

12-104-0036 previous



Братська могила радянських військовополонених

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224283404, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0019 previous



Садибний будинок

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 3 (1-3) images were of 1224286101, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0044 previous



Будинок земської школи

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 11 (10-49) images were of 1222685501, bonus = 1.0



Пам'ятник воїнам-землякам. Увічнені 156 земляків, які загинули у роки Великої Вітчизняної війни

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1220755701, bonus = 10.0



Братська могила двох воїнів-залізничників, які загинули 20 січня 1944 року при нальоті німецької авіації

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Пам'ятний знак на честь 100 млн. тонн сталі, вилитої на ДМК 3 лютого 1976 року

Rating = 7.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 249 (49-) images were of 12104, bonus = 0.0

12-104-0060 previous



uk:Братська могила перших організаторів радянської влади та радянських воїнів

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1224286703, bonus = 6.0



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1224284503, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0007 previous



Могильник курганний (5 курганів) (h=1,5 м, d=50 м; h=1,2 м, d=50 м; H —1,2 м, d=50 м; h=0,5 м, d=30 м; h=0,2 м, d=20 м)

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 7 (4-9) images were of 1224286701, bonus = 3.0



Могильник курганний (2 кургани) (h=1,5 м, d=40 м; h=0,5 м, d=20 м)

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 3 (1-3) images were of 1224255120, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0164 previous



26 індивідуальних могил радянських воїнів

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Курган (h=3,5 м, d=80 м)

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224284511, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0195 previous



4 братські могили бійців продзагону

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224283409, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0037 previous



Група могил: 4 братські могили бійців продзагону; 1 братська могила радянських воїнів і партизан; 1 братська могила радянських льотчиків

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224283409, bonus = 3.0

12-242-9002 previous



Меморіальне кладовище

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Курган (h=0,2 м, d=12 м)

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1224283407, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0245 previous



Братська могила трьох радянських воїнів, які загинули 19 вересня 1943 року

Rating = 17.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1220755119, bonus = 6.0



Могильник курганний (4 кургани) (h=4 м, d=60 м; h=4 м, d=60 м; h=2 м, d=50 м)

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224283401, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0074 previous



Братська могила 95 радянських воїнів, які загинули при звільненні с. Хуторо-Чаплине восени 1943 року

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1220788804, bonus = 10.0



Миколаївський собор

Rating = 1.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0.0, 249 (49-) images were of 12104, bonus = 0.0

12-104-0001 previous



Пам'ятник 230 мешканцям с. Григорівки

Rating = 17.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1220755119, bonus = 6.0



Інженерний клуб — будівля, в якій у 1933 —1934 роках виступав Г. К. Орджонікідзе (1886 —1937) (тепер — Народний музей ПАТ «ДМКД»)

Rating = 4.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3.0, 249 (49-) images were of 12104, bonus = 0.0

12-104-0004 previous



Будинок колишнього бригадного будинку залізничників, де 5 жовтня 1920 року загинув К. В. Жмурко і у 1938—1940 роках навчався Герой Радянського Союзу М. О. Задорожній

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Курган (h=4,5 м, d=80 м)

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224284511, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0196 previous



Перший післявоєнний зливок металу ДМК, вилитий на 26-й день після визволення міста 21 листопада 1943 року

Rating = 4.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3.0, 249 (49-) images were of 12104, bonus = 0.0

12-104-0059 previous



Братська могила радянських військовополонених

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224283404, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0018 previous



Братська могила 98 воїнів, які загинули у 1919 році

Rating = 12.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 22 (10-49) images were of 1220755700, bonus = 1.0



Могильник курганний (3 кургани) (h=3 м, d=50 м; h=1 м, d=30 м; h=1 м, d=30 м)

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224283406, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0211 previous



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 3 (1-3) images were of 1224255120, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0017 previous



Пам'ятник воїнам-землякам. Увічнені імена 51 земляка

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 1 (1-3) images were of 1220755702, bonus = 6.0



Група могил: 1 братська могила радянських воїнів, 1 братська могила радянських партизан

Rating = 17.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224287801, bonus = 6.0



Група могил радянських військовополонених: 2 братські могили

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224284511, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0024 previous



Могильник курганний (4 кургани) (h=1,6 м, d=50 м; h=0,4 м, d=30 м; h=0,3 м, d=30 м; h=0,2 м, d=12 м)

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1224287809, bonus = 10.0



Могила невідомого радянського воїна

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224255119, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0036 previous



Братська могила 27 радянських воїнів, які загинули при визволенні с. Петрикове у 1943 році

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1220755703, bonus = 10.0



Будівля земської школи, у якій навчалися Герої Радянського Союзу М. О. Задорожний та П. С. Шматуха

Rating = 21.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 0 (0-0) images were of 1224255111, bonus = 10.0



Трактор «Універсал»

Rating = 4.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3.0, 143 (49-) images were of 1224255100, bonus = 0.0

12-242-0003 previous



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 3 (1-3) images were of 1224286101, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0016 previous



Будинок земської школи

Rating = 8.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 11 (10-49) images were of 1222685501, bonus = 1.0



Братська могила радянських воїнів

Rating = 14.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10.0, 7 (4-9) images were of 1224286701, bonus = 3.0



Земська управа

Rating = 10.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 4 (4-9) images were of 1224283401, bonus = 3.0

12-242-0043 previous



Група могил радянських воїнів: 9 індивідуальних могил

Rating = 13.0, is a sum of: Base rate = 1.0, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6.0, 2 (1-3) images were of 1224283410, bonus = 6.0

12-242-0004 previous