Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Ukraine/Rozbeshaka

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rate base authors
objects ids
11 1 10 0 22 73-101-0524, 73-101-0532, 73-101-0534, 73-101-0535, 73-101-0548, 73-101-0582, 73-101-0618, 73-101-0632, 73-101-0633, 73-101-0634, 73-101-0635, 73-101-0636, 73-101-0637, 73-101-0638, 73-101-0639, 73-101-0640, 73-101-0641, 73-101-0642, 73-101-0643, 73-101-0644, 73-101-0657, 73-101-0658
7 1 6 0 6 73-101-0029, 73-101-0269, 73-101-0478, 73-101-0528, 73-101-0533, 73-101-0547
4 1 3 0 17 73-101-0028, 73-101-0030, 73-101-0106, 73-101-0190, 73-101-0227, 73-101-0229, 73-101-0305, 73-101-0341, 73-101-0362, 73-101-0397, 73-101-0398, 73-101-0401, 73-101-0403, 73-101-0476, 73-101-0493, 73-101-0511, 73-101-0628
2 1 1 0 3 73-101-0097, 73-101-0396, 73-101-0500
1 1 0 0 6 73-101-0181, 73-101-0234, 73-101-0321, 73-101-0390, 73-101-0430, 73-101-0441

Rating: 364

rate base authors
objects ids
11 1 10 0 22 73-101-0524, 73-101-0532, 73-101-0534, 73-101-0535, 73-101-0548, 73-101-0582, 73-101-0618, 73-101-0632, 73-101-0633, 73-101-0634, 73-101-0635, 73-101-0636, 73-101-0637, 73-101-0638, 73-101-0639, 73-101-0640, 73-101-0641, 73-101-0642, 73-101-0643, 73-101-0644, 73-101-0657, 73-101-0658
7 1 6 0 6 73-101-0029, 73-101-0269, 73-101-0478, 73-101-0528, 73-101-0533, 73-101-0547
4 1 3 0 17 73-101-0028, 73-101-0030, 73-101-0106, 73-101-0190, 73-101-0227, 73-101-0229, 73-101-0305, 73-101-0341, 73-101-0362, 73-101-0397, 73-101-0398, 73-101-0401, 73-101-0403, 73-101-0476, 73-101-0493, 73-101-0511, 73-101-0628
2 1 1 0 3 73-101-0097, 73-101-0396, 73-101-0500
1 1 0 0 6 73-101-0181, 73-101-0234, 73-101-0321, 73-101-0390, 73-101-0430, 73-101-0441



Каплиця римо-католицька, в якій поховані відомі буковинські релігійні діячі-католики

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Надгробок Грегора Задуровича

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житло семінаристів

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Реміснича школа

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Готель «Золотий Лев»

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 13 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Єврейський центр «Гойнбі-галлі»

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Надгробок на могилі Абрагамович Гертруди

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0




Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Могила мирних жителів-жертв фашизму

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Могила Балтінештера Б. — громадсько-політичного діяча, почесного громадянина м. Чернівці

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Каплиця Людмили Безобразової

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Готель «Централь»

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Каплиця родини Бек-Гроссдорфер

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Каплиця родини Щепана де Самборського

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0




Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жила Кобилянська О.Ю. — українська письменниця

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Історико-культурний комплекс-Чернівецьке міське кладовище №1.

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житлово-торговий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Зал музичного товариства (арх. В. Грекул)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Надгробок родини Флаш

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Поштамт (арх. Ю.Захаревич)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Молдавський банк

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0




Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Міхаю Емінеску-румунському поету.

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Єврейський Народний Дім (арх. Т. Левандовський)

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 20 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому проживав Герцюк Т. П. (1919—1989) — український майстер художньої обробки дерева і металу, заслужений майстер народної творчості України

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Надгробок родини Шнірх

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Надгробок родини Альт

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жила Кобилянська О. Ю. — українська письменниця

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Могила Штраухера Б. — громадсько-політичного діяча Буковини

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Чиншовий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Каплиця родини Мартинович

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житлово-торговий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Єврейський театр

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому народилася Ауслендер Роза (1901 - 1988) – єврейська німецькомовна поетеса

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Міхаю Емінеску (1850—1889) — класику румунської літератури

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0




Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Адміністративний будинок

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 9 (7-9) authors = 1, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Надгробок Лазаря Міхаловича

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Німецький Народний Дім, арх. Г.Фріч, поч. XX ст.; Інж. Е.Мюллер, 1908-1910 р.

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0




Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Чиншовий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Могила Едуарда Райса (1850-1907) – бургомістра м.Чернівці, урядового радника, відомого громадсько – політичного діяча Буковини.

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0




Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Каплиця родини Богдановичів

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Гуртожиток медінституту

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 20 (9-) authors = 0, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Каплиця родини Радомських

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0



Могила Штейнбарга Е. — єврейського письменника

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 5410 (49-) images were of 73101, bonus = 0