Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Ukraine/Рошко Станіслав

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rate base authors
objects ids
21 1 10 10 1 21-224-0038
13 1 6 6 1 21-208-0004
11 1 10 0 6 21-101-0054, 21-101-0062, 21-101-0077, 21-101-0079, 21-101-0180, 21-101-0209
7 1 6 0 29 21-101-0006, 21-101-0010, 21-101-0011, 21-101-0017, 21-101-0022, 21-101-0038, 21-101-0045, 21-101-0059, 21-101-0060, 21-101-0061, 21-101-0081, 21-101-0083, 21-101-0086, 21-101-0087, 21-101-0088, 21-101-0090, 21-101-0091, 21-101-0092, 21-101-0093, 21-101-0095, 21-101-0096, 21-101-0097, 21-101-0107, 21-101-0110, 21-101-0111, 21-101-0170, 21-101-0185, 21-101-0187, 21-101-0193
4 1 3 0 18 21-101-0015, 21-101-0028, 21-101-0029, 21-101-0031, 21-101-0049, 21-101-0051, 21-101-0052, 21-101-0056, 21-101-0068, 21-101-0089, 21-101-0094, 21-101-0099, 21-101-0106, 21-101-0108, 21-101-0109, 21-101-0131, 21-101-0133, 21-101-0179
2 1 1 0 9 21-101-0004, 21-101-0005, 21-101-0047, 21-101-0069, 21-101-0070, 21-101-0072, 21-101-0076, 21-101-0113, 21-101-0122
1 1 0 0 13 21-101-0001, 21-101-0002, 21-101-0003, 21-101-0007, 21-101-0008, 21-101-0032, 21-101-0042, 21-101-0050, 21-101-0071, 21-101-0073, 21-101-0078, 21-101-0112, 21-101-0119

Rating: 406

rate base authors
objects ids
21 1 10 10 1 21-224-0038
13 1 6 6 1 21-208-0004
11 1 10 0 6 21-101-0054, 21-101-0062, 21-101-0077, 21-101-0079, 21-101-0180, 21-101-0209
7 1 6 0 29 21-101-0006, 21-101-0010, 21-101-0011, 21-101-0017, 21-101-0022, 21-101-0038, 21-101-0045, 21-101-0059, 21-101-0060, 21-101-0061, 21-101-0081, 21-101-0083, 21-101-0086, 21-101-0087, 21-101-0088, 21-101-0090, 21-101-0091, 21-101-0092, 21-101-0093, 21-101-0095, 21-101-0096, 21-101-0097, 21-101-0107, 21-101-0110, 21-101-0111, 21-101-0170, 21-101-0185, 21-101-0187, 21-101-0193
4 1 3 0 18 21-101-0015, 21-101-0028, 21-101-0029, 21-101-0031, 21-101-0049, 21-101-0051, 21-101-0052, 21-101-0056, 21-101-0068, 21-101-0089, 21-101-0094, 21-101-0099, 21-101-0106, 21-101-0108, 21-101-0109, 21-101-0131, 21-101-0133, 21-101-0179
2 1 1 0 9 21-101-0004, 21-101-0005, 21-101-0047, 21-101-0069, 21-101-0070, 21-101-0072, 21-101-0076, 21-101-0113, 21-101-0122
1 1 0 0 13 21-101-0001, 21-101-0002, 21-101-0003, 21-101-0007, 21-101-0008, 21-101-0032, 21-101-0042, 21-101-0050, 21-101-0071, 21-101-0073, 21-101-0078, 21-101-0112, 21-101-0119



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Садибний будинок у Радванці, в якому народився Іштван Дєндєші

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок колишньої пошти

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



uk:Будинок правління Ужанського комітату

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 9 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Шпихлір і винний погріб

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок, в якому жив і працював М. І. Фінцицький, закарпатський фольклорист і перекладач

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник радянським воїнам «Україна — визволителям»

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював знаний журналіст, культурний та громадський діяч М. І. Бабидорич

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Місце поховання К. Матезонського — композитора, музиканта

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював заслужений діяч мистецтв УРСР Г. М. Глюк

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник українським живописцям Й. Й. Бокшаю і А. М. Ерделі

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 9 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок колишньої гімназії (нині комерційне училище)

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок колишньої синагоги неологів (аптекоуправління)

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Резиденція єпископа

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 17 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Реформатська церква

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому зупинявся відомий чеський письменник І. Ольбрахт

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник жертвам І світової війни

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Колишній будинок ремісничого товариства «Легіо дружство» (нині податкова адміністрація)

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок СШ № 4

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому розміщався «Русский дом» — товариство ім. О. Духновича

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Є. Фенцику — закарпатському письменнику І просвіти

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював письменник та перекладач Ю. В. Шкробинець

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Особняк, в якому розміщався штаб 18-ої Армії 4-го Українського фронту

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював український письменник, лауреат Національної премії ім. Т. Г. Шевченка І. М. Чендей

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок банку

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював закарпатський художник Е. Р. Грабовський

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Колишня греко-католицька церква

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Окремий будинок СШ № 10

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Погруддя російському поету О. С. Пушкіну

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював закарпатський український письменник М. І. Томчаній

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0




Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Сад Лаудона з рідкісними деревами

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Погруддя Президенту Чехословацької Республіки Т. Масарику

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будівля чоловічої греко-католицької семінарії, в якій викладав А. Волошин та вчився І. Мондок

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житлова забудова з двох будинків

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок колишньої Королівської пошти (енергетики)

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював В. Гренджа-Донський, письменник і культурний діяч

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював А. Дезе – діяч профспілкового руху на Закарпатті

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював народний художник УРСР А. М. Кашай

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Руїни палацу Другетів

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив М. В. Климпотюк — учасник робітничого руху на Закарпатті

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 5 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок дитячої музичної школи

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 8 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював І. Мондок – відомий діяч комуністичного руху на Закарпатті

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Здвиженський кафедральний собор

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 53 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0




Rating = 21, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 0 (0-0) images were of 2122484801, bonus = 10



Пам'ятник Т. Г. Шевченку

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0




Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 52 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник Т. Г. Шевченку

Rating = 13, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 1 (1-3) images were of 2120855100, bonus = 6



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 6 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Руська церква

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 14 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник угорському поету Ш. Петефі

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Горянська церква святого Миколи

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 10 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Шелестівська Михайлівська церква

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 42 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник загиблим працівникам органів внутрішніх справ

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Адміністративний будинок

Rating = 1, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 11 (9-) authors = 0, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Пам'ятник ліквідаторам аварії на Чорнобильській АЕС

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював закарпатський російський письменник М. Г. Тевельов

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 1 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок СШ № 9

Rating = 2, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 7 (7-9) authors = 1, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 2 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 7, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 3 (1-3) authors = 6, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив композитор П. Милославський

Rating = 11, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 0 (0-0) authors = 10, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Житловий будинок

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок, в якому жив і працював закарпатський український поет К. А. Гойда

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0



Будинок колишньої католицької приходської школи (музична школа)

Rating = 4, is a sum of: Base rate = 1, Pictured before by 4 (4-6) authors = 3, 2691 (49-) images were of 21101, bonus = 0