Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Switzerland/Working area/List

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To do list for Wiki Loves Monuments Switzerland 2018

  1. ASAP Create missing categories for swiss monuments items - query
  2. Connect the new categories to wikidata items
Check and update Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Switzerland/Working area



Names of categories


The names of the new categories should come from Wikidata item labels, precedence to english (when existing) and then in the main language from the canton. Cantons are 26, and:

  • 4 french main language:
  1. GE - 'Ginevra' (Q11917)
  2. JU - 'Giura' (Q12755)
  3. NE - 'Canton Neuchâtel' (Q12738)
  4. VD - 'Vaud' (Q12771)

  • 3 two languages:
  1. FR - 'Friburgo' (Q12640): first fr, then de
  2. VS - 'Vallese' (Q834): first fr, then de
  3. BE - 'Canton Berna' (Q11911): first de, then fr

  • 1 three languages:
GR - 'Grigioni' (Q11925): first rm, then de, then it
  • 1 with first language it:
TI - 'Canton Ticino' (Q12724)

More details on page on Cantoni della Svizzera

Content of the categories


To insert in the category:

{{Empty category|Populated by [[Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Switzerland|Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Switzerland]].}}
{{Wikidata Infobox|qid=Qxxxxxxxx}}

writing in the Wikidata Infobox the id of the item

The higher level category should be that of the municipality (or municipalities, when there are more then one) in which the monument is situated, plus the category of the cultural heritage of the canton based on P1435 (designazione del patrimonio) in the item:


  • New example category: History (look at first edit)




  • Q11972;Aargau
  • Q12094;Appenzell Innerrhoden
  • Q12079;Appenzell Ausserrhoden‎
  • Q11911;Bern‎
  • Q12146;Basel-Land
  • Q12172;Basel-Stadt
  • Q12640;Fribourg
  • Q11917;Geneva‎
  • Q11922;Glarus
  • Q11925;Graubünden
  • Q12755;Jura
  • Q12121;Lucerne
  • Q12738;Neuchâtel‎
  • Q12592;Nidwalden
  • Q12573;Obwalden
  • Q12746;St. Gallen‎
  • Q12697;Schaffhausen
  • Q11929;Solothurn
  • Q12433;Schwyz
  • Q12713;Thurgau
  • Q12724;Ticino
  • Q12404;Uri
  • Q834;Valais
  • Q12771;Vaud
  • Q11933;Zug
  • Q11943;Zürich


  1. AG - 'Argovia' (Q11972) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Aargau
  2. AI - 'Appenzello Interno' (Q12094) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden
  3. AR - 'Appenzello Esterno' (Q12079) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden‎
  4. BE - 'Canton Berna' (Q11911) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Bern‎
  5. BL - 'Basilea Campagna' (Q12146) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Basel-Land
  6. BS - 'Basilea Città' (Q12172) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Basel-Stadt
  7. FR - 'Friburgo' (Q12640) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Fribourg
  8. GE - 'Ginevra' (Q11917) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Geneva‎
  9. GL - 'Glarona' (Q11922) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Glarus
  10. GR - 'Grigioni' (Q11925) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Graubünden
  11. JU - 'Giura' (Q12755) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Jura
  12. LU - 'Lucerna' (Q12121) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Lucerne
  13. NE - 'Canton Neuchâtel' (Q12738) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Neuchâtel‎
  14. NW - 'Nidvaldo' (Q12592) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Nidwalden
  15. OW - 'Obvaldo' (Q12573) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Obwalden
  16. SG - 'San Gallo' (Q12746) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of St. Gallen‎
  17. SH - 'Sciaffusa' (Q12697) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Schaffhausen
  18. SO - 'Soletta' (Q11929) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Solothurn
  19. SZ - 'Svitto' (Q12433) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Schwyz
  20. TG - 'cantone Turgovia' (Q12713) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Thurgau
  21. TI - 'Canton Ticino' (Q12724) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Ticino
  22. UR - 'Uri' (Q12404) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Uri
  23. VS - 'Vallese' (Q834) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Valais
  24. VD - 'Vaud' (Q12771) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Vaud
  25. ZG - 'Zugo' (Q11933) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Zug
  26. ZH - 'Zurigo' (Q11943) - Cultural properties of national significance in the canton of Zürich


  1. AG - 'Argovia' (Q11972) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Aargau
  2. AI - 'Appenzello Interno' (Q12094) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden
  3. AR - 'Appenzello Esterno' (Q12079) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden‎
  4. BE - 'Canton Berna' (Q11911) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Bern‎
  5. BL - 'Basilea Campagna' (Q12146) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Basel-Land
  6. BS - 'Basilea Città' (Q12172) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Basel-Stadt
  7. FR - 'Friburgo' (Q12640) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Fribourg
  8. GE - 'Ginevra' (Q11917) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Geneva‎
  9. GL - 'Glarona' (Q11922) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Glarus
  10. GR - 'Grigioni' (Q11925) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Graubünden
  11. JU - 'Giura' (Q12755) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Jura
  12. LU - 'Lucerna' (Q12121) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Lucerne
  13. NE - 'Canton Neuchâtel' (Q12738) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Neuchâtel‎
  14. NW - 'Nidvaldo' (Q12592) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Nidwalden
  15. OW - 'Obvaldo' (Q12573) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Obwalden
  16. SG - 'San Gallo' (Q12746) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of St. Gallen‎
  17. SH - 'Sciaffusa' (Q12697) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Schaffhausen
  18. SO - 'Soletta' (Q11929) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Solothurn
  19. SZ - 'Svitto' (Q12433) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Schwyz
  20. TG - 'cantone Turgovia' (Q12713) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Thurgau
  21. TI - 'Canton Ticino' (Q12724) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Ticino
  22. UR - 'Uri' (Q12404) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Uri
  23. VS - 'Vallese' (Q834) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Valais
  24. VD - 'Vaud' (Q12771) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Vaud
  25. ZG - 'Zugo' (Q11933) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Zug
  26. ZH - 'Zurigo' (Q11943) - Cultural properties of regional significance in the canton of Zürich



Data improvements
