Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/Doc/WLM-2013-documentation-FAQ-organisers

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This page sums up frequently asked questions asked about Wiki Loves Monuments from an organisers's perspective with short answers and—whenever applicable—links to background pages.

General questions


Who's organising the competition?

Wiki Loves Monuments is organised by the volunteer Wikimedia community with the help from (whenever applicable) their local Wikimedia chapters. Preparations for the project are mostly run by groups of Wikipedians interested in cultural heritage and the chapters offer them help in promotion, legal issues, finding sponsors and partners, funding prizes for the contest etc.
The 2013 edition will be internationally facilitated by a small team of volunteers involved in the organisation of previous editions: Karthik Nadar from India, Cristian Cantoro from Italy, Lodewijk Gelauff and Romaine from the Netherlands, Mónica Mora from Panama, Tomasz Kozlowski from Poland, and Platonides from Spain.
The international team will perform a mainly coordinating role over the local teams, assisting them with matters that are similar to most of the countries, and taking care of the general issues — for instance the CentralNotice banners, setting up UploadCampaigns, getting in touch with national cultural heritage organisations, and providing support in general.
The actual work on organising Wiki Loves Monuments on a national level will be performed by the local teams; they will be responsible for the maintenance of monuments lists on their respective Wikipedias, helping out users who contact them with questions, promoting the competition, organising outreach initiatives, setting up the jury, etc.

How do I get involved?

If you want to organise Wiki Loves Monuments in your country, we ask you to have a look at the list of participating countries. Quite possibly, there are already some people from your country that expressed interest in organising the competition; if so, please try to contact the people or organisation in charge, and get involved with them!
If your country is not yet on the list, it probably means that there wasn't enough interest in organising Wiki Loves Monuments — but it might be a chance for you! If you feel like leading the organisation of the competition in your country, please be bold and write an e-mail to the international organising team at and we'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
You don't need to be a member of your local Wikimedia chapter to organise Wiki Loves Monuments in your country, but if there is a chapter in your area, please try to approach them and get their support! On the other hand, if you are a member of your local Wikimedia chapter, please make sure to involve the community in the project as much as possible — you will definitely need their help in completing the lists of monuments, correcting the likely mistakes, and in many more aspects of the preparations.

What are the responsibilities of the national team?

Some text goes here.

How can I raise money for our budget?

Usually, we suggest to try to cover your expenses with the help of sponsors. In many countries it is possible to find sponsors to pay for the things or services you would otherwise have to pay for yourselves (prizes, goodies, promotional materials, etc.). If there is a Wikimedia chapter in your country, it is also feasible that they could cover some part of the expenses.
When finding sponsors for your contest or getting support from a local Wikimedia chapter is not possible, there still remains a third way. If the total amount of money you need is below €300 (about US$400), you can request a small grant from the Wiki Loves Monuments international budget. We have reserved €4,500 for a low-threshold and low bureaucracy grant system; if you want to apply, simply send an e-mail to, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
If the amount of money you require is higher than €300, or if you find it more convenient, you can also request financial support through the Wikimedia Foundation grants process.