Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2014-03-17

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Hurray, we're back! B-) =D
Present: Lodewijk, Romaine, Christian, Monica, Platonides


  1. Nepal and El Salvador still missing at Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 winners
  2. Financial
  3. Writing m:Grants:PEG/Wiki Loves Monuments international team/2013 coordination/report

Missing countries


Nepal and El Salvador still missing at Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 winners - Solved!

Financial stuff


Cristian wasn't able to meet with Karthik about the financial stuff.

Apart from Bolivia, we seem to have all the minigrant reporting in.

Vouchers: Wikimedia Italia can buy the vouchers with their credit card, but they need a bit of time for that. We can either advance it to WMIT, or to a personal account (Lodewijk offered, if money is sent in advance). Lodewijk recuses. Decision is to take the fastest route, which is through personal account. This is 2500-2950 euro (depending on disqualifications to be enforced or not) to be advanced. Assuming Lodewijk can actually make this work (should double check). Lodewijk recuses from the actual decision. Cristian proposes to use the personal card route: Lodewijk will receive the money needed for the vouchers in advance, so he can buy the vouchers with his personal card. Monica, Romaine, Cristian, Platonides agree. So is decided.

WMIT should also get the printing & shipping expenses reimbursed as soon as possible (!). (A) Cristian makes sure they send the details and payment request as soon as possible.

420 calendars have been printed 'extra' for a few countries that requested those. Calendars were shipped too late and Lodewijk proposes to (if we can afford it from our budget) include the full calendar printing in our budget expenses. Total printing costs is ~1600 euro, we budgeted 4000 - instead of charging the chapters for the extra calendars, this will be on the account of WLM-international. This makes the situation less complicated administratively, and budget wise, as well as it is more fair. Cristian recuses himself. Lodewijk, Monica and Romaine in favor. So is decided.

(A) Cristian will take this up with Karthik.



We have to write a report... m:Grants:PEG/Wiki Loves Monuments international team/2013 coordination/report

Lodewijk asks who takes the charge of this. Silence.

Monica asks what needs to be done, lodewijk tries to give an idea, a lot of stuff from the proposal can form a basis. Cristian will have charge of the financial part of the report together with Karthik.

Cristian wonders if we will be ready in time. Lodewijk suggests to explain to the WMF that the quality of the report will improve with a small extension.

Lodewijk looks at Platonides and Romaine and wonders out loud whether we all should help.