Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2013/Meetings/2013-10-17

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WLM-international meeting, Thursday the 17th of October, the Year of our Lord 2013. Meeting has been convened by our most honorable committee members of the international coordination team of "Wicky Luves Monumints".


  • Winners
  • jury (international)
  • Survey(s)
  • Evaluation
  • Guiness World Record (maybe?)
  • minigrants? (there were some countries pending) <--


  • come from Andorra up to now
  • Winners are sent to Monica and Lodewijk
  • WInners should be validated (license correct, winner with e-mail address)
  • Can be imported in the jury tool on November 1st

(A) Lodewijk create google doc.


  • we have 6 members right now, they are confirmed and posted on the website:
    • Director of a big famous museum in Poland
    • A Wikipedian from Spain
    • Heritage export from Argentina
    • A Wikimedian from France
    • Heritage expert from India
    • Heritage expert from the Netherlands
  • there may be a 7th member, we have some other people from whom we are waiting a response

Relevant deadlines

  • 31st October deadline for nominations
  • 2nd November nominations available for jury members
  • Announcement around 8th December



Two surveys: one for participants, one for organizers.

  • Participants' survey
    In Platonides' bucket. English text is ready, software is set up. Now translations need to be set up.
  • Organizers' survey
    Cristian will create the 2013 version based on the 2012 survey. Karthik offers to help.


  • discussion at the end of October
  • Throughly evaluation: because of the grant and because we love evaluating!
  • 2 weeks from now next meeting: whoever isn't there, is likely to be volunteered to lead the evaluation.



The real work here will actually start here mid November.

Minigrants ?

  • Colombia: Paypal is not very convenient, but still trying to work it out. Monica is in communication.